POLICE BEAT Tint following im.idents wore reported to the University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene polic e department from March 29 to April 6. • A University student reported a theft on the 1200 block of Alder Street March 'll I he student's c ar window was broken and a radar detector was stolen. The dam age to the window was estimated at $158. and the radar detector was valued at $75. • A University student reported the theft of lost or mislaid properly at the Val ley Kiver Center April 2 The student said she left her wallet somewhere in the mall The wallet c ontained $250 worth of trav ciler's c hec ks. a hank book and a driver's license, for a total loss of $290. • The Eugene lire department reported a theft of a $200 fire helmet on the H00 bloc k of East 19th Avenue early in the morning of April -1 The fire department was responding to a fire alarm at the Sig ma Chi fraternity. M4t) I 19th Ave . when the theft oc c urred A< c ordmg to polo e reports, firefighters arrived upon tin* scene. where (hey ww "about 100 people, many of them intoxicated, were standing around." An ambulance and paramedics Avert* also at the house responding to a medical call for a "par tygoer who had too much alcohol." A firefighter said he met resistance from a fraternity member when the fire fighter tried to get into the house to resect the fire alarm, which was apparently set off os a prank According to police reports, the house member told the fire fighter that "this is none of your busi ness" and "to get the hell out of here " . After the firefighter was able to reset the fire alarm, he returned to the fire truck to find a helmet had lieen taken off of the* truck Members of Sigma (-hi and the Alpha Phi sorority who were standing outside ol the party said they didn't know anything about the missing helmet The helmet was found by a citizen on High land Oaks Drive about 10 p m. April A • A 17-vear-old youth was arrested for theft of a hie yclo after being stopped for riding a hike on a c nmpus sidewalk April .V f'he boy was riding on the sidewalk with a friend when the pair were stopped hv an OPS officer The officer rnn a i heck on the University bike identification numbers and found that one of the bikes was reported stolen Dec 31 The l«iv said he bought the bike more than a year ago after mow ing lawns and cleaning gutters to pav for it The suspect was arrested after his mom was called and said she didn't know anything about her son i leaning gutters She said her son told her he recently traded his old hike for the one he currently had •A 19-year-old man was arrested for 1)1 Iff after going through a slop sign at the intersection of University Street and Johnson l.ane April 5 According to polit e reports, the arresting officer found open containers in the car after pulling the man over for ignoring the stop sign The man's blood alcohol i ontenl regis tered 11 on the breathalyzer • A 3fi-wjar-old man was arrested for theft on the 1000 block of Host 15th Avenue April (> OPS officers went to the hike racks near the Bean Complex after OPS received calls of a man prowling around bike* in the area When OPS offi cer* arrived thev found the suspect near the hike racks riding a hike and carrying a day pack The suspect told the officers he was looking for his hike, which he said had been stolen earlier this vear Accord ing to poli< e reports, the suspect said he was looking by Bean because his room mate had seen the hike there earlier The man gave a phone number for his room mate that later turned out to be the phone number of the suspect's parents OPS officers called in the ID on the hike the suspect was riding and phoned its owner. The owner said she had last seen the hike at l td p.m April 5 and didn't know it had been stolen. The sus |H« t told the offii ers he had borrowed the bike from a man at New Max's Tavern April 4 OPS officers found a large pair of holt cutters, two screwdrivers and some hike tools in the suspect's das pack. He said he was going