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SO C 1 lift. tbra Ert, Sal S Sun* 542-4878 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Compaq Content V20 r»o*>fcoo* 80mt) rwti WWxJow* t WS W‘*dChwo*». 4 mo't oW, S0 IfliagaWritar N prmh>. par'act c»< Six9_ Mutt mN my Mac lit naoobatM pnca Can Tytit to# data*** at 404 9472 KT-Compat 40 MH MO F loppy «»1 ktyd, color monitor. moot*. wAotot wota 4250 OOP 6te 3502 354sjt~40Mt>Md moOtm VGA Mon, lor and mor* SHOOode Cat* Jo« Mi3«/10 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASHtl! W# lyui and cm VMS VCR ft &*3 tU»r«oa Thompson EUCftonp, * <22 Q» 343 9?73 Dan on DCC-6970 c**. puMvot Of fc»e8. box' in gdcom MNI 4«5 7?t9 1y5 T P i V E L HCAOMO KM FURORE TMS SUMMER? Ontf *269*" JO net ANYTIME tot t?W irom in* «M Coa«. l'f>9 '-om to* tax Coax aMX AiMMITCH* (Reported n ifTi Go1 8 NY 1««l l 3’0 394 0550 1 Round Trip nvcta to Cancun or Acapulco J?00 2 Round Bp voucher* to RaBamrui 1800. canaan ■«hirf*on» unit 4»* 0945 H FREE SEMINAR H LliN m* imici » TSAVtt M 8M» WCMItlM •* IvtOM r»OM HH IIHIII Friday, Apr! 9 Wort Abroad Semrw 11 KM naan - 1KM pm £rt> Memorial Union Ben Under Room ludjtt Irxei Vemnx liOO pm - It JO pm f rt> Memorial Union Ben Imder Room U««MMBt« rmi CO«m(H 200 RIDES i RIDERS from Corvallis to UO carpoot mambars «MM workdays iharo aspanM’drrvwg, non smokars 7S3491? 205 OPPORTUNITIES Edm CM* Mvftng anvolopal at homo M materials prowjad Sand SASt «J PC Bo. 8M3 Spnnghasd MO 6S6G' Mem Wring Won Study quaUftad ttudsnts m o8«a tomsUrn lo typ* W». and panorm ganara ottrca dutai*. tS SOn». apportunay lo loan won} procasang s»»ts '»r.tw> aftamoon hours M out aopkcaton a) 32C Chapman Hal Sa* Janca II you have somrthinq to aril, loo have somrlHing to idmliir OOt CLA5SlfllI)S 210HELP WANTED HgrtWM Mansgsr naadad. >00% rant cradtt. ia>0 '(twm lo 0PM >430 W*isma«« No >09. tugana OB 974C> ____ Assistant Chow Dlroctor naadad by tugaoa Paata Chon co laad «*«*>y >*oaa>aart. <*raci partormanca* asp prafarrad. shpsmd dryjs*.4ka. must hava mom ot humor 686 3296 Bartandar t Cocktail Waltraas Dot a Pad 165 W 111* «[|ryMI >0»m >2pm*8pm Wi Tran Cook naadad sat & sun 3 7 and Monday l-S pmhsso can 4068383 0 9pm akcMys __ __ CREWLEADERS Nonnaaai Youth Corps a now hying kirnna liaid sia» Sutoasstu' app>< cants me bo Ngnty motrratad lo sro»k arte tatHQa youth, haw teadarship asp and a background rn outdoor 'ac ■ aaton f stanuva camping and travoi raqu*»ad Northwnsl YouS> Corps 5 t2C Eranfckn Bird 7 A I. ugana. OB 97403 (5031 7488653 Cruiaa Una Entry lever on boardlandsrda Poahons aval rum ma« yaar round 7>4 649 >569 _ EARN *1500 WEEKLY mamng Our Or outers’ Bagn NOW' I BE I pack at' Sf YS Oapt 249 Bos 4000 Cordova IN 380184000 _ 210 HELP WANTED GET A GOOD JOB! Gain valuable experience for your future by running for the UO Bookstore Board of Directors YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE' THE UO BOOKSTORE is searchingfor members to serve on the Bookstore Board of Directors. These 2-year positions are avail able: • 1 Freshman • 2 Sophomore • 1 Graduate Student • 1 Teaching Faculty • 1 Student -at-Large <1 year term) THE UO BOOKSTORE board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the UO Bookstore in policy matters. Members attend monthly meetings and receive a S30 monthly stipend. Nominations for available positions will be taken at the: UO BOOKSTORE ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, April 13th at 3:30 p.m. 133 Gilbert Hall For information, contact Bookstore General Manager, Jim Williams either in person or at 346-4331. THE UO BOOKSTORE • 13TH ft KINCAID Since 1920 CAN T AND A JOS7 KXAog to- *nv> nonmwwxty cOft»OOu» PA-X** to h«lp traw A narag* aataa tortM Iwn} im f'r.nf ,r>t A > . .uu .(I A) Uw thr r *.J- *A Kc*>*> iv r l*(r ’ l-fcvr.wp. /r;, put ■■ jnti l'1 I ■ i * t! -'• it. '*1 K < jrvJ social prop jot. for the Unwr.r- M.y rt ■**•:»» t. • {V- .1 part of two Hr*.- >ng - .1 aff -ovr *> *i|.i> C3f*%Mi> fM\4Jnu’JUorTi, networt (/rotr.*/'W»i* *vl r ,*« >tK»> H contai. t-. arvi Ai«J vafcjaMr r;Apenr«■« r: t your rt <»rv.' ' fantiir rtxni/t’oard compr rr...t .»■ it ' *''1 ! here will be an r f omu I mrial rrru. t mt about l lir F A jof m the (af'ffl Gold Room 'in Turn day. April *j at <1 .VI pm a Applir aimrr> and yiP d©&C option available at any Houtyryj Arr.a lAv* and at the mar Hou&ng Office r Walton complex (between Uouqiatr? and 5m! h fuiK,) Comple ted applications are