Students change vacation into relief effort PERRINE. Ha (AP) — Tin* stench of dredged up NATIONAL swampland wails through the screened walls of a mess hall whore voting, sun burned volunteers sc rape and die e carrots Down the road, inset is buzz about the ears of an inexperi enced work crew Irving to rebuild a hurricane-ravaged bam. This is spring break? Hundreds of students would have it no other wav "People need to do something like this not only for other peo ple. but for themselves." said Julie lerrero, 24. n nursing stu dent nt Western Connect!! ut State t 'niversitv Ferrero forfeited the tradition I Jnivenulv of Toledo Aim Cornelius. I't, a sopho more English iiia|or al ihit Uni versity of Fennessee m Knoxville, said she wanted to experience a lesson no class room could offer "I expected it to he very ful filling and useful," said Cor nelius. who plans to join the Peace Corps "But it‘x been much more of a learning experi ence " |i!l Funk, the burru ane relief i oorduintor at Ifie llniversitv of Miami, said i(it' energy and foi us of the ( ollege volunteers i ompensale (or their lai k of skills A tent i itv was set up for itn> students by .Samaritan's Purse, part of a ministry based at ItiHini'. N ( Mort* than lot) students in addition to about 100 .Sainari tan s Purse workers, sleep on < anvils i nis and sharu four men's showers and four w omen's showers After an eight-hour day pic k ing up trash, tearing out drvwull or building a horn, the students also has n to lake turns i ooking lor the group ET ALS MUIIM.S \sUt-pti«ntnrv Room F For mow informs lion, call t*M7 1121)6 MiulenU tor ( how «* will tonight at 7 us Room 112 Wiliam**! ir> For mow in for million, c all I4t> 0t*4‘i Student Senate will meet tonight at ti in I Vt! ( 4*niur\ Room A For mom in forma • Returning Student* Aium tation will moot today at ' p.m in Room 232 (iltbiMl For mom information, c all 346 4305 KH It.ION II111**1 will offer « f’a>*ovt?r Seilar tonight a! t> at the VVi»»1*t\ (jmtet on Kin caul St met nrcl to the fiaokctnra Bring a tanerage and a viigt’tarian dial) For more information, c all 343 8020 MIM H I \MOI V (irrm4H I Krirril w Kihim 212 Frtondiv ‘-or mor (•f«liu4lf V hflol » ollrr .» !o I t> m in f Ml « *»ci«r t » of hn ironmrntal ( *rrm Of|(inif«lion j j» m in ih« KMU ( k»k kooo: t mor* luimalKHi, ml! •»«*» 1117, room ll». (•nlilrn Krv Vtliunil Honor So* irtv I SI API I ohbv ! «M*% w KM l I UK;, * .11 i 14«v 4 > > t SkM Mr M-ttii pirn- needle luskci in this lour »o-k workshop. M.iliri.ih for out- bosket »ill Ik- included. Wrdnrwlays, kHW pm Apr " 2H. SIM members s non nu-inlM-rs UNIVOf OAKXSN LOWUUiVll. IAMJ KMMQMMM1 CRAFT CENTER 4rr i 'V'■!\.'W' with N. dhweslern Mutu wh ,t> )i <; earn y. jr degrey* So don't s 10 your suit shod Cac us about an internship that can tv ol grunt value to you and to a praspeidtve employer For more information can Jun tusk. CtU, ChFC . Mr. a-l61 IK ( niTijum • &School Supply 35% OFF! GOING, GOING, GONE... We are getting out of the poster & fine art prints business to make room for exciting new products. We will continue to sell frames & mats. ^ Posters Closeout!