Packwood fails to report money sources PORTLAND lAP) Son Hob Pnckwood filed reports with the Federal Klei tion (!ommi« inters ievv oil by The Sunday t In* ^oman lor its story But (leoffrey l) Brown, the senator s cam paign treasurer. said contribu tors tailing to identify them salvos receive a letter from Pat kwood's campaign asking for tlm information. The critu ism really ought to be loveletl at the contributors to some extent." Brown said “They have as much of a resjxm sibilitv to give us the informa tion .is we have to trv and get it." Using computer databases from the National Library for Money and Politic s. newspaper stories and business diret tones. The Oreffatuan identified more than Hit percent of Pai kwood's rei ent contributors About 1,700 individuals who collet tively gave Pat kwootl S1 1 million were on the paper's tar get list One ol the people, Sam Klein, gave Pat kwootl three personal contributions totaling $1,500 between August 1001 anti ()< tu ber 1002 Klein lives in Hot a Raton.* l-'la . and Pui kwootl s report clest ribos Sam Klein as "retired However, law enforcement otlu tals describe Klein as a for mer (’level and bookie with lies to Gerardo "Jerry" ( atena. the late boss of the Genovese < rime Sen. Bob Packwood fiitniiv of New Jersey Sr\ era I years ago. Nevada (nullingControl Hoard invest iga tors took a pir.ture of Klein play ing golf uitli C atena in Hoi a Raton. Klein ilnl not return phone i alls from the paper to Ins Hon da offil e 1 lie senator's reports do not identify former Tennessee Sen I lm\ aril (taker |r w ho ser\ eil as President Konald Reagan's i.hiel ol stafl anti is now a registered lobbyist And tiles do not iden tify Alan 'Punt h" Green, who was President George Hush's Oregon i ump.ngn manager in t'lHH and then served as t S ambassador to Romania The newspaper said Pai k wood i tainted lie i mild not learn the business or m i upation of other lug donors stu h as rein e Weinberg, a Hexerly Hills. (Ullif developer and fur mer Portland I'r.iiI Blazers own **n Oregon lumbermen Rob Frews and I 1 Slul> Stewart, or Peter F Bih hen president of PacTrust An analysis l>\ ill** Portland , paper imlii Hi**** ii large portion of ill*' [leople n**l fulIv identified were lobby isis. laiy vers and * nr pnraft* executives "There art* i orporalions tlint i an tap Into their tiers of e\e< u lues said Fd wards of ( ongress Watch Oil** CF.O * an put together SbO.OOO or sro.imo or more .mil got il to .1 i*' I In* * undulate knows vvlirri* U s i outing from " Politic al at lion committees can 1411 ** a mas 1 mum of Sin mu 1 pur i'll** lion While individuals are limited t<* 5-’.IKK), there is no limit on how many people from on** organization * an make donations For iiistam e I’a* kw oo*l rn owed dozens of contributions from Nik*' In* ol Itenvertim Pat kwood s 1 umpuign tilings seem to unfit ate he re* etvod only $ > iill) m donations Iroill Nike sources 5 t.UfM) from Nike s t or porate politi* al ai lion 1 mu*1111■ lei*. S.: 1 it til Irom Nik*' * Imirntnii Phil knight and S'iOO from Carl k Davis the company 's director ol inleriiational trade Hut Tlw Oivtii'iunn identified more than J t > Nik** off it oils and family memhers whose individ uni donations to I’a* kwood totaled SH.'M) Counting the PA( money the total Nike rtdiit ed gilts added up to at least Vtt) -’Ml Car plunges into river; baby likely drowned (API a stvmonth-old Imliy u .is presumed droyvned after litir mother's i ar wenl mil <>l i ontrol find plunged into the rain swollen Willamette Kiver near Kiigene Saturday morn ing I'hu mother. I lulleeii Lliza I M*th I .other, and a passenger. Kohert Ifinies (irosdidier. J I. were able to est ape the t fir. hut they i mild not rent It the i hild alter the at t ident at I I Ar> a m I he haliy . ( larissa Luther Mi 1 eaii. was strapped into a t luld t arrier ill the hat k seal I lie l ane ( anility sherltl s department said Luther's i nr was headed north along tin ny er w hen it left I he road way. i rossetl hat k at ross the roadway and strut k a mail tins and a pile ol rot ks I he ear then i rossetl the road again and plunged into thi rty er t he I S Army ( orps of hllgilieers yeas untitled and yyas to In-gill limiting the yy.iter floyy from a dam upstream to help divers lot ale the i nr the sheriff's department said ftfpervni ami Vudwnim The aft MM- ueu y^t ViA-UnAf // urui lt*w/A«/> (■/<£*• < hum Introducing the most affordable color Macintosh* sys tem ever. The new Macintosh Color Classic* computer gives you a sharp, bright Sony Trinitron display, built-in audio, file sharing networking ana more. 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