Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1993 Michigan paper says Brand on candidate list j President says he hasn’t been contacted about Michigan State job By Pat Malach Oregon D&fy The Michigan Stale University campus newspaper reported todnv that University President Mvles Brand and (College of Arts and Sciences I Van Rise Palm are offi cial candidates for the president s job at the sc hoot The State .Yews reported that sources close to the Pres idential Search Committee confirmed Brand and Palm have acc epted nominations to he c onsidered for the- pres ident's position, whic h was vacated in September Both Brand and Palm denied being candidates Robert Trader, c hairman of the Presidential Searc h Committee, refused toe omnftmt on Brand and Palm's sta tus in the sc-.ircfi "We never comment on individuals who may he included or ev luded from the search." Trader said " There is n total embargo on yes-or-no questions Mem-over. Trader said a list of candidates c ire ulatc-d to the media "contains a large? number of inac curacies " "It's c lear by the phone c alls I've been getting today that some names have been put forward that ought not to have been put forward." Traxler said It's unfortunate that someone sought to sabotage the search in that fash ion." Stall• Yens Kditor-in-Chief Bill Prise hling stood by the accurac v of the report s sourc es. I think someone from PR wrote ('Trader's) statement.'' Frischling said. "How does he know what's on our list' Hi? hasn't seen it.” Traxler said the committee is currently reviewing more than 150 c andidates to head the 41.000-student sc hool in Hast Lansing, Mich. He said the committee hopes to fill the? position by this summer. Traxler said candidates for the? position an- nominated. Consultants for the search c ommittee then c untact nom inees to determine? if they would like to lx* considered lor the? position. Brand said he has not been contacted by any represen tatives from Mil higan State. "I may have- iieen nominated bv someone?. ' Brand said, "but 1 haven't hoard from anyone.” Brand dec.lined to comment on any intc-rest in being considered for the |ob "1 assume I've been nominated." hi? said. But I'm not going to comment tics ause? I haven't heard from anyone, so it's not even in the ballpark Palm said she is contac ted by "headhunters"' often and does send out resumes, but she denied being considered for the Michigan State job. "I plan on staying in Oregon." she said Brand took over as president of the University in July of 1 OHM Before coming to Oregon, Brand had served os vie e president for academic: affairs u! the University of Ohio lieginiung in l‘)Hfi. He worked as u philosophy pro fessor and administrator at the University of Arizona from 19H1 to 1‘tnti. Brand has a doctorate in philosophy from the Univer sity of Rochester in Nt»w York and a bachelor of sc ience m philosophy from the Ressalaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy. N Y. Palm was named Dean of the College of Arts and Sc c ~ Turn to SEARCH. Page 5 Ptxno t»> AntfNony ^gnwrr Donovan Dichtar (loft) rataxas with Myles Brand attar a day of switching rotas with tha Unlvarslty president Brand goes back to school for day □ Student trades places, jobs and duties with president Tuesday By Betti Hege Ofxjin f lady fmerakl Myles Brand walked into Taylor's College Side Inn al (lie end of a Ion# day to kick bur k, have a drink and relax. He pulled up a table and ordered a tall glass of iced tea. A few minutes later, Donovan Dichter joined him and promptly ordered a pitcher of Budwoiser. Brand, University president, and Dichter. u sopho more pre-business major, sw itcher! places Tuesday in the "Trading Piucos" event sponsored by llui Student Univttrslly Relations Council, fudging from the choice of beverages. "President” Dichter hart the heavier agenda "The hardest part was constantly paving attention to what people had to say." said Dir liter, who moved into the president s office at 10.45 a.in., read and answered mail, had meetings on library i (instruction, attended a working lunch on housing projor K and discuss'*! the budget with fellow administrators "People have the assumption that the president is some dictator that has a lot of power Really, he just tries to baUn< e what is going on," Dichtor said. Turn to TRADE, to Patjo b Washington sells all Microsoft shares j Seattle will soon follow after company begins an operation in South Africa SEATTLE (AH) — The University of Washington lias sold all of its Microsoft stock and tIn* i it\ of Seat tle will follow Im*i ause the company has begun operating again in South Africa. The university sold its 8.400 Microsoft shares for about $720,000. Washington Hoard of Regents Trea surer VT.IIa Warren said The shares were par! of the school's .$2'I'! mil lion endowment fund The city of Seattle's Km ploy ee Ketireiuenl System owns about H, 1 fit) shares of Microsoft stock, worth about *750.000 The system's portfolio managers have been instructed not to buy any more Mu rosoft sto< k and to sell the exist ing stock when it would be finan cially advisable, system Kxecutive Dins,tor Roger Howeiler said Howeiler said he expected the sloi k lii he sold "m the i oursi* id .1 year or so." Hotli thn iiinvnrsitv null tin* ri’liri! 1111*111 syslnin had prwviousl\ adoptnd polii ms tliai lor hid thi’iii from own ing slot k in 1.0111 pa nil's listod as doing humfioss 111 South Aim a Tin* univnrsity sold its slot k 111 l)i*i imii hur. whim Mu rosofl's nainn appoarinl on a list puhlishi*d month ly by tin* Investor Kttsponsihililv Ki-swm.h Omtur in Washington. I> C i Kandy Massongulo. divorstly mon* ‘ Turn to WASHINOTONTPage S WEATHER Another pocket of moisture racing eastward at ross the Pat ifit will bring plenty of cloudiness and drizzle todas Rain is likely Thursday In l«i57, tile last of New York s electric trolleys com pleted its final run from Queens to Manhattan SHOOTOUT ON ALASKA CAMPUS ANCHORAGE Alaska (AP) - A woman was critically wounded in a shootout Tuesday between campus police at the University of Alaska a! Anchorage and her ex-huxhand. who apparently ended up killing himself police said Police spokeswoman |o Katkus identified the dead man as Robert Fletcher The woman is Ann Fleft her. his ex-wife and an offu e manager for th school of engineering. Police were notified w hen a woman was si reaming for help in a car in the university parking lot. Witnesses said there was an exchange of gunfire. __SPORTS CHICAGO (AP) - lose Guzman almost mads his debut with the Chi< ax0 Cuba on* uf the must memorable of all time Guzman was within one out of a no-hitter Tuesday when Atlanta* Otis Niuon singled and the Cubs held on to beat the Braves Ml in the second game of the season Mark Lemke and pinch-hitter Krannv o (jhrera led off the ninth inning with »asy outs But Nison, who made the final out of the !