will speeitl giests LOVE BATTERY & SEV EN YEAR BITCH Wednesday * April 1 • 8pm EMU BALLROOM - •» . -i.ia «* a - • GRflAD OPEAlflG Starting Thurs., April 8 20% OFF ALL ACCESSORIES Free 1 year labor with bike purchase Refrc/hmcnt/ BLUE HERON BICYCLES Coke 877 E 13th Nl IT TO U Of O DOO«STO**f Graphics • TYPISHimC • PISH UP • UTOUI • OISICN • consulTAXIOM • CAMiM • •4i tin 1.* 'i mi m. v«t*i t •nk •* :UC:i39i >.< • REACHING HIGHER Kvening Master's Degrees at NCC M.A. in MARRJACE and FAMILY TI lERAl’Y Family studies; |*sycho therapy, professional studies, biblical studies; brief therapy methods; clinical experience; systems approach to family counseling M A. in CHRISTIAN STUDIES Bibik. .ll studies; hbionul and thcologic.il M tidies, gender, rate, .uvJ rnvuunmciK.il studies; effective mm munution; church growth .ukI leadership; youth ministry a Both degrees require one year of course work a a Most classes ire held in the evenings a a Graduate fellowships available a (Fall term uvJ early applications receive priority) a New classes begin in September a Application Deadline: - May IS {Admitted for Fall) - Marriage and Family Therapy - Any time (Rolling Admissions) - Christian Studies NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 343-1641 A 1-800-888-1641 828 East Eleventh Ave. • Evgene, OR 97401 AoauorrED by ths Nortwotsi- Assocmhon of Saioocs amu Vuuou i Victims want overpass screens SAt.KM (Al'l — Two motorists. who were severo |y injured by rex ks thrown off freeway overpasses, urged lawmakers Monday to speed safety si reel ling of the over head i wsstngs "What are wi' waiting fur' Somi' innocent victim to !«• dotapitated?” Zeida Suniga of Salem asked the Hmiw Transportation Suht omrnittee Suniga was seriously hurt in September 19HB when a hi pound rot k dropped from an Interstate 5 overpass Ih'Ivvin'ii Salem and Woodtuim crashed though a i or window onto her < host and face. Suniga's hushand. Trank, was driving the car. He said Ins w ife would have fieen dec apitated if the huge rix k had landed slightly differently "I ask your help in protec ting our travelers from w hat really are attempts to murder or seriously injure." he told the < omrnittee Zeldn Suniga told legislators polii « reports show 100 to 1 2ri objei Is are thrown off of overpasses eac It year Also testifying was Jessu a Allen of Vancouver, Wash . whose face was smashed in 1985 by a 7 pound roi k thrown from on 1-5 overpass north of Albany onto her family's pickup trtu k Allen, now 20. said she was angered to later read pole e reports that showed there had been a dozen other incidents of objects tossed from overpasses in the area Her father. Terrem e Allen. said the s, reening program needs to lie a< t eleraled 'll is my hope it will not take a death to be the c atnlvst." he said. Zeida Suniga said both incidents ( hanged the courses of the victims' lises "We will never fully ns over." she said. A hill introduced at f rank Suniga's request. HB2507. requires the state Transportation Depart ment to install screens on all new overpasses and on at least 10 existing overpasses each year. Suniga said the agency decided to erect 12 over pass screens a year after the Allen incident. But only one had been installed by the time of his wife's injuries three years later, he said. Dwayne Hofstetter. safety engineer for the stale Highway Division, said the Transportation Com mission later had scaled hack the timetable so screens are installed on four to six overpasses a year I le said the work on each overpass costs close to $30,000 and there are almost 400 overpasses in the state. The measure also was endorsed by representa tives of tile Teamsters Union and the Oregon Trucking Association. Rep Chuck Norris. D-Hormiston. the subcom mittee chairman, said lie will schedule another hearing on the measure. Lawyer says Packwood didn’t identify sponsors PORTLAND (AI’) — A lawyer filed a c omplaint Monday against Sen Hot) Packwood. claiming the Oregon Republican failed to prop itIv identify (ampaign ( ontributors Keith I) Skelton said the < omplaint lie sent to the Senate Ethic s Commission alleges Pm kwood violated Senate rules by failing to fol low federal elec .lions law Skelton c ited a stor\ that ap|>eared in I he Sunday Oregonian say ing Pat kwood's reports to the Federal Idee tion Commission did not identify the- cm c 11 ;>.itions of more than half the individual contribu tor* who gave him S200 or more The senator's disc Insure statements from 1991 through election day l‘t‘12 indicate I’ac kwood was unable to determine what promi nent people sue h as Craituuy winner Quint v lones or former Time Wnrner Inc c hairman Steven | Ross did lor a living Elaine Franklin, Pack wood's c.hief of stall said Monday that the disclosure forms were filed by an at countnn! who may not know the cm i upations ol the c ontributors Contributors who don't identify themselves rec eive a letter ask ing for the information, but they don't always provide it. she said. Franklin added that Par kwood's t ompaign requests the informa tion for all contributions of $100 or more, even though it is required only for those greater than $200 "We've gone to great lengths to make sure we comply yvith elec tion htv\." she said Skelton, however, blamed Packwood "The lays requires that candidates make their 'best efforts to idem lifv-contribulors." Skelton said In I'm kwood's i ase, even some o.f bis c lose friends and assex Kites were not so identified Skelton also argued in Ins complaint that I’ac kwood lias deliber ately, habitually and knowingly broken the federal elections law regarding complete filing of information about campaign i ontribu tors. the Sttndm Oregonian reported that Republican Sen Mark Hat field, Pec kwood's colleague front Oregon, identified H I percent of bis c ontributors during bis 1990 Senate race, altout average lor Congress Skelton is the husband of Hc>tty Roberts, a former state Supreme Court justice who run unsucc essfully against I’ac.kwood in 1974 r Sixth-grader raises funds for homeless CORVALLIS (API — A mother trying to help her 10 vear-oht son stop staying up past hts bedtime started the sixth-grader on a fund-raising drive that will feed a trio of homeless people for a month lade Piet/, said he was pes tering his mom one night, saving he couldn't sleep because "I wanted to give money to the homeless." His mother, lean, laughed when she recalled the episode. "I didn't want to discour age him. hut I thought, 'Bov . are you reall> pushing your bedtime,"' she said "He does this a lot stall tact it s Instead of telling him to go hack to bed. she suggested he think of wins to raise the money, ('singa night light in his ( Inset, lade drew up a list of possibilities. Alter considering car wash es and can collections, he decided on organizing an art sale lit Mountain View hie mentarv School Ills fellow students donated the art. which raised SlUti ta 1 SPRING TERM SPECIAL Spring Term NO INITIATION FEE Oregon West -fitness • Personalized Training • Aerobics!!! • Tanning Packages • Complete Co-Ed Spa Facilities • Next to Biking & Running Trails • Universal Circuit & Free Weights • Stairmasters. Aerobicycles, Lifecycles & Versaclimbers Expires April 15. 1995 1475 Franklin Blvd. across from campus 485-1624 Tanning packages available: Vbu don't need to be a member!