to use the equipment to "cut locks ofl his bike.” The suspect, who was on parole for robbery and theft, was arrested without incident IF YOU’RE A mmtsm ) CLASSIFIEDS Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS A XU Congratulate* Out n**r**t pladqa* Cotana 0 Sarah S Taha E Shannon S Alteon O. Jennifer W. WELCOME TO AXU_ Alpha Phi Walcomee tta naataal member* MtetwHaS SaByA Katrina B JuHe O Sarah B Kendra M Joanna E Barbara M. BonneyN _ CONGRATULATIONS CORAL F ON MAKMO U or 0 CttrERlEAOMG WE KNEW TOO COULD 00 ITT W.Sf_ Congratulation* to Pat and Kafr*. Our boat arlaha* to you tor a arondartul Mural • DO KX 1 •'»>*» tor thrr tarrrfcc tsMt W* an had a grr-ni umrr' • At AMI K1 SORRY ITS LATE WE. LOVE YOU1 CARRIE AND CRAIG LXJNGRATUL ATIONS ON YOUR PINNING • YOUR SISTERS Xu ' All Cxmgraluiahon* to tha nan Spring Piadge Clot ot "W1 Cryttal FAcota Cathy Sandy Rotanna Hauther Afltaon Wt Lo*a You1 Ml XU KA KA Watcoma Nan Ptadgrt* Sarah B Ker, M Rayma H Samantha M Kan K Rachel T ACT •. YOui SiMrrry KA KA 105 PERSONALS PidHtrtm victim MM*eng contact w*t\ cycKM*wEtrx«w noo« •cc»0«r». t«t> 4 A**< . 466 3^94 115 TYPING SERVICES ai mao rye robin * grad school APPROVED IMyaar mouaTMs bart ground Term paperuT^* raauma *ar nca fat mg l a»w pr ON CAMPUS' JO THE TYINNb PRO Word ProcaaamglEdtmglTypirrg Thaaaa Dtaaartabona on Laaar _i:.t UTHM U .1 me_ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land "* 4BS-U4J Solving UO mm i*nc« ’961 Typing nord^procaRHng ^‘ <®do^ bra-apacad laaar poga 24 hr turn ' around. Fraa cam put prehupdat ■rnnsy ♦ f mmbI In pur lutura witB^\ ! OfBflon Oaily Ebstbio l CIbbbIUbiI RdvartlBUiBJ Spaniah Tutor I'anuatoni ar< tut» 3/74 t:s INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For *« your paper*. protect*. etc Writing. editing. proofing AM *ut> ject# and »fy*e* Aflordeb*# and c on van tan I PRO/EDIT 343-2747 i JO FOR SALE MISC Canon AV-t «r?50mm ?S-;OS69/ aval it t Snail anti 9 S” apoiy. 3 iart$ 4 5. 6 4 t? 6 9 North Defta $660- complete 461 ?Sa 1 GUMBO RUBBER STAMPS' Thy Gumbo Rubbat Stamp Work! W4I Da kaktng at too EMU (naat mam d**k) Aprt 7, 6, A 9m Moralng around- NEVER -war* vary aartout about Itoaa wait t»# buy. ■an. and trad* at Th* Cloth** Nora* TK E 13th 346-5099 145 CARS TRUCKS GOVERNMENT SEIZED from $t00 Ford# Mercedes. Concept. Oevys surplus buyers gu«de » 600 962 6000 e*tjSG64£ 1967 Dodge Arte* K. 2 <* ac. pfc pa. cr. am-fm comi nt, $800 oc>o Andrea 346 6977 78 BMW 320 Great cond, stereo. »unroof $2600 666-4675 •7 Toyota Tercel i acescent condrtion Very refaabie. 77.000 rmiee. 4 speed super m4«M*ge. $2600 Becky 3464343 c* >* rtnm al 669-0136 Wmtbn* Tinting P#oie#**onel W«ndcm T^>t For Auio# Legal Int* Awnaftre 1 Sludenyf acuity Oscoum*. 997 7461 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 19B6 Yamaha Jog ahatmel local good, runt grant' $300 OBO 7460000 tUiarAPM ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 78 Yamaha 850 Runs well, helmets S500 or best Call 484-3188 eves 82 Hand! Espree* ■<> »K»' nm* feel helmet 5 HO per"* «nd l»CbO Csi now 3*66036 1S6 BICYCLES Diamond Sack w ' H (Sorrento) Cony BMC* M»u* S2ft0 Caf to> WM MA 5CU9 166 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Appi* Macintoe* i lou M wrf* image Wf4e* printer ^evwr ban#' OpWifd SiQOQMm 72*6219 afti* _ Commodon COTV amir- keyboard floppy dr»v« mouse and 3 at* C*2 Ty«Kj4d4 T3Q6 WnagaWrit* H G*#al Condfeon. $'60 Mar* 679t hlactntoth SE *> *<**>* ctac <*Jve Imagawritar 21 l*e ^ f upgraded. S 700 080 663 4103 Mutt *•* m> M« lit. nagofeat** pr<* CootpaQ and Mat m> Can Tanka to* data* at *ft4 94/2 xT-Compat 40 MB. HO »loppy e*t Mxd. oo*o» moY’rio#. nxx»ta. StttatuS word. $250 OBO 686 3602 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!” We buy vtfi am! m*v*» VMS VCR i and Thompton t tattronoL. ilSSOM 343 ft? 73 __ Oanon DCC-M70 gfe> >*v put out 0» ftaad. dear sound, pawl $760. $4?6 obo 342-6789 175 INSTRUMENTS SC Rich HJ senes gutter. Fender Princeton Choni* Amp. 5300 mBi 3452989 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convenient