Jurors fear danger in ruling for insanity BOSTON (AP) — If Kenneth Seguin w.isn't mad. what other ex planet ion could there In?7 This computer executive — home in the suburbs, no apparent problems — suddenly killed his wife and two children But a jury refused to find him innocent In reason of insanity, and convicted him of second-degree murder The presiding puige. Robert Barton, was unsurprised I've sat on four highly publit i/ed cases over the sears where the defense in front of n jury was not guilty by reason of insanity, and never has one of them prevailed,’' he said Jurors everywhere, fearful of rising crime and worried that dan gerous criminals will go free, are rehu taut to find defendants not guilts t>et a use of insanity — even when the most bizarre i rimes have been committed, experts sus ' f inding someone not guilts Im-cause of their mental state is being seen as akin to getting off si ot free." said A bite Smith deputy direi tor of the Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard t nisersits law Si hool. "IPs tied directly to the tear of i rime Some say a bac klash against leniency intensified w hen |ohn Him kies was acquitted after pleading insanity in the I‘MU shooting ol President Reagan. A studs of 49 counties in eight states t alifornia. Georgia. Mon tana, Ness Jersey. New ^ ork. Ohio. Washington and Wist onsin showed that between 197b and 19H7. 1 pen ent of the pleas in felons cases were insanity defenses, a< cording to the Amerit an Academs of Psychiatry and the Law. Of those nearly 9.000 cases. 2b percent of the defendants who entered such pleas were acquitted, and only 7 percent of those ai quittals were by a jury. the studs found "IPs a defense of desperation, said William Molfitt, an attorney in Alexandria, Va . known lor his use of the insanits defense It s not the defense of first resort . even if son have a person who VOU really think is out of tlreir mind The insanity defense dates to lH4:t in l.ngland. when Daniel M'Nughten was accused of fatally shooting la I ward Drummond the private sri rotary to Prime Minister Robert Pool. M Naghten testified that lie believed Peel was the head of a con spiracy to kill him, and that this delusion prompted him to shoot Drummond. M'Naghten pleaded not guilty hs reason of insanity, and. in an unpopular verdict, was at quitted. The so-called M'Naghten rule, or variations on it, is still the legal definition of insanity in mans i ourts It s.n s a defendant is legally insane if. because of a severe mental disease or defect, he ' .moot appreciate the consequent os of his at ts or tell right from sv rung But after Hint kies was fount! not guilts hs reason of insanits in the assassination attempt on Reagan, Congress responded m 19H I Iw passing the insanity Defense Reform Act. ss hit h placed the burden of prosing insanity on the defense rather than making tin* pros edition prove sanity It also hit lined expert witnesses, such as psst hialrists. from offer mg conclusions about the sanity or insanity of the defendant, a I loss im; them to only dest ribe a t oudition and let jurors det ide riu at I applied only to federal courts, but mans states iollowed suit .ind ii(lo|)ti*il similar measures Some states created review boards. milt li like parole boards, lhal lake custody of people committed to institutions otter a successful 111snnit\ plea The boards oversee treatment provided and i an set conditions that must be met it a person is to lx- released Sou . attorney s say. the insanity defense is less ettei tive than ever l hes i ite tlie Wis* onsin i ase of Jeffrey Dahtner, who was ronvii led ol killing and dismembering la young men and boys, and oven eat ing their bods ports tint found sane b\ a jurs It there ever was a mentally ill person on the planet, Dalum-r had to tie it," Muffitt said Diane Wiley, president of the National Jurv Project in Minneapo lis, said jurors in sui It < ases must sort out the often confih ting tes timony of medical experts, while worrying about the consequences of their verdii t "It's not that tties don't think Dahtner is insane thev just don't w aljt iitili back out on the street. V\;les said Actually, defendants acqpdted on insanity pleas spend about as long in mental institutions as they would have epent in prison had they been convicted, ac.i urdmg to Henry I Steadman, president of Pole s Research Associates, which i ondm tod the eight state study on insanity pleas Steadman found that the median length of < onfinemenl for dm fendants acquitted h\ reason of insanity in murder i ases was 1.737 days or 4 7 years I he median length of confinement tor defendants found guilty of murder was 1 .tblti day s, or five years. \ DANCING! SPECIALS! $ Every Night of the Week! Open until 2:30 am daily I All lottery games 3 and full game room! 343-0681 13th & Alder On Campus FREE LUNCH! 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