LETTERS Pass race requirement On Wednesday, the University will vote on a new r«< egender requirement This deeismn has many impli cations for both students and faculty. Three types of issues stand out fiscal, curric ular and societal. Conse quently. it is important to focus on facts and not rhetoric We need additional courses to meet student demand, hut University President Myles Brand believes this can lie accomplished without any additional resources First, we will continue to use many of the current courses Second, using Target of Opportunity and regular depart mental efforts, newly hired far ulty members will tear h additional courses. Despite the rhetoric . this vote is not about politii al correctness It's about educational evolution. While it is important to maintain academic traditions, we must also adapt to the societal changes. Promoting a diverse t ur riculum is not an attack on Western civilization, but sim ple .in ,u knowledgrnent of other voir es. perspei lives and educational models. The world is changing. Women make up half of our student bods International and domestic students of i olor act ount for more than in percent. The growth rate of minorities o/ Oregon ranges from 2r> percent to 100 percent, compared to only fi percent for whites We ini reasinglv operate in a global ei minim that requires a worldwide perspective rather than a primarily Amer ican one The fm ts are clear Now is the time for dec isive lead ership Fundamentally. this requirement will benefit all students and faculty bv providing a greater awareness and understanding of the i hallenges awaiting in the 21st i entury On behalf ol FSO(.. I urge you to approve this proposal. Marshall Sauceda President University Faculty and Staft of Color Quality scorned I was completely taken by surprise lo find that a qual ity college newspaper such as the Emerald found it important to support I’lnyhoy's Pai 10 issue When are we all going to realize that pornography is a medium that moves to degrade women and help men view them as mere ohjec Is' Pornography is one of the leading reasons why men rape and treat women m a se\ ist fashion. It is kind of a stupid move on the lunar aid's part to run an ad supporting these ideals, consid ering the rising number of rapes on campuses 1 know my friends will disagree hut it sure would have been nit e if our l 'niv ersity i ould have stood up md said. "We won't contribute to this Pai It) issue I hope women who went to a P/rn/xn interv tew w ill think ihout what they did They should ask themselves, "Do : really want to sell my body?" I am proud to say that I'll he one male yy ho won’t i on VMff DOVCUWEAH VCte CUT C* FOOD?! TVCNmT ftKE'Nt <50tt4STt> e*.?(^ ENTITLEMENTS tributt* to the "sell-out" of it trashy magazine issue Daniel J Arguedas Physics Respect vs. degradation Sim e when does posing in the nude elevate .1 person to celebrity st.itus f I>v is using det oplis e advertising to manipulate women into degrading themselves for its ow n ei iitminii gain Ilowever. I don't think I’lnyhov and its consumers are the only guilty parlies partu ipating in the exploitation of women Some of the blame must also he attributed to the women who are intelligent and aware, vet still vnluntar il\ allow IheinseKes to be reduced to a sexual objei t I understand that it mas lie an ego boost to lie praised and admired lor lieauty . tint Iteing sells ted to pose in the nude is not a verv dignified form of validation .is a human living Women deal with a number of problems everv dev bei ause of a lac k of respec t a lew ol which are sexual harassment, disc riminalion. unequal pas, rape iiud s 10 lenc e All of these problems stem from a lack ol respite I I ask tlie women ol the t hiiversity. is it worth .1 lousy S'lllt) to boost your ego and in turn 1 onlribute to the ton es lh.il will ultiiiuilidv lc.ul lu oppressing vmi .inti tilht'i women .uuiintl voir I guaranlt'i- .it stunt- pumi you will Itt- lilt* vn tun til stunt- tttrin ul tlist riiniiliitinn tir tltt^rntl.i linn simply lift tiiist- vmi art- li-in.ilt- rogartl less ul your i harm ti-r nr .n liii-vt-mt-nls II vmi support or t nnlnliutf to tin- l‘ln\bo\ pit Inn.iK, ‘lou t i oinpl.im aftout not l»-uiv; ri-s|M-t led li\ sonit-uiii- who \ tows vmi not ,is ,in mlt-llif-fiit bead l> bike doctor APR6 OHNOfOREC^ jX wcrwWuvu.D*o Vj & ive”‘”$ tare For children ages 15 months to six years at EMU Preschool ■ IMO <9 p.m. * II' FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE.