Men golfers fade to third in Fresno By Steve Mims Omgcn O.i'y (rrmtakl The Oregon men's golf team started quickly hut faded late to pint e third during the weekend lit the Fresno Golf Clossii in Fresno, (ailif The Ducks shot 2H4 in the opening round Friday, followed hy ;j<)7 in the second round, to take a five-shot lead heading into the final round But Oregon shot 104 in the third round to finish seven shots behind UCI.A Jeff Lyons was the top finisher for Oregon, shooting a 21H to finish in sixth pinen The f)u< ks i nine out on fire Friday morning and were pai ed In Ted Snavely's fit) and Kandv Mi Grin ken's 70 to take a two shot lead ov er I resno State after one round Lyons added a 72. and ( am Martin shot 7:1 in the opening round Martin w as the only Dm k who was able to belter Ins si ore in the set ond round, ■ outing in with .i 72. while the rest ul the team faded Suavely shot a set - ond • round 74. billowed by l.yoils and Mi ( r.n ken vvlift 75 and 7fi. respectively. Snavelv was in third plate after two rounds, while Marlin. Mi l r i* btiwncA* pm* in hih'»in«i Hrrars/Re funds PIl'JH' MUJI ad* I hi ODI. Milt run a daiulkd ad m«»c ■MklitH ikiy as a result *»f an> t)|Migfa|>hiv4l erfur that changes the meaning "t ihc ad it rcp«>rU’d he I PM Refunds '‘•I! lv limited u v rcdiis • «»ly V i iavh rv lands Mill be issued after the ,mJ dt.MlIiih. < redds tmisl lx un J *uhiii f> months «•! issue ('opy t cccptancc the ODI re wises the light to rvsise , rcildslil). reject »*r cancel anv .is! at arts t»nu PMfcretnan victim MM*mg coo tael wsfh cyclist***"*** noon acxxMnt. tilth A Att*. W«tfV3* 485 3^94 110 LOST & FOUND FOUNO (V*«y 9»| «na to« keys m !M Co(umt« Thurs, II 12 20. COntart n*:h 343 3036__ l-OS I 4 <* I •> 1 i-.f.i ; «as wn ,n «m«< V‘Ssrd 202 at Pac*c 8. Ifus . my only i«c»«l so PLEASE css m« .1 you o;tv« it of nave seen 4 thsnSs. 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A6G6-I ANTARCTIC JOBS!!! 1W3 Antarctic Job Guide h«« info on uroftd * moil unuftuAi ptace lo work W9S.*. v\M . ..vV Apartment Manage/ needed v,-nd •« - H *■ W «4v: A .V’ «>"»T Nt H»a f . - • -M Biftwi.vei A Cocktail Wwimt • Rati ■W • ' ?n ***** M f • :.*■'* ’.;y'-1 «* • *V i* I'.t CAN'T FIND A JOB ' kx*»ng k>* « Cook needed m> 4 v 1 M V»» ;i pteM -t 4ft* Cruise line Lrl « eve mer'year 'twx? M M * * 6*>9 EAMN it$00 WCCKLV .u*ng ou> cw ,i’s' »4*v N< -A FRf! St rS Dept *49 tic* 4000. C X ..i J N S6C ' 6 4QQ0 _ f A Mil V MEL PE R mtx* tUyl $6 SO Tv *r'u5l have ca» Ctvld care k* H A 13 y* CAd A KjM fXHiVnw^** 4g4 0401 Fun tn the Sun. pcstftajpft ar- .i*j 4t>m a! the t MU Owd Ca?<* and Develop ment Centers WoA Study preferred but not ieQu*red -n person at Oui pW«ce upwaav 1511 Mou Mf '0-12 & 1-5 GRADUATING? 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Ma*h#r rMMKtod Monday* 4/, Tuaaday A fivu'tulays 1? 2pm. ptaaaa cat' 486 H363, 6 ‘J n*w?« lays IN If RNATIONAI f MPl OYMLNT Moms maw, »»*« ♦' '-J bar com*®* | »sQ»i*h abroad iapar af*f T arwAn Ma^y provtd* f:x>m A ?x;.*fd p*uS OtTxw tMKMlfitV M4»»: $2000* $4000 ♦ {’XT rr ..•iff' No prfevOuS or taacfwvj cod t>cate r®qu'>f#d to/ ampioym*--' p»0flrarf' a {206} V>X' « t 4(-. pi- dfrKVj SAF E RIDE tS MIRING' A ** Sfvvtv*; ’s \ Adr'in^lMi-^f AivM.