Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Students elected to board posts
By Tammy Batey
Oregon CX*\ fnw&k)
Two University students were elected to the
United States Student Association Board of Diret ■
tors at the student lobbying organization's annual
conference in Washington, D C . during spring
Ebon Brady and Erika Armsbury were among lfi
University students to attend the conference The
University's delegation was the largest at the con
ference. which was attended by 500 students from
70 colleges.
Brady and Armsbury were named to the posi
tions of Students of African Descent Caucus co
chairman and regional chairwoman, respectively.
Armsbury's post covers IJSSA colleges in Oregon.
Alaska. Washington and Idaho Brady will oversee
colleges across the nation.
T he Students of African Descent Caucus is part
of USSA 's National People of Color Student Coali
tion Brady's position ends in July, lie said he will
make a directory of phone numbers of black stu
dent unions and similar college organizations and
produce a membership list.
"I was really surprised no one (in the people of
color student coalition) really knew each other,
espri ially on the East Coast." he said "1 want to
fat ilitate people getting to know each other and
having access to other schools for events or just for
While at the nation's capital. ASUO President
Bobby I-ee was one of only sev en students to speak
at a hearing on the National Student T rust Fund,
which would allow students to repay loans
through community service
University students met with senators and Con
gress members to discuss nine federal issues
ASUO memliers chose to focus on.
These issues included the Military Freedom Ad.
which would lift the ban on gays and lesbians in
the military; the Violence Against Women Act.
which would itit rease sentences for repeat sex
offenders; and the National Servil e Trust Fund
"We were so organized in our lobbying that oth
er students tagged along with us." Fee said. "In
fact, a .Vei*sivtrvk reporter tagged along with us."
‘f want to facilitate people
getting to know each other
and having access to other
- Ebon Brady,
USSA board member
Some meetings with legislators were encourag
ing. Troy Shields, Lesbian. Gay and Unusual
Alliance co-director, and several other students
met with Sen Sam Nunn to vote e support for the
Military Freedom Ai t
"We didn't change Ins mind, but he heard what
we had to say." Shields said 'There was a dia
logue We weren't veiling at wii h other
Other legislators were less commune alive Ore
gon Sen. Hob Packwood didn't show up for his
meeting with ASUO Safety (Coordinator ( aitilin
Twain. l.ee and other students
The students hand-delivered about Vt5() letters to
Oregon Sen Mark Hatfield. Congressman Peter
DeFazio and Packwood's aide, voicing support for
"At this point I'm verv frustrated," Twain said
"We hand-delivered ti/O realh heartfelt letters to
Pack wood's aide, and he hasn't made one noise
about it."
Hut Lee said students weren't in Washington.
I) C , to meet with legislators w ho shared their
views on the issues
"We weren’t going there to lobhv our friends
he said. "We were going there to butt heads with
the strongest members opposing these at ts
Pronita Gupta. USSA legislative direi tor. said
the University delegation was one of the most pre
pared groups utteuding the conference
"They came ready to lobby," she said "They
had the information down They were prepared
to work."
University students met for two hours every Fri
day for two months to prepare for the cunfereni e
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