ROSES ’9.99,, I « O a«ff tm 1 .Mi by Prrrt*'* < I l OW| Its \MM HITS n»( i or.»'«: • «ms»i wt uni i .frw. iv r**i. ** iw: Don’t mi// The Grand I BLUE HEROH BICYCLES | OPeniflC!! Starling flont Thwr/. I 877 E. 13th *343-2488 1 I Next to UO Bookstore I DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH! TRY IOST AND FOUND IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION. BICYCLE SALE FOR U. OF O. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY APRIL 3 AND 4 1992 BRIDGESTONE, MIYATA, FU)I BICYCLES UP TO $300 OFF! BIG ASSORTMENT OF HANDLEBARS, STEMS, BRAKE LEVERS, ATB TIRES, CRANKS, BRAKES, SEATS & POSTS CRB’S, SHOES,, SI IOCK PORKS CLOSTHING, RACKS, PACKS, TOOLS, ACCESSORIES, ETC. 25% - 50% OFF I and we're not even going out of business. We're just setting out to prove one more time that Paul’s is the place for great values and even better service. PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 ALDER 342-6155 SATURDAY BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE 152W.5THST. 3444105 SAT. & SUN. SPRING TERM SPECIAL Oregon west Fitness is the place to work out! Oregon West -fitness TANNING PACKAGES AVAILABLE: You Don't Need To Be A Member! Best Hours Best Prices ★ 7 Days a week 6am-11pm ★ 485-1624 SPRING TERM SPECIAL • $99 For Spring Term • NO Initiation Fee Oregon West F I T N 6 S S \ I Expires 4/15/93 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across from Campus 485-1624 *• Leslie Warren and Mark Johnson have announced they will run for ASUO president and vice president, respectively. ELECTION Continued from Page i student groups "We don't want to become insulated," Johnson said War ren and Johnson said they want to encourage more graduate, non-traditional, international and returning student participa tion. They plan to create two ASUO positions: n non-tradi tional/returning student advo cate and an international student advocate. To improve lighting on cam pus and increase students’ safe ty Warren and