Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    Michigan mistake gives Tar Heels championship
NEW ORLEANS (API — Two blunders
Two national championships for Doan
North Carolina i apitalt/.ed on a last
second mistake bv Mil higan and gave
Smith his set ond title with a 77-71 vu
torv Monday night.
Until titles came at the Superdome but
the 1982 game ended on a closing jumper
bv Michael Jordan and a bolt hod pass by
Georgetown's 1 red Brown This game
wasn't settled until Michigan's Chris
Webber i ailed a timeout the Wolverines
didn't have with 11 set onds left
"in the heat of the moment, strange
tilings happen." Mu higan i oai h Steve
Fisher said. "Chris said he heard some
one hollering and calling for a timeout
It's an awful wav to end the season "
Flu) Tar Heels won with a pow
erful inside game ol I'm Montross and
the i point shooting of Donald Williams
as Mil higan s Fab Five lost in the title
game lor the second consul utive year
Smith becomes the fourth active coach
to win two national i hnmpionships Indi
ana's Hob Knight has won three, while
Louisville's Denny t Turn and Mike
Kr/.yzewski of Duke have each won two.
Only John Wooden with 111 at l ( LA,
Adolph Rupp of Kentucky with four and
Knight have won mow than Smith, who
was making hi' ninth appearam e in a
Final Four.
North Carolina was loading '.Cl whan
Pat Sullivan missed the second of two
free throws with JO ms onds Uift Webber
grahhod th*■ rebound. < barged tip court
and stopped in front of his l>nni:h to i all
timeout Thu Wolverines had already
tisfil thfir allotted three and a technical
foul was on I It'd
Williams, w ho finished with 2rt points
made both fri>*' throws on the tin linical
and ho added two more when he was
fouled oil the ensuing possession for the
final margin
When the buzzer sounded the Tar
Heels charged the court and mobbed
Smith, the set ond winningest coach of all
time who had always been maligned for
Ins Final Four failures
Asked about getting his set ond chain
pionship on a bizarre (das. Smith said I
don't w ant to sav that was another fluke
file Tar Heels got the lead lor good
w hen rterru k Phelps scored on a lay up
with l IJ left for a f»H-ti7 lead |tmm\
king of Mulligan threw up an air hall
from t-point range and the far Heels
extended the lead to three when Ceorge
Lynch scored in the lane with 1 It) let!
Montross, who had If* points, tlnnkfd
vs ith oni' minutv U*ft and it was thf rar
Hl*e’ls ll\ M v
Has |iit k son's jumjx'r with l ‘ si’icmds
It'ft brought Mn hignn within thrw* again
An unfoo t’d turnover gave’ the- hall hat k
to the> Wolverines and Webber st orexl on
a rt’hountl with tt> si’t omls leeft 1 hose
wi’n* Mil higan s final points for a season
m whit h it went U ft, but faili’il again in
the’ final game'
Williams, tilt’ far Heels' onlv legiti
main perimeter threat. had fivi* t pomiers
in the’ semufinal win over Kansas and hr
matched that against Mit higan in 1 1
While’ Williams w .is st oring outside
Montross was tHtaipvmg most of the
Mit higan fronit onrt insult- That allowt'd
Lynch to i ome up vsith 12 points and in
re-lHinnds and allowed William . to off
the’ long lumpfrs
Mulligan hail lake'll a t. ' n t lead with
•l t t li’ft on a jumpier t>\ King but
Williams hit a t pointier to bring tin- far
llrt’ls within mu' md M't thf stage- for 10
•t run that t losi’tl thf game*
Webber finished vsith 2 i points and
grab let’ll 11 ffbotinds King had I * points,
while* lab’ll Hose- atltlftl 12
Smith's N( V\ rot ord improved to ft
2.1, the (mist tournament victories lor a
< oik h. Fisher dropped to n still-amazing
17 l Mo leil tint Wolverines to tin* nation
ill i hampionship .is the interim head
i o.li ll III t‘IH‘1
Michigan finished > lor I > from t■ point
range far from llie 0 for 4 effort against
Kentucky in the overtime semifinal
Mil lupin s one game run without any
1 |iointers ended earls. and throe long
jumpers on ,is mnnv possessions started
the Wolverines on the wav to a 2.1 It lead
witl^ 11 11 left m the hall Reserve Rob
Pel i ilk a hit two Is to start the 1*1 1 run
and Kose to I lowed with another as Mil lit
gun s< ored 11 straight points
North Carolina tied it 2 > when
Williams'first I pointer 1 apped the 12 2
run with tt (it left
Michigan was struggling earls with
hull trouble heiause overs starlet hut
Hose had two personals with It lit left in
the half 1 )nlv |.u kson pu ked up Ins third
tiv halftime hut hv then the Par Heels
had a 42 tt» lead
North l .arolina dominated the hoards
earls hut the Wolverines were within to
Itths halftime 1 lie mils stalistir of sig
min ant dilteieme was turnovers
Mu hit;.Ill had 111 North < arolina (list
Sophomore comes up
big for North Carolina
NFW ORPHANS (AIM — Surrounded by two of collegB basketball's
greatest re< rutting < lasses. Donald Williams the only sophomore
on the North Carolina roster — delivered the national championship
lor the Tar Heels Monday night.
