Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday • April ? • 8pm
The Fraternities of
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Summit brightens timber outlook
PORTLAND (AP) f'resi
dent Hill Clinton's forest i on
ferenr:** dispelled the notion
that the Northwest must
choose miwwii ions ami
spotted owls, and should
help build support lor old-growth pmtis lion, envi
ronmentalists said Saturday
Knv iromnentnlists also expressed optimism that
Clinton will offer n comprehensive proposal that
goes beyond owl* to help troubled salmon streams
and national forests in Pastern Oregon and Wash
"President Clinton's forest conference has final
lv buried the myth of iohs versus owls." Karin
Sheldon, president of The
Wilderness So< lety, said at a
news conference vs ith leaders
of o dozen groups
' There is no longer any
question that ending logging
in the nation's old-growth
forests on both the east and
west sides of the Cascades is
n prerequisite for sustaining
both a healths environment
and ei iimum in rural Ore
gnn Washington and Northern ( aliforntn. she
(Minton and Gore sprinkled environmental
nuiiiK es throughout I- riday \ six-hour conference
in Port land
"If wi' learn nothing else here it is the various
elements here interrelate with eat h other Whal
es er is done has to be done on a very broad base,
long-term basis in recognition of those inton on
not tions," (.ore said at the round table.
Sami Vassa. a staff scientist fur the Natural
Kesoun es Defense Council in San Fro no i s< o, said
(Minton seemed to understand "a solution that
doesn't address the east side is only halt a solo
l abor leaders said the most important part ol
Friday’s < onference w as (Minton's chain e to hear
dire tly from people who have suffered as a result
ol dramatii logging cutbai ks in the region
We demonstrated there is another element of
this debate the working men. women and com
munities ol the Northwest.’ said Mike Draper,
executive secretary ol tile Western Council of
Industrial Workers m Portland
Chris West vice president of the Norlhwest
Forestry Asm* iatinn. said wi\ ironmentulists at tin*
i onfereni e ofirrud "the same old rhetoric, no new
proposal* and are not ready to compromise
environmentalists said Saturday they are opt i -
rnlstii Clinton's involvement will make d more
politically palatable (or some Northwest lawmak
ers to abandon the delegation's traditional ties to
the timlrer industry
environmentalists blamed House Speaker Tom
Foley. D-VVash . last year for him king a sweeping
proter lion lull offered by Rep. George Miller. I)
Calif. the conservation-minded i hairmon ol the
Natural Resources Committee
Foley telephoned members ol the < ommittee to
‘President Clinton's
forest conference has
finally buried the myth
of jobs versus owls.'
Karin Sheldon.
president of The Wilderness Society
ruin opposition to tne pro
posal only minutes before a
scheduled vote, killing the
"I think <i last-minute
phone i all from the speaker
in the committee room is not
going to keep a hill from
moving this year." said for
mer Hep |im Jontz. D-Ind .
who now works part time lor
the Western Ancient Forest
Huh Chlopak ol the Ancient Forest Alliance
hast'd in Washington. I) ( added. "It’s a dilfer
ent political hall game "
"With George Hush, Torn Foley had political
cover from the White House to stop this He
doesn't have that any more. There are national
Demot rats from outside the region as well as some
in the region who see this an opportunity to get
this monkey off their hat k.” he saul
Chlopak saul Washington Kep Norm Dicks is
another Demot rat who sympathizes with the tmi
lter industry and t ould hint k sweeping protection
It’s going to come dim n to vv here Norm Dicks
and Tom Foley are going to he on this issue." he
Hill Arthur of the Sierra Club in Seattle said 200
volunteers were knot king on 50.000 doors in
I )u ks’ distrit t in Tilt onia. Wash.. Saturday to "take
the message to Norm Du ks "
Osborn said environmentalists knocked on
40.000 doors in I.astern Washington last week tirg
mg ( alls to the White House
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