Expansion Marlins get off to good start MIAMI (Al’) — Major league baseball in Florida got off to a win ning start Monday With perfec t weather and a sellout crowd, the Marlins made their historic debut with a (>-.'1 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers, a team that has ln»en around since 1H00 Charlie Hough, a -ri ve.irold knui klclwller who grew up near Mia mi, pitched the first sis innings for the Marlins first vic tory and Bryan Harvey got the save as players ran on the Held to i clebrate. a s< ene that looked more like ( k tober than opening day Hrwt Borherie had the Marlins first hit. and Benito Santiago sc ored the first run Tim Wallach of the Dodgers hit the first homer in |oe Kohl lie Stadium, and Darryl Strawlrerrv received the first Ixios Under a c loudless sky and with a garnetune temperature in the low 80s, the Marlins Irecame the sc« one) straiglit expansion team to win its opener The Toronto Blue lays beat the (.hit ago White Sox '1-5 on April 7, ]<177. a day after the Seattle Mariners lost their first game Florida didn't look much like an expansion team against the Dodgers Marlins right holder Junior Felix dropped a fly hall, and < enter fielder Scott Pose was thrown out Ixvu e on the liases However. Pose and third baseman Dave Magadan made fine defensive plays, and Jeff Connie went four for four with two runs m ored and a stolen base With much of the crowd of 42. I H wearing the team cop. the stands looked like a sea of Marlins blue The huge i lock on the manually operated sc orehoard read .! 1 2 p m FDT w hen Hough delivered the first pitc h in Marlins’ history The knui klehall to Jose OfforiTtan < aught the outside c orner for a c alled strike Texas Tech welcomes champs I.t !HIUM K. Texas (AP) — ''Fantastic:' I Itterly stupendous1 Unbelievable7 Believe it'” a Lub bock Awilani hr Journal whlnnal gushed Mon day "Can a < (immunity's heart bunt with pride7 Dorn near i! Spw ml newspaper edit ions were holler than salsa, radio stations played jubilant praise and West Texas prepared to welcome home the national i hnmpion Texas Tech women's bas ketball team The Lady Haulers HTHi victory Sunday over Ohio State not only < aptured the NCAA Tour nament trophy but fired the imagination of a region starved fx ketl up by an NFL team as a free agent With possible big money in bis future. Harris is sticking to more modest goals like trying to break the 21 sec ond barrier in the 2(H) and slay - ing healthy as Oregon’s top sprinter. Saturday. Harris will face Jou bert once again, this time in Pullman. Harris may In* obliged to walk over to |oubert and give him a handshake for making him an instant hero in Eugene. But I guarantee (ouhert will not be taunting the Ducks like he did a year ago. Not with the fastest white man alive in town. Dave Charbonneau is sports editor of the Emerald. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Congratulation! Cry»Ul on making U o* O ChMKtoadlng Wa r* iH very proud of you Mrh^XII IW«t* I1H4> f* f*h< to congratulate * Stacy M R«kmm S Goudn*y S Wr* »Ov* you* Your SKfttCK! I!H4» Would tee !o +*tk omp its r^m-tts* ptodgof H*atfi«# 0 T«w#*wiK IW> H Megan M M* tied* M Sarah H W0 lov* You* Your | « m*Jm in ii< ’ l V«(*X ‘jyUj fjimU llasdflrii* IX A* A I -,- *«•»••«* ■•“i/j-vf W',w»! • «*• COukJ are .iv* ! A|;»K.,| >•*?:••*. l«t*t Uf««J A. ’ ’ jhty A Greal On© IVi*pf% 0< Off Brians '-iftifl* • -•«• v • dcuiang jvk# Wi*dom C-o'ujf at unions on a great Hrm! Ai k» itfjrag car* lo cue* < the uw' V Scftanogf_ E* ReO.0 Happy .W Birthday Ou«p*‘ Iff? » make A outta control' V y*. 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Sailboard Package «?» Setoirmd 9 b epoiy 3 W» 4 ‘ . $4 6 6 9 Nodi' Deda. $860. compMta. 461 i'89? Buy Sell-Trade* Buy • Sen*Trade We do it everyday The Clothes Morse 720 E 13th us CARSTRUCKS QOVERNMEN^SeiZEO trom S’00 Fords Mercedes Corveftes. Chevy s. %vrp*us buyers guide ? 600 96? &YX) ed S964.' 1967 Dodge Aries K -• a. am tm. com! »m $600 obo Andrea 346697/ * 78 BMW 320 Great cond, stereo, sunroof $2600 686-4975 87 Toyota Tercel I *re;’«*n! ••. 77.000 '"•»es 4 ipaad Super mileage S?60C Br*», .VR» 4.143 ( u»lt»m Wintistr Tinttng Protess*ona< W'^dow T»nf For Ajtos l ega« T nts A,a...*t>«» StudentT acuity Oscounts 99/ 746? 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 78 Yamaha 650 Runs well, helmets $500 or best. 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EMU M-111 or call 346-4351. |/ OPPORTUNITIES ALPHA KAPPA PSI Co-ed Bu»»a«» Fraternity it recruiting new member*' Information*! meeting it April 8th. UP Gilbert N—, 8:30111_ Esrn cash stuffing envelopes at T ome Afi materials prr-vidnd Send SASf to PQ ftc» 9843 MO 6SaOT Now Hiring Work Study qualified students as oft<* assistants to type f«r* end perform general office duties $6 SOfer. opportunity to learn word processing skAs. he»4)*e afternoon hours t*<'; out app**«*feon at 330 Chapman Haft See Jane* Summer yobs and mternsfupa University Directories the nation's iargeif putjfcshe^ if carpus telephone director-ns «s artved vng sale* and put*« • ©*«tt<»ns Average ear rungs S3 900 F spent# ;*vd t»am«ng program .n Chattel tt4i NO CoAege otdH may be av arable tnt©rv>m* vgr. .., avariab*# today at CHAP Cent*? . 44 MendncM Man or Ca*i 1 800743-5666 KMKKAt.t) CL ASS I HKDS Call 346-4343 wai^wMWBwewai 210 HELP WANTED A task* Summer Employment f«therws Earn SbOiV^wee* m canneries or S4000♦-'month on fishing DGftlS Erne !»ansportahon' Room and {tearif Over 8.000 openings Ma*« f ©male I or employment program ca* i 206 4 * 55 e»! A6069 ANTARCTIC JOBS!!! 1M3 Antarctic Job Guide has info on world's most unusual ptace to work S«95*$3 SAM V-saWC ca0 ? 800 J33-4?96___ Apartment Manager needed t0C7% rent credit send resume to B P M 1430 W-iiamette No 169 Eugene OH 9/401__ Bartender A Cocktail Waitress Doc s Pad 165 W nth Apply M f 10am 12pm6 8pm # W tt Tram CANT FINO A JOB environmentally conscious people to help tram A manage sates forces m an espondmg environmental company, to-'* A part-time 345 6368__ Cook needed Sat A Sun 3 7 and Monday 1*6. please cast 485-8383 6 9pm w*days Cruise line Entry -eve- on boardiandstoe Pos*t«om avarf summer year round 714 549 1569 Eam cash stuffing envelopes at ^ome AH materials provided Send SASf to P O 9643 Spr.ngf.e«d. MO 65801 _ EARN $1500 WEEKLY .» crfcutiss' Be^n NOW* f HE E packet' SEYS. 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Cat t *006-962-8000 e*t P 9642 _ STUDENT WORKS PAINTING Paml du*mg the Summer »n f ugene* N c»p not essar» Ca.,; Jason at 346 9969 ^ SoKMIR JOAS TO SA*E THE ENVIRONMENT EARN S2M6 SMO AMO MAKE A Otf EE AENa Nartonal cempwgn portions to i«n«w mo Clear, Water Act. promote compre h«nsn# focycfcng and stop Oh shore 04 dnlbng Av*iatke *01 22 states and 0 C Campus interviews 4/7 and 4,6 Cat! Jam* toll bee taOD 76 EARTH_ SUNVALLEV RESORT is htnng to* the Summer season Poe bona mctude weight start. barxjuet and lestau'an!. con vent,on cooes, baker* & mgmt Housing *va>.aMe, good pay A beoefttl For into contact Le*fce at S»u deni F mptoyment prior to 4/21 /93 to set up appointment on 4/?t *93__ GRADUATING? i Aptoeve Mearth A Nutrition Co *s interviewing Ly sevfl martwbno poM*ons. must have e«c comm se-iis A possess pcs attitude No phone interviews 66 7 -6836 GREEKS AND CLUBS RAISE A COOL $1000.00 uit one eee- PtuS $5000 to< the member who ca**‘ And a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just tor calhng 1 60D 932 0626. I »t 66 Hasher needed Mondays 4 ' Tuesday A Thursday* 12-2pm please can 406-6383 6 9 weekdays 215 WORK STUDY Work*Study Position the UO Upward Bound M$RC currently has poflwtonj open lor oftce assistants Applicants must posses a bas*c hnowi edge o< computers and otf*ce equip ment. answer phones and be able to won* mornings To apply call 346 3501 225 APTS DUPLEXES Furnished 2 BH condo, available now S3G0s utAbes/dearwng and carrying heavy furniture Trees/lndry 344-8669 Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms Winter rates S37S8525 465-2823 APARTMENT III NTfNG? I rl iwr rltMiMi Iw urnr runic' PROSPECT PARK 7 bedroom apartment avts! now Quiet country atmosphere w c-onvtnoent 1* location otter features include pool. ! ‘ ♦..?• -*••«* t -s ’ 66/ 7178 Spacious, t bdrm apt ■ • %s ' • ArV” -r.i' : Pan. V .*t»e water garbage-3W?wt?r lots cH storage Near Shoppmig’on bus-: 6694tW___ Unique 1 bedrm ..pt r*«: ► tr ampus i-tr. -no '*st A ;asi ♦ Jet 465 7366_ 1 and 2 bedroom apt ava^abm du dry. parking, security, dost to campus 464 W2 1 bedroom tuf' shed apt near muK Mdg. 638CVmo *eat included Ga* after 2pm Ridgewood Apts. 666 6769 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Private rooms. AU UTILITIES RAtO. on vte laundry G»e«! -ates from $236 Can Brian at 666 35#’ Jennings f Co REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Prime location on campus Nee 2 bedrm house w/varied ce»‘ >ngs 5 own Private garden S625 p«uS d«p 365 6 i7th _ 741 2504 -OBE.3T VILLA017 ~ C.njny lie beauty of weeds sad - wildlife In super floor plan K 2 RDKM, 1 '/ill ATI I h *495 Ac'SlS/monllt • Dus In (itipui • Swimming Pool • Weiffii/Tiinrss Room • Saunas SX £»§**• (Ds«wM A Tasks Use) L 687-1318