\ I I I \MOV |\ I I KN \ I ION \l N 111)1 \ I s I III l MM RSI n M I l)s N Ol K M>\ l< I ’ The University of Oregon is preparing to establish a new committee on campus, the International Student Advisory Committee (1SAC). The ISAC will advise the Office of International Education and Exchange on a wide range of issues (including policies, services, and campus and com munity environment) pertinent to the University's more than 1,500 international students. The first appointments to the ISAC will be made during spring term 1993. Any international student may apply to be considered for appointment to ISAC. Selected members will serve as rep resentives of the international student body as a whole, not as representatives of their own countries. Application forms and a description of the ISAC’s charge, composition, and selection process are available at: • International Student Association (206 EMU) • International Education and Exchange (.330 Oregon Hall) VIMM l( \ I ION 1)1 MM IM : Xl’KII 16. I‘>9.3 esus "WJeek Schedule of Events lor April 4-11 r MONDAY 4/5 ( mh refunding / hr Rmlit\ of < Hungr U' p in i oiumhia ISO lorui miniMt ful wmiiMf on A Sf*m**«« »l I .iitd t .mum* t iviv.hU Mi i h in fcllo ixuaiitv I n 411 I 1 r il I S1VW I/O I hi /r\u\ I lint w ’ p i • 1 ■‘•ii’ ttw most wkUtU translated .itui wan lied movie »n the hiMoi) ol him making .« douiiKHijii taken entirely tc»>ni the twA ol I ukf i Sponsored b\ Kiptivt jt \m% 61 ihi Nrw Age I VO p in l olumln.i l V Was |cvi»v guru. ghoM oi ChhK A kvtute b) l\**g t.rooihuiv be** Umg author .awl l ofO doctoral student t sponsored In Rnimanon t ampuv MmtMitrv ,*nd i am pi iv l ruvidr Mi t hmt Wl DNI SPAY -4/7 International Sludrnli I amkeon II VO 4 m 1 10 p m Alplui Omega fUmv< l Hi him aid M fix .»ll iiN(nutKNu) viudcniv hit joy 4 fire lunch and nuke inn friend* (Sponsored b> International student Im Or IXflJut Willard I in«/in£ Kigkr ^ Wrong In a Valur Sruiral Scxtrty 7 Vo p m ‘ oJumbu ISO Of Willard iv a profrvwu of IiIikv ami Phtk^sophy at die l nivemty of Southern t alllorm* (ypniMwed b\ C ampu* t lusuik- for i hnsti Prayer lone One H k1 p m Hu* trip around the t ol O l ampu* lor prayer and pnw meet at 14th and Polk tsponvorrd by faith t enteO THURSDAY 4/8 tht Claims of ( hnu 7 00 p m l.ilben 1 A lei lute picvnUH£ ihe bum nk-sviu .>1 Jesus and I.”* Mis wends -Jill oiler the mini viable hopr lot out lives ami our «sieiv tsponsotrd In Kaptisi Modem Union) Ah Anj(el of I i£*n IWpm I vJinurr 101 A film about ihe occuh ami the use ol ilemomsm iS|*>moied he l hi Alplu FRIDAY 4A) RAID iOR CHRIS 1 Sion l:\H i minvard featuring the Bethel lempk i Hon *ith burl testimonies by l of O .dhett OiuitcrKkk Panni O Net! champion w bee k hair r.xer t. r.ug BLiikhetti and others Mur\ Hill Iit9um "RfUirmtum m Krin* at nation * VVhxh fate if am .mart* us after death" A round tab dtveuvMon on mans future pspi»iw»rrd b\ Resioratio 1 utiii Hamfuel for Inii malwnal SiuJmt% 7 00nm WsHMigi i r si \PA1 4/1 1 I ASI HR Pulse rate machine seizes finger MHDFORD (AfM — Ninp yenf old Lauren Butts tried a coin operated pulse rate machine Inst week in the lobby of a local restaurant She stuck'her Finger under the cover and hoped to see it flash her pulse rate Instead of her pulse, it took her finger — and refuser! to give it back. "It had this thing that would hold vour finger back." the lw»n dnged girl said later "But mine was a little smaller and thinner, and it went past there and uiught on this wire First, I tried to gel my finger out. and it hurt." So Lauren, trapped by the mat bine sent her little brother