^ »x*o tn **»»«> Outside of the room Rous Perot was speaking In Sunday was a screen was set up to carry a live picture of the former presidential candidate s speech at the Eugene Hilton PEROT Continued from Page 1 on taxes when it is not "just i nil a dog a dog. not n i anine.'' Perot said Here, you need a thesaurus now to listen to till* news or rend your newspaper 1ms nose taxi’s are no longer I ailed taxes lie< nose you don t like them Another problem i mated by a false appearam e of change. Perot said, is that Clinton is signing liail deals but promising to straighten them out later. However, he said, had deals are never straight el led Perot and t W s.\ are < ailing for the treasury to Ire refilled and for a balniii ed budget amendment lo disi iplitie government spending, along w ith a line-item veto for the president the lexas bil lionaire is also asking for a -i > pen eill • ill ill gov eminent stall and a dei reave in government salaries Phis is no time to sit around and sin k your thumb when you're going into debt at the rate we re going.' be said. There is no disi ipline in spending in Washington bet a use you and I have not proposer! discipline Perot Mid new programs must lie planned i are fully Presidents should not be r run timed about ai i.omplishmgeverything within the first HM) (lavs because "any time vou do too many things at on< «. you don't do them well," Manufacturing. Perot said. is the key to rebuild ing the country Itecauae the industry employs a large number of people and generally pays high er He said the United States must be a manufac turing t ountrv for it to bo a superpower country and to defend itself in tunes of war Perot and UWSA also lielieves that nil political ai tion i ommittees should tie eliminated and for eign lobby ists need to lie stopped About 158 for mer senior federal officials are now lobbyists for foreign countries, he said UWSA is asking for equal retirement plans and equal benehts for everyone, regardless of tut onte C.urrently. tie said. MO members of Congress have billion retirement plans All sacrifice must start at the top. Perot said 1 he guvs on the bottom should have the best 1m*. raise the guvs on top c an |wn for it out of their pih kets," he said l WSA is growing fast, and in i ording to a poll taken bv I'SA Today. 20 percent of U S citizens an1 interested in joining Mom tiers pav aS15 con triliulion that vvill not fie spent until a time ol < ri sis II not spent. members will reieive tfieir money hack "We will Im* the swing vote in the 04 < ongres sional race,” Perot said KING Continued from Page i I h,. R.-v less,- !»« kson who was with King at the Lorraine, urg.-d i ongregants at the All Mini'. Kptst opal Chun h in Pasadena, ( aid Sunday, to not pist be s;..-ctators and witnesses to violent*. hut find a wav to do something >Sout it just 10 miles away in Los Angeles. a federal trial is under w A in the beating of blai k motorist Rodney King When four white >fL otrs were at quitted of similar charges after a state rial last year, tf deadly Los Anydes r ts followed Also on the Los An .-ms ■ mirt tint kei 'his mmili is th" trial of three that k men act ,.*d of he etmg white trucker Reginald Denn during the riots Mu! |ai kson said U. anno! put our destinies in the hands ot 1.: jurors and debating law vers fat kson planned to faopst ut. fi the tountrv promoting mi none rights winding up in Baltimore in time tor a protest at Monday s opening dav of the ina|or league hasehall season I he national pas time lias t ome under renewed allegations of prejudu e since the rev illations tfiat resulted in ti one-year suspension of (.incinnati Kt-tis owner Marge Schott At the National ( iv il Rights Museum, built at the sile ot tile Lor raine Motel, people stopped on their wav to an afternoon com ert at the Mason Temple, where Ring gave his last speech "The soul of our people died when he died, said I ony Jackson. 1<) of Atlanta The tight t ontinued hut not with the same spirit I don't know if we’ll ev er he able to capture it again On Aug 2H. Wfi.'L King told marchers m Washington. DC of his hopes lor the future I have a dream that mv four little children will one dav live in u nation where they will not fie judged bv the color of their skin hut bv the content of their character." fie said But a poll published Sunday found a2 percent of him k respon dents believe rat e relations m the United States are the same or worse than they were in lbfiH Forty-five percent believe things had improved Among whites. 42 percent said things were the same or worse and 54 percent said tilings were better Sixty sis percent of Mat ks and 55 pen ent of whites said race rela tions were generally had. and 27 percent of blue ks and .tH percent of whites said rai e relations wen- good l*he .Yen York I imrs CMS Yen s poll of 1.3HH adults was taken Man h 2H 31 and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for whites and six percentage points tor him ks bee a use fewer blue ks were inti-rv iewe*ei. VOLUNTEER Continued from Page 1 Kin h |)(irson who lakes part m a j»r«»j»*t t must foot the travel hill, which can range anyw here from $300 to $3,000. I wesme said She tries to dirts t college students to programs in Mexi i o, )amnu a and Mississippi because the trawl expenses art less. and she said, these are the areas students seem to he the most interested m Twesme said Glottal Volunteers tries to find group travel dis counts for college students, and all trip-related costs are tax deductible Graduating This Spring? From April 12th on, we're the place to order your: • gown • tassel • cap • announcements and pay your commencement fee. (Main Floor By Our Information Counter,) » Undergraduate Purchase $2450 Includes gown. cap. tassel & commencement fee Master's Rental $25°° Includes rental gown & hood, purchased cap. tassel & commencement ree • A $6 lot* tee wN be charged tor order* placed after June 4th PhD Rental $3425 Includes rental gown & hood, purchased cap. tassel & commencement fee ■ A $5 late fee wl be charged tor orders placed after June 4th APARTNER IN YOUR i in t \T1()N ET ALS Ml ITIM.S Dnmli |«mu>i Honor Society will inn'1 umighl *»* »* JO m I Mt (jtniury Ki*»m A f <>t more information, < all *V*l2 J AM O w»!l luu' a public hearing !« r regarding lh* incidental low proto* s totim from ! 2 10 It* i p m m the I Ml H« < hinder Kuom lor more informal ion. tall J40 .17 24 hulup and I mlulmn (.roup w ill for Population timings Son Hnvtfcf**! and Dr. Kh Ivard la>tai>lK)lr will dm u** Civw.?<*!*«•• terta and lit* Opi mu ration «»f iho ilmiii t.m iron men t today at *J )0 a m »h Km»ih 111 Klamath MLS4 ill \NKH S I rmloin Irlluwthip ami ( ampufc ( ru il<* lor (Jtrikl v*.ill present l nd**r*lantltug HomtiMfuiliU TIm* Kitahl\ of (Jiang** Ion igi 11 a: 7:30 in Kootn ISO Columbia For mnif information, tall 4M5-417S I mr and Applied Aria Department »i!i lust* a rm«>|riu»n for thi* wnek % annual tom putet art ilum tonight from 7 to 0 p in «i the laVVriifl Kr.iuH Callers Ummuki> Hall lor more information