Williams is the afterthought in the North Carolina lineup, often
overlooked in the glow of the other starters And yet. when there was
a ( hampionship to Iks won. it was the slender sophomore from Car
nor, N C . who made the difference
When Michigan nosed in front fiO-58. Williams went on a run of
eight straight points, including his fourth and fifth f-pomters That
kept the Tar Heels ill business
As important as that streak was, Williams then punctuated his
effort with a key steal following baskets bv Derrick Phelps and
George I.ynch. That led to a basket by Fric Montross. a member of
Carolina's talented junior class, that built a 72-07 lead, an edge the
Tar Heels never surrendered.
Williams wasn't finished
Chris Webber, one of Mi( logon's Fob Five sophomores, ladled for
a tune out when Michigan had none left and was charged with a
technical w ith 11 seconds remaining Williams cooly dropped both
free throws to make the score 75-71
A moment later, with Michigan out of options, the Wolverines
fouled Williams again With the bright lights of the Superdome glis
tening off Ins shaved head, the youngster dropped two more free
throws home, sealing the victory.
Williams finished with a game-high 25 points on H-for 12 from the
field, including 5-for-7 one 3-point attempts The 5-for-7 on I point
ers mirrored bis production in North Carolina s semifinal victory
over Kansas
Carolina fans take to the streets
( HAPEI mi i N < (AP)
An estimated li.000 students
.mil other Ians m reamed awav
Monday night vs<»t« limy; North
Carolina win the N( AA i ham
pionhifi. then streamed into
the streets for what was
expei.led to he .in all lily’ll!
"We're No 1 There is no
other." said Hobby Hooper, of
Keidsville. N l Iheyve
proven to lie the best team out
of all of them "
For Terry Woodley of Ko< k\
Mount, tiie victory meant
some payhui k when he
returns to a job lull ol Wolver
ine fans.
"This is great," he said "I
work at a place with nothing
but Big Ten Fans All I hear
about is the l ab Five We re
going to rub it in at work
The celebration drew fans
from all over
"1 came here bec ause it s a
once-in a lifetime opportune
I \. said ( hui k ( i nlv i l .ini|i
hi'll University student troiii
(ovmgton Va who w.is in
(lurmii Intel Auditorium (iv the
I ar Heels sealed .i 77 7) vii to
rv over Michigan
"1 i .mu' all thd wav from
l.yru hburg. Va In «»• this
et hoed ( diris Parker "l IN( is
mv I tram
( armii it at' I Auditorium,
when* Norlh Carolina (ilaveil
hefiire moving lo lhe largei
Dean Smith Ai livttv Center,
was festooned with streamers
of toilet paper m wlute and
Carolina hlne as fans wait lied
the game on a leg si wen tele
v ision
"In 'H_\ I was in New
Orleans, but after the game
there was no (lartv All the
Carolina Ians just went
home." said Mike Thomhury.
a UNC alumnus from Cary.
N (. I wanted to lie here this
Carolina won its only other
NCAA title under Smith m
New Orleans 11 years ago
l.ven Indore llir outi nine
was (l«*i iilcil this tiini'. tin*
mm ersitv iiml i itv iilfii nils
|iri'|> ircil lur Moniliiv night's
(.lust: lo 1 till ulIn i• i s from
( hapel Hill. C arrboro and iht'
university imlii i' department,
along with Orange ( utility
Sheriffs depotles were In lie
mi hand in guard against any
I’nlii e asked liars 111)1 In
serve drinks in Imttles, spokes
w ninali lane ( ousius s.nd
l aw enfori mnent agem ies
in ( Impel Hill has e i nine In
learn that a kin feature id the
town s celebration of sports
triumphs is a desire to paint
the town blue in the far Heels
Police asked hardware
stores to remove all cans of
nil-based paint ill sit v-colored
Carolina Mile" from their
shelves, and replaie it with
water-based paint
lha iurvtw su anxf* o» Iwenly
riders arixroIf Irom Seattle,
Portland San Francisco
to* Angeles. Btownsvi*e T X
and Uontreal
AI su routes will converge m
Wasfrnglon 0 C. .
al ilia and oI August lor lha luiale
333 VAUCNI IA ST »33<)
1415) 431 4480
Be On Tv!!
April 6th, 4pm KLSR TV will be at
Tuesday 4-8pm
$5.00 admission includes:
- Bottomless Soda
- Free Dance Lessons
University Mousing
Untvi?rs»ty of Oregon
Vacancies are anticipated tor the 1993-94 Academic year at the
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The University Inn/Riley Area Desk
JOB OPENING: Fall Term 1993 continuing through Spring Term
1994 Applicants must be able to commit to working the entire
1993 94 academic year Training will begin Spring Term 1993
Job descriptions are attached to applications
COMPENSATION: Campus single room and board credit and a
cash stipend ot $1710 0QJ9 equal payments) An hourly rate of
$5 15 will be paid during the training period
QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to qualified
individuals with U of 0 Housing experience The Senior Desk
Assistant works an average of 20 hours per week, divided
between desk and supervisory duties The Senior Desk Assistant
must live in the U of 0 residence halls and be registered for a
minimum of 8 undergraduate or 1 graduate credit hour(s)
Candidates must have an accumulative GPA of 2 5 and received
at least a 2 25 last term
APPLICATIONS: Applications are available at all Area Desks and
at the University Housing front desk and are due back to any
Area Desk or the University Housing front desk, no later than
Noon Wednesday. April 7. 1993 Applications may be screened
on the basis of their quality and only completed applications will
be guaranteed consideration
An AAtOf institution, committed to cultural diversity and compliance * th the
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