Ever Think of Teaching? If vmi are .t senior or a college graduate. you ean Income a member of ihe u.u hmg profes sion !n t ammy vour f l< menfurv t» Vconiiun, ( < m/tune anti Muster ■> Digu< a! (he sinic time throtieh Whitworth collcgi Master in Teaching Program Inis progressive program begins in June >3 anti culminates the follow HU* A Ml. .it'i r.fi'tti U\h f'SH'.’ i. (ft'.'l' Late . ui. if ail courst woik is completed a Master - ii< tee Dr ttt ic\ Duffy the direit<>r >1 the Master :n [cashing Program, will he on > ampus. I hursday April Nth from I Oam--pm in i KB Hail Slop in and ieatn fans ■. ou .an enter a pro- if.at Developing Reflective leai lu rs for l eadership in lYunorrow s Si hoots Ion Mi" : i .o. into W'lttworih- Ml ’ program nnlas l >(N 4(i(i- 12.N I Faculty strike ends in Cincinnati CINCINNATI (MM * tors for the l Jimersitv of ( iru in n.Ji anti strikiriK fat ulfv m«*n» tiers reached a tentative agreement on n three-vear t on* !rat t Saturday emJinjt a fiv»-dov strike Members of the American Asset t.titon of University Pro fessors campus t hapter. which represents l.dlfi full-time fat oi ls members, must approve the pm 1 No dole was set for u :.>ti fit alioil vole The strike has kept about *t0 pertfin of the bargaining unit's niemtiers from < lasses since if began Monday About tl per ( cut of classes uere < am *>!**<) •Mi.Is (lav this university ■'■nr! The contrai t ini hides no pay raise during the current school soar but does (.all for pay increases of Z percent in the 1993-t'BH school year and 4 pen ant the following year, fair cutty the average facultv salary is sal 0110 Both sides also agreed that a $z H million retirement imm eve will he distributed first to health benefits for retirees and then to a development fund administered In the depart merits I owe II l i' ikf a union spokesman. said the administra imn dropped its demand to tie able to suspend a faculty mem ber without |>a\ before a hear ing The university also agreed to restrict its ability to su ib h a ji - lessor from a tenure trai k position to a non-tantire-trai k posit ion. except lor clinii <»l fac ulty m the medii.il school. I.* ike said The i outran is retroactive to last fall, when the old contrai t expired Actress settles lawsuit I.o.s \\< .1 l.l.s i/U’i - («***na Davis -.onit'd •> lawsuit thpt « iaitned ,, journalist invented quotes 11 a profile »>t her Ittrms of i.is! week s settlement with Frank Saneilo weren t clis q()II, s .,r,- is,u ilh lilt! s«»!ilenient md I now hope IO get ImiA 111 work non that tins eight mare is me: Saneilo said j in* m-vear-old actress sum! fur S’> million lor invasion >1 privai \ after Sonello s art it If appeared in tht* l)ft ember issue ol it nman s World magazine The storv titled Tieena Davis - I Want to Have a Hnb\ dis missed her relationship with Hollywood security consultant (<.ivm de lift ker Davis, who starred in Thelma oinl Umisr, A longue of their Ow n and The H\ won an Aiademy Award in 1'IHH as supporting actress m Act identtll tourist Moviegoer sprays mace WEST PALM HF.ACH. Kin (AP) — A woman refused to be quiet during a showing ol ilu' movie A birr in tiw Sk\ . id sprayed Main in the tn> e of a patron who asked her to shut up The assailant fled after the incident Wednesday- The maced woman was treated at the theater by paramedics. Get A flood Jo*1 When you’re ready to apply for that great job, j your resume will get noticed if it looks something like this.... j Available 2 Yr-Turn Board Position^ • 1 Fresh nan • 2 Sophomore • 1 Graduate Student • 1 Teaching Faculty Available I vr- Term ;mTr.l*raiiXT •1 Studcnt-at:Large Run for the Board! Nominations taken at the Bookstore Annual L Meeting. * You may nominate yoursein i o hooksiour; \\\i \imi i:h\< Tuesday, April 13th, 3:30 pm, 133 Gilbert Hall For information, contact General Manager. Jim Williams in person or at 346-4331 Tacos and More! Open 24 Hours lr & !5> OFF" ANY MENU ITEM “TCBV” I hi i ountti)\ Ik^t h>quit >'.rm r* :-ve* s ■ Not good * ‘r *'• oi®f£ -> iff 6*pd$l4 «0 :K*. ■ 3131 W 11th Market Place West • 1388 Franklin Blva (Franklin a V'llardi SPRIMiUH.D _ SMOKE SHOP ':>Dacco • P'oes • Lighters • incense • Knives • Gifts • Canoy ",24 Mam St, Spnngliela, OR 97477 503-747-8529 Mon-S* '08 So" '-2 i 600-782-94% Early Bird Specials 50b WASH K MR. CLEAN JEAN'S COIN-OP LAUNDRY • Close to campus • Clean • Handicap accession machines • Serving the area for 17 years 240 E. 17th (Between High & Pearl) FUTONS STARTING AT ROCK SOFT FUTON EUGENE 1122 Alder St. 686-5069 OPEN M F ! 1-6 p.m Sal. 11-5 p.m.. Sun. 12*4 p.m.