*'---* A^pa Si. '«• « l MU uos.fig iai» Mo-- Ai • * r ia^ POSTAL JOBS new -* xkj Can 1-60S 962 **000 •«» P STUDENT WORKS PAINTING Ps*M (ktnng !N» {*umm®r f ugef>*' No e *p «#c ®Mar y Calf Jav / a! S4f- 9669 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT I Gamp counaexoft 'mnkhkj tor wwr! ' MjCf v *.4y ■. a/Tip - : Sanaon daMU 5/?t-4?7 PT FI Contact Student Employment 1? Mandril* » Hus let • K:o* it sou r* still tt*\lung out your h»r it** ^HFHHtCr but haven l touful any «*«». itm^ Work where you can use your mind, gain some good experience for your future and earn some good money, like, viv. Come to the Summer Work Informational Interview Monday, April 5th 2:00, 4:00 or 6:00 in Cedar Room B •»f i iill 434'2087 to rrquol an ap}%Hnt*wni IOu'mmI tT|l’M 210 HELP WANTED SUfcHCR J08S TO SAVE THf ENVIRONMENT EARN STIOOJSOO AND MARE A DEFERENCE National campaign positions to renew tne Dean Water Act promote compre nenaive recycling and stop ott snore o*» dnttmg Avertable »n 22 states and 0 C Campos interviews 4/7 and 4’8 Cai* Jamie totf tree l 0OO 7&-EARTH f POSITION AVAILABLE T he ASlX) >s tttrtwg an events coor® j nalGf A^^jKtjfaDns are avOKlt.-e i 'xtft© 4 i MU f veryon© *i tP'iXKtt | .*ged to apply' Deaden© Apn< t«* ( AMK3 s an 1'Q.AAE Nanny Wanted M«d May through rrd August, free *lX>m A meals PAjs saint , evening?* an# wee* ends oh 744 0435 Office A %%*slant Secretary part ?■me ’9 t5 houfVw* ' e«4>r© schedule M F ntsn typing 65 *^>m general clerical. randfi ' company van cl# Pleas# bring r*s .;*h» to 30‘ Monro# St. Eugene OP. M l 1 Spm No phone . aiis PLAYGROUND LEADERS SUMMER POSITIONS Playground leaders ore assigned ’ . va*ous par»s located throughout the C-ty ol I ugene Must have e*p working wth rvtdren ** sports. games drama mus* .md arts A crafts Salary 'ang# $5 16 Sh ?3#*r tor ?0-2 ■ hrs/w* Bilingual sht«s desirable Ob»a> * apt* caton and supplemental questc ma*re at Oty ot t -jqene Human Rescx fees arid Hii* Serve*#. Rm tOV 777 I -j*r! St Eugen#. OR 9/40’ interviewing to beg*- after April 19. 1993 University Housing is now hrftng tO Program Assistants for the ’993 94 ac adenvc year Program Assistants work to plan and produce educational cuHur a! and recreational prognens «n the res •Pence haBs Applications and addition af -ntor matron may be o«a*ned at the area desks «n Carson Hampton Un» versify Inn and th# Housing Office m Walton MaU Program Ass-stants |PA> must be fu* bm* students at the U ol O and need to We m a -rudenc* hail where they are employed Compensa bon tor the povbon •» room and board m a Single room WANT TO KNOW MORE? Come to m tormalKjnal meeting about the pb m the Carson Goto Room. Tues, Aprw 6th ai 4 30pm. Carson Gold Room The deart*ne tor completed appfaca tons «s Monday April 12th. *993 at 5pm to the tin-versify HouS*ng Oft«C# in Walton Mali An aftomsfcv# actiorveouai opportunity employe* committed to Cul ture drve» sit v Work-Study Position avartobte the UO Upward Bound MSRC current* has positions open tor ptfee assistants Appicwtts must posses a base know* edge of computers and o»*ce equ«p ment. answer phones, and be able to work mornings To apply CftM 34*360' Wort study pos-t.on avarfabl# as office assistant n Soc*otogy Duties a'© var •ed. hours «e*toie Contact Ann at *■1169 or *n 736 PIC