location* 7M E. 1 3tn 525 Willamette (campul) (down town) 5*5-1551 5*5-4717 BUYING HOURS 55.44-F 5t.2-5.N-f 52. M Smith Family Bookstore HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Only S2M"' Jm there ANYTME lo* S269 Horn me Wen Coast 5169 fiom ft last Coast wtm aiRHITCH# (ReoSted m let s Go1 6 NYTmes) I-310-304-0550 205 OPPORTUNITIES ALPHA KAPPA PSI Co-ed Business Fraternity Is recruiting new members' Informational meeting is April Mb. 550 Gilbert Hall. * 50PM 205 OPPORTUNITIES EARN 1500* weefcty itufhry envelopes as f>eme send «ng SA$t Country Irving Shoppers l>e** 122 14415 fc Gree*»we« Spr»rvg* Rd. Ste 3g Wort Study Quel if ted student* as cthcm assistants to type Me. and party m genef* office dute*. S6 5OV opportunrty to learn word p^txesvng s*^s. fte»tt*e afternoon hours Ml out appeal ton *1 X?0 Chapman tie* See >arx.e_ Summer **>» <*d ntem snips Un*ve* vt> Dwector et the natron* •aryeii put**ne* o< campus telephone cVectOf w* «* xdervene ng .joa» onenied Student* tor a chaleng'vg. lultim# Summe position Gam valuable e«per»ence m adve/t*vng sares and pot»< *et«tions Average earning* $3,900 f »pen*« pod troniog program rfi Htii nC Co^ege aedrt may t*« OvaaatAe F'tor *'<*w sugn up awa.iat3*e today af CPAP Center ;*44 Mendncsa »flprr CAN'T FINO A JOB' looking tor any* ronmaniaBy oonsctous peopte tc help tram & manage sadrs tore©* m ar n panckng environmental company. M A part feme 346 6366 Cruise lint Entry leve* on boardTartdsxJe Posrfeon* avarf sum . me# year 'Ountl 114 649 1669 Earn cath stutfeng envelopes at home AM materials provided Sand SASF to P 0 9643 $prae room A meals plus salary. av*mngs and wee* ends oil 744 0436 Office A sslstant Secretary cad t»me 10-15 hourtTwk. tauble schedule M F mm typing 65 wpm. general clerical, must have vabd drivers keen*#, errands m company vends Please bring resume to 301 Monroe Si Eugene OR M-f, t 6pm No phone calls Outdoor Flower Salas Mokday Help 343 939*_ STUDENT WORKS PAINTING P»nt during the summer m E ugene' No e*p necessary Cart Jason at 346 9969 _ SUIMIR JOSS TO SAVE TX ENVMOMCNT EARN S2$06UOO AMO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Nationa> campisgr poe.te obtained at the area desks *n Carson. Hamilton. University Inn wto the Mousing Office m Walton HaH. Program Assistants (PA) must be fuH time students at the U c* O and need to live m a residence nan whore they are employed Compensation to* the position ts room and board m a single room fh« deadline *or completed applications is Monday April 12th. 1993 at 5pm to the University Housing Oftee '»nguair‘mu*tultufai program now hiring 3 work study positions Must be bihnguas It ng»t5h/$pan*shl. a mature mdMdual iiossessmy good communication skills Must haw strong word processing sk«#s Good money tor the right people Fie tuple hours Ca> Akoa 3460681_ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Camput Apwlmwiti Fumlthad 1i2 Bedroom* Wi/rtm run. HIMU1 4*6-2*21 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avail now. gu*t country atmosphere wreonvervenf city location, other features metode pom tenms'basketbaH ets rec room arnJ playground. ght past 26th and Chambers 484-6653 Room available «n 2 story# bedim .ipt $28/'mo ♦ utd 5 nun wa» to campus quiet toe. pabo A parking 687 71 78 _ spacious. 1 bdrm apt across from Westmoreland Park Appliances tree cable water garbage sewer tots o* storage Near shop*>ngon pusfcne PVjfTYtree Apartments 1565 W tftth 686 9499 Unique apartment f0th and K?nca*d one bedrm. furnished $36G$270 Summer Cat Heather 686 9442_ Unique 1 bedrm .ipt block from campus $396rm©. first A aat ♦ dep 485 7386 ___ 1 and 2 bedroom apt ava>iab*- laun dry. parking, security close to campus 484 9922 t bedroom furnished apt near muse bkJg. $360rmo. neat mauded Ca»i ahe» 2pm Ridgewood Apts 688 5769 REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Prime location on campus Nca 2 bedrm house w.-vaulted ce» j ■ngs A own Private garden $625 plus { dec 356 E i/th 741-2^4 _J fty l MU 346-4361