to get her mom. Diana Butts Mom tried to jiKSI*' her hand tree, but ••iu li time, Lauren howled in pain The manager tried She howled again '1 was si reaming loud enough that the (teople who were eating, I'm sure didn't appreciate it." Ijiuren said. The Medford Fire Department arrived Firefighters tried to slip her finger out with soap and water, but it wouldn't slip "Every time they pressed on that c over, she si reamed." Diana Butts said So I told them to quit pressing They tried a crow bar. but the mac hine was built pretty good 1 guess they wanted to protei t their quarters Then, they got the metal i utter " Oni e firefighters had cut through the cover, everyone understood l-aurun's howling. A small spring inside the cov er had come loose and impaled her middle finger The wire went into the pad of the finger and back out just at the edge of her fingernail With the other end of the spring bolted to the machine, there was no way her finger could be pulled out without tearing through about n quarter im h of flesh Ijwrwn was taken ton hospital emergence room to have the spring removed. Restaurant manager Terri Knutson said the machine is coining out. too PKNDIIION (Al*) Troc ns of wagon ruts from tin* Oregon Trail through the Blue Mountains will lie showt ased this summer with the opening of a SI ”> million park Motorists also will he invited to travel at wagon speed while a radio broadcast fills their car with the sound of a wagon train, com plete with grinding wheels, creaking lioards and i omplaining oxen The Oregon Trail Interpretive Park, in miles west nl U C.rande in Kaslem Oregon, is si heduled to open its doors on the Fourth of July weekend "The thing that makes it so special is the qunlitv of the traces." said Deb Barrett of the U S Forest Serve e It has some of the most pristine trai es on public land in theAvhole nation." she said A hand i arved wooden mural of a wagon crossing the Blue Moun tains will mark the park entrance After driving on a paved 2 (.-mile road, visitors will lie able to hear the broadcast as they drive through the lores! toward the ruts About 000 members of Oregon and Utah National Guard units tailored last summer tu carve the road to a parking situ, wliege build ings are i onstructed of old-fashioned logs and strap iron The i enter of the park contains three walking loops Along the Blue Mountain Loop are port elain interpretive panels reprodut mg the oil paintings of pioneers by Farrell < ollett of Bloom ington. Utah The panel* include excerpts from emigrant diaries alum! the difficult passage through the Blue Mountains Bad haircut encourages prosecution OKKGON CITY (AT) — Susan Sheffield has filed a lawsuit against J.C Penney Cu. Styling Salon over what she savs was a haircut so had that she had to shave her head. Sheffield is suing the salon at the Clai Limas Town Cen ter and stvlist Judy Hay worth for S'iO.OOO plus court costs in a personal-injury complaint filed last week in Clackamas County Circuit Court. Because of their negli gence, tlie lawsuit savs, Sheffield's hair melted, fell off in (lumps and turned uni omfortahlv brittle Art School Supply 30% Off! Organizers: At-A-Glance & Dayrunner Books & Refills Appointment Book 2^ U of O Mortar Board With UO calendar of events reg 6W Fite Folders 4" 1/3 cut box of 100 #752 1/3 reg 6** Weyerhauser Laser Paper Recycled 20# 8.5 x 11 rcg 615 Premier "First Choice" 7 Laser Paper 24# 8.5 x 11 rcg 9* Rollerball Pens l2"* Piloi V5 & V7. Asst colors rcg l7* A PARTNER Tn your" LDUCATION "' i1 ii ii riii)wn'riiWH|gi|iipi|i School Sale Ends April 1