Indian tribal leader ' may be extradited TACOMA (AP) — A Puyallup Indian tribal leader who was stopped for a dead headlight fat es extradition on a 21-year-old warrant lor escaping from an On* gon prison. Charles Conway, director of a program to assist needy tribal imimlmrs to [wiv lor heat and tilts tru ity. faces an extradition hear ing Tuesday in Pierce County Superior Court Con wav was arrested last month after being stopped by a Washington State Patrol officer m Tacoma The officer ran a com puter i he< k and found the out standing warrant from Oregon. Conwav. 52. was outside Ore gon State Penitentiary tor a speak ing engagement in PI72 w hen he returned to Ins home >n Tacoma rather than to the prison He had served eight months of a seven year prison sentenc e for a 19CB lari.eny i onvu tion ”1 was living a great life.” Con wav said Friday in a brief inter view with 7'hr Morning .Vows In built• Now. "it's shattered Absolutely shattered Friends and i ommunitv mem bers. however, are figfiting to keep him from returning to prison The Puyallup Tribal Count il last week approved a res olution asking Oregon Gov Bar bara Roberts to pardon Conway In l'C t. Conway was arrested on the Oregon esi.ape warrant However the Washington state attorney genet a! .mmended against his extradition. Fatally wounded actor buried next to father SE/MTI.I. (AP) — Hrnndon Lee. the actor son of martial-arts star Bruce Lee. has been buried next to Ins lather Brandon Lees mother, Linda Caldwell. spoke for into lfi minutes "about his life and how dearly he loved Ins father, said lakv kimu ra. a family friend who attended the Saturday serve e at Lake View Cemetery. Lee died Wednesday after he was shot in Wilmington. N C . with u movie-set prop gun that was supposed to he loaded with blanks An autopsy showed he was killed hy a 4-t-i alilier bullet In the film. Lee played a rock 'll' roll star who is murdered by a gang and then comes hai k to life with supernatural powers to avenge his death About 100 people showed up for the private < eremonv Saturday, kimura said Afterwards, family and friends left lor a memorial ser vii e scheduled Sunday in Los Angeles, he said Bruce Lee, who grew up in Seattle, died at age \Z m Hung Kong of acute I erehral edema, possibly an allergic real lion to u presi rip lion painkiller IBs last complete film. Kntrrthc Pragan. grossed more than $ 100 million. University Housing University ol Oregon JOB OPPORTUNITY SENIOR DESK ASSISTANT Vacancies are anticipated for the 1993-94 Academic year at the Carson/Earl/Walton Area Desk. HamiltoiVBean Area Desk and The University InrvRiley Area Desk JOB OPENING: Fall Term 1993 continuing through Spring Term 1994 Applicants must be able to commit to working the entire 1993-94 academic year Training will begin Spring Term 1993 Job descriptions are attached to applications COMPENSATION: Campus single room and board credit and a cash stipend of $1710 00 (9 equal payments) An hourly rate of $5 15 will be paid during the training period QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to qualified individuals with U of 0 Housing experience The Senior Desk Assistant works an average of 20 hours per week, divided between desk and supervisory duties The Senior Desk Assistant must live in the U of 0 residence halls and be registered for a minimum of 8 undergraduate or 1 graduate credit hour(s) Candidates must have an accumulative GPA of 2 5 and received at least a 2 25 last term APPLICATIONS: Applications are available at all Area Desks and at the University Housing front desk and are due back to any Area Desk or the University Housing front desk, no later than Noon. Wednesday, April 7.1993 Applications may be screened on the basis of their quality and only completed applications will be guaranteed consideration An AA/TOf institution, committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Emerald Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus Dy putting the Oregon Dally Emerald pack in its original rack When you've finished reading it. This Will allow another person to read it and/or pe easily picked up for recycling. SWEATSHIRTS, SWEATPANTS, T-SHIRTS, HATS, JACKETS, BACKPACKS, DUCK STUFF & MORE! 1000 600 Mon Frt 1000 5 30 Sal 1 2 00 5 30Sun 343 56M 720 tail 13th Av« , In th* Ur*v*wty C*nl«< Building Mi I |M*t > »0 *»«»» POW! Put the power of Oregon Daily Kmerald advertising to work for you Call 346-3712. Dear Campus SUBSHOP Customer, Over the past few years we have worked hard to build our business by providing you with the highest quality food and service at a fair price. We value your patronage and will continue to do our best to meet your needs. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances have forced us to implement the following changes: • NEW HOURS: 10:00 am-10:00pm Mon-Sat (Closed Sunday) • FREE DELIVERY: 11:00 am-10:00pm, Mon-Fri (No delivery on Saturday) • COUPONS: Not valid with delivery orders We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. Sincerely, Cathie & Stan Campus SUBSHOP Owners