. ..j*rxrwBrrzsK Jim Treloar and Perry Pepper are among the more than 100 Uni versity students participating In a nationwide last HUNGER Continued from Page 1 resentatives had," Treloar said. Supporters of the former committee are trying to obtain about li.r»C)0 signatures for a petition, which would demand Congress to focus on the hunger problem and suit port Hall. Work to help the homeless needs to stnrt at a local level. OSP1RG member Perry Pop per said. In pugene. OSPIRG and the national student campaign are planning a Hunger Cleanup for Saturday. April 17 The ninth annual clean up is a one-day workathon, and everyone is encouraged to either participate or donate money to the cause. SELF SERVICE The CefKj Sh*j> Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Sannwri PmOtrsan S furr, ■ Ryu an Un 485-6253 ;LMNfc TO YOt K HI AKi s (. ON I KM AT TEfclYAKI ACXEY Fast, Healthy Food At Great Prices Take Out Available Close to Campus tft#» D*ry Quo*" ISW & 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 f J American AMociaDon Oayo* AAtmt Inc /^MOVIELANlH^ AT WEST IHh 808 SENECA ST. 342-4142 fel CHEAP SEATS! BRING THIS AD IN FOR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE __ GOOD 1ST MATINEE SHOW ONIY MON THUR OTTER GOOD THRU 4 IS9i STUOfcNT NIGHTS mam mo 92 Off AOUIT komso* •wt* % njoBt r c tnv • p m 1 gngywnt O«counl Coupons I v*rung D«cOuflli toramraita m TIGHTWAD TUESDAY $3.00 IXCfPT SPtClAl EMGAGEMEXT? tLiuh CMxropmmmmMvo* PC OtmOHOGDAY T? ( V15 3 15 5 15) 7 15 9.15 THECRUSH (210 4:10) ) 6 lO 9.10 lO K (11 5 30)7 40 9 50 INDECE.ST PROPOSAL (1 OO >10 >40) too *006 aTMTVMOM THESASDLOT "TF |I10I»>IO|»0 IK *T**r»«P«0»T ' Ymx LSFOftmFS ( 130 4 15)700 9 40 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT WEDNESDAY 4 7 THRU THURSDAY 4 8 i STATES Continued from Page 1 t iniversity Assembly Wednes day for approval. Tin* firsi course would locus on contem [Mirarx rat e relations in tin* Unit ed States, and lh ^vjoeo r^r*1 fgamts 683.0464 VIDEO ADVENTURE < VALtlY RIVER RtAZA J ALL DAY TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! include!) Gallic Bread 11 30 am 10 pm PIZZ* 1lT£& ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 School Supply Save28%* Save 25% • Gamblin Oils-all sizes • Liquitex Acryllics tubes & jars • Grumbacher "Academy” Watercolor Tubes • 15% off our everyday discount price • Winsor & Newton Watercolors Professional Artist & Cotman Tubes SAVE 50% CLOSEOUT! A PARTNER IN YOUR EDUCATION TAKli OUR DOGS FOR A WALK! • Grumbacher Max Oils • Talcns Acrylics • Pclikan Gouache • Grumbacher Fabric Paint Ming Paint lie Ends April 10th!