225 APTS DUPLEXES RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 5*9? Cou«ery Oufe Road 2 bedrm townhouse f'om S^OS/mo Pock and laundry 4ft& 1422 _J Pre-Lease ' v him^ 3 Dedrm $350 Pr# ISOM *0# ffitf t mo f»*e’ 3 tWK*™ $650 Both «M thm 1 b*oc* from Cdm puS wcowmwd 686 9*99 CK 461 0199 Redii'ood Park Apts. 0ui#f. Ceunfry lulling With City f*n»«nir»wr Unfurni ih*d 1 Pdrm S38S Low Utftit*♦»-<>» Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Parti A Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furnished Suites Studio. 1 A 2 &R $600 to $875 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 Walking Distance to Campus Sparkling dean bright, large stuck) Covered parking Laundry faoittses Great location $365 464 5633 Eugene Manor High ffSe uving w?fh plenty of ( harm Large t bdrm $456 .nci ail ul" ♦ cable 464 744t 240 QUADS Room for rent m house close to campus $186 a month plus depot* 667 6644 Very nice room mth serm-pmr bath, «n a neat comfortable W Spnngfceid home. 2 bfks to t>ke path, park A river, quck *«ak res 466 £869 ___ Roommate wanted room tn house backsKJe fiendncks Park yard. »acuxx». 2 bathrooms rent $25Gr'm© Ask lor Adam. Yu»Aa. Andy jl 666 9223 270 CHILD CARE EVENING CLASSES? NEED ADDITIONAL STUDY MOORS? Ivunrng o« C*n A.*iae*» Mon Thu ft iGpm f MU CHUd C*ft ft [) - i >m 5 oopr* «»»»**• «t asuo » *> EOfc AA •mpioyn' 280 MEETINGS j TNcra Kill b* an ASUO IMcUont ] CmMn m«M>ng on Turn April (th at 6 JOpm in th# Fir Room ALL ■ : c*nd«l»l»» who mtn nor at th# ' j Mon March 2Wi maattng null I I MMnd__I 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Cultural Eitrpvaganf* A va/'-*ty a* W*1 cultural acts rangmg ,,ort1 po0Uy r«ading io i Uw Kwo* Do demoofhaton Presented &V OMA loader *h<; loam on W«d. Apr» 7 th from 7 9pm «n Conor Omng Kail Com# & rr'»*0tM Don t mm r Q ln»i> B» ywt Mmw Owyn Dally ImtraM ClMtlflad Advartl wt5*\ raid !Sy «? ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT HA( * H« IH.I'Ut AU (-1 MAM HOWARDS KM) MfMy >000 ar$r oacrtui xbifnpiay mihamua amiAiuMoft mn«NUA THE CRYING GAME r« »it* mo UAffT MC00**U. AiFDf WOOOAAO PASSI 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL Hth & Lincoln \ TONIGHT Alice Donut with Hanson Brother I_Bpin_j All Ages Welcome 6H7-2746 320 SERVICES TPapefi "aiung you Wo*7 1st h#tp* f Of ■Jki&ily a*4fv* wtwlu« pap* * Ca# im c*» 03.' r Unplanned Pregnancy? We m he*p ConVtotrtit* E 'Ml I jrty detect*** Htfthrgh! 6 teebng ('~aX .MV 04000 V.MU Mtft Interest rates i # t‘-<- An-i! *v«v Nl )W * the time r e‘■< .its r you' riorne let ,r>« shop the ‘or you A WatnhRLS 34V *>/’5 Planned Parenthood ‘ t\* %■--*jt\ TiMrann Chech a Otfth control pregnancy teat* Kd unbiased counfating M4 *44 ' • LOST S FOUND ITEMS FREE AO FOR 2 OATS! TNI FAN SIOI By GARY l ARSON Hoi oft the pres*. I he very hrsl edition ol the Desert Island Times caused the newspaper to qmcMy told Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CVH^. 1 I I I i * ZWG ! WANG Kill YOU STOP THAT aww. tumT", KNKL DRVflNC, HE CRAZY/ KHD * CHttK. MARK ' R>R T\)K»S * I Weasel's World by Kraig Norris RlCH.THt FOOTBALL 5*0 GMM IS LOSING WAT TOD MUCH WOCT ... «u.fcJKO »nciTic »maai WTRE GONNA HAVE TO OOMMCL 7>C PROOAM ANO gve tvc money to SOME Of OUR PROVEN WINNERS... » WHAT A«-YOU TAWING Aftxrr ?!'. what name Ate GONG TO GET OX FIACJNG ?!? NO WAV'! MjUJi'. 320 SERVICES ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear ot Acne today. For free samples, information on how Clear Care topical medications work, call our Skin Care Information Line, 1800) 435-3533. FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PIZAHO S PIZZA Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter S3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 OTiof good thiu sp«ir»y term Doonesbury by carry trudeau UXA KM y tf WKt ATI nifiu'HM >iwv>vy . Ht*' tXAT*ltJrir> v»« -Urf’ II rttW5NDn**r i*»H> id tut- vnxeu cn*j 6tN6iWlPJlfri lO / mm Mi a f I I I as nt ■ vhk ham’ rm*J ft A /IF , Hft iwmatk «*< If miivcArriK rut urvu *• at rm am.) rtf's ire jp rut ■■KJfrriMOA oou»m fOUOtU »V rtWS' CROSSWORD By Eugene Stutffer ACROSS 1 Hindu ha«o S Catdoima town • Pioh4>4 12Boa*kyor landi 1J Farm atiudma 14 "Tha Ciiaalait' 15 Had Iha Ofjfjtn 4a taluH 17 Oppoaad I (Gat It Allnad on* * John Hancock 21 Mon at lacy 24 Haw Mateo ad canlai 25 Galo< bowl’ 2*Ph*p Mar Iowa a ciaakx 30 Kitlaf whala 31 Euca . 32 "Bui — on lot avar' (Tannyson) 33 Gal back an old tova 35 Both* ations 36 Noah • pstitn amt 37 fourth astata 36 tnrt/ rhocoUl* 40 Burn a ba 43 —pro nob* 43 Hamot* araa 46 Snapshot 49 Batch a naiian cry 50 Gargarm Oi Andropov 51 fngaga »n a gablaM 52 Morneny monturas 53 African antalopa DOWN 1 SkaWlal mambar 2 Ml Oar Oner 3 Singer Davit 4 Short toefc 9 Sapporo aathai • f'.riK ary shall array 7‘Oia I oravar’ • Mooiiats’ home ■ I Wrapt a 10 t nroibanl fur a 11 Otanga coal 19 Wray ot Solution nm« 24 mmi Vast*# day's an*war 44 *K»ng Kong’ 20 Do* a 21 Cupaf* ha ki 22 Daath of tha party? 23 Ratraca ont'i 24 Ya/n 26 Atlantic Irshat 27 lindan or March 26 Norwood rlat It art 26 Saa naar Antarctica 31 Having roundad handlat 34 - J«na 3$ Small aukrh 37 Dog • dog 36 Mimic 36 Mat makxty 40 Barga 41 Suppia 44 ’Hair 45 ’Tha Basl Yaar* ot ~ livat* 46 I'archad 47 Coolant* ot tom* pacha