Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1993, Page 16, Image 16

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    Tar Heels, Wolverines ready to tangle for championship
NFW ORLEANS (AIM It s tin* pin
stripe suits against the warmups. IHM
versus 1.1. Cool). tlm star program meet
ing tin* program of stars
All those matchups will Ih* under one
roof one very lug dorm* Monday
night when North (.jirolitta and Mir hi gun
m«*«*t for the national < honi|iionship It
should hr* a great game played hy two
groups of players as different on every
ley r*l as i an lie. exr epl talent
Sunday’s Final Four news < onfereni es
were perils t examples
Nortli Carol in a went first and t oar h
Dean Smith went beyond the rules and
brought eight players with him instead of
the requested liye starters
We have eight starter*- but the rules
say three have to Ih* on the Ihuii h. Smith
said l h.it vs us about it for laughs as
Smith ami the play ers tended to business,
alvs ay s talking the team line and stray ing
from the form answers
I hnii came Mil hig.m
Coach Steve Kjshi.tr started the 4 >
minute mass interview alone I»*> aose the
five sophomore starters arrived latr*
As Fisher was answering his third
question. I hi! five sophomore* walked
into the large ballroom veiling hello and
waving to their coach The rest of the
interview wits as relaxed ns n team has
liven on the eve of the NC AA title game
since Duke in
The tcipn s ranged from Fisher's per
sonalitv awav from the i ourt to shaved
heads to imaginary conversations The
laughs were plenty and the answers off
the ( off
"(,on< h Fisher \nid he would shave his
head if we win the national champi
onship. Chris Webber said, drawing a
(|tiu k spin ol the t oat h"s head
A'eah. right." Jnlen Rose t.hipped in
sari aslii ally lie's already hull!
The style difference is shown before
the game as well when Mil hignn arrises
w it h plain dark blue warmup shirts w hi If
liie I iir I feels start to get ready wearing an
entire uniform set designed b\ Alexander
I ven off the i ourt. Mit tug.in plavers
an* always seen in baggy warmup suits or
I shirts hut North ( arohna plavers h.w•
the tie knot pulled tight and the lop hut
ton buttoned.
"I think I'll get it» trouble for anything I
say about (his, you know, the squeak\
( lean against the hod guys, if you want
to < oll it that." North Carolina's Krii Mon
tross said after the mass interview " At
Carolina a lot of people have thought that
we've always done |ust the right thing at
the right time, and we re perfet t and we
do everything |ust right I think that < ;oa< h
Smith is pist that type of person that he
doesn't settle for anything hut the image
that he has
"He always makes iis shave We re
always clean-shaven Were always
dressed III a suit and tie wherever we go.
whether it's going to the airport. on a bus
going out to eat I think it 's just an image
that he has because he's a very i lassv per
And not that Michigan isn't — I'm not
sav ing that at all I think it's pist different
personalities that a team has and different
things tiles allow them to do
Mil higim was granted a national image
is they grew op in Iron! of our eyes l ive
kuK just out of high si hool went .ill the
way to the championship game losing
71-51 as Duke repeated. The love affair
turned sour qutcklv ns the trash-talking
became a negative and the playground
look n detriment
Fisher always maintained the charac
terizations were unfair
"This is the smartest group of kids l
have ever been associated with ns a
< oat h, he said It s also the most tal
I bis game is loaded with talent on both
sides, and we’ve seen it liefore Michigan
beat North (.'arolina '<1-78 in Hawaii in
late December on a last-second rebound
basket by Hose
Webber had 2~ points, eight rebounds
and five blot ked shots in that game, three
of the rejections against Montross
"Blot king shots is going to happen,"
Montross said. "He got me 1 got him. It s
placing well as a team, not individual
matchups, that counts."
Webber Montross should be the best of
some great defensive assignments
We’ll have all of our big men on Mon
tross at some time." Fisher said. "We
have been playing good defense all sea
son Were lee ling pretty good about our
selves right now
What do you use when itfc
2 hours 'til youi* interview and 2 years
since you tried on your suit?
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