LETTERS Men are also victims In regards to Shoshnnnh Oppenheim's letter [Glib . April 1), she has every right to he offended Wo are all influenced by media, arts and literature And I have the right to be offended by the ail too tvp igurt. )Hi \Xi-t Util, Viafkrf Place \Xi-rt 1888 Frankim Bivd, Franklin 4* Vilbrd < -X Juilic* Cuomo s first decision * V-If -•* ^ »»**■«< At4 [()DF April f>) will lie numerous. ! shall make mint* short and ims\ to print I really ho[>(• von nmII give me that courtesy Mv footings arc t om ist* Two words Hooray Stephanie1 This is all I would like printed: it sons it all Chad McHenry Pre-PPPM How to use pom What's with that hillhoard the Christians pul up in Springfield next to the adult hook store' It saw. ' Heal Men Don't Use (’urn " What do they mean In that? Hou does one "use" porn' It reminds me of a sc ene from National /.ompoon's Family Vacation Kustv Crisxvald. I :t. is hanging around with his cousin who has a small collet lion of nudie mag azines Rusty asks if he can have one "No." his i owsin says "I use them a lot "How do you use' a magazine?’ Rusts asks In reply, his cousin makes a quaint yet vulgar refer ence to masturbation Is that what those foul-minded Christians are talking about' Imagine the sort of person w ho would has him self pu lured on a huge billboard pro* tanning himself .1 "Real Man" bei auso lie doesn't manipulate his filthy, reeking generative organs Scott Bishop Unemployed Multiculturalism needed This letter is for people who get stories mixed and have a rather i heap understanding of rat nil issues I have heard the rumor that students of 1 olor are trying to fori e their values on other students and that they only look through a " in it It it ullural lens ()nt> of lhi' main reasons rat ism exists today is Iksause ii is not si'i'n through a "uuiltii ultural Inns Iho Inns has been painted only while, anil this is not fair If any thing is hning Inri nil. ii is European • A merii an history \aim's anil culture ll is fort oil on all youth from grade st hool onward People of color am put through a pro* nss of interior ization This puls those who are not of European ties* not on a lower rung It denies them a history It pro motes internal rai ism It i mates biased attitudes lietwecii the rai es This pro* ess, thorugh education as well as oth er institutions. I ontrihutes to the rill ism. prejlldii e and discrimination that plagues our so* iety This affe* ts us all in tin- rvorlt plai e. in i lass, m Irons mg opportunities, so* nil henefits, mi'dii al i am and just about every yy here m Ameru a This pro* ess affe* ts .ill i olors of w lute, him k. hroyvn. red and vellmy 'I’nopln should lie pulged on merit Phis is true, hut what if one's merit is Mused? What do you do w illi a sy s tem that denies people merit las ause of the i olor ol their skill' Do we as ho mail he mgs (list at ( »*pt It' Do yve say we'll gist let it work out naturally ' Maybe so. and per haps then y\e w ill let revolution i ome naturally Kevin Chang APASU Japan Night success 1 would like to applaud the |apan Night organizers and performers for an exi optional I irsl Annual lapan Night I he evening was very enjoyable and edu* ationnl heiko Suzuki. Japanese Student Organization presi dent and lapan Night produi er, is to lie t ommended lor her hard yvork ill organizing this i ultural evening. The In gene I ,nku Drum (iron p’s performance was a standout in a field of outstanding perlormaiu es l buyer sity student brit Mali's drinumiug yy.is truly impressive I i ongrolul.il" them all oil an e\i eptiomil lapan Night I w ill lie looking toryvard to next yeai s ()mereloo gozaunas' Eric M Bowen ASUO Programs Coordinator p*t*&t* tint *4 t Xm-i r*rvvC lf\ k MMX» 1\ +* •** r ai *tUi * V* *« U<*n 1W< Ml Hr *l« • « rn un m un IN <■« |'«I mApj** )MM *« im«f it >«m mi (»«1 0**1 •»»»». w rmN IDE SWEATSHIRTS. SWEATPANTS. T-SHIRTS. HATS. JACKETS. BACKPACKS. DUCK STUFF & MORE! REGON ponszuear 10 00-6 00 Mon-fri lOOOSJOSot 120O-5JO$un 343-S6M 720 East 1 Jlh Av*., In th» Ur»v*(jrt> C«nt*< Building Ml* lint to »»«« cm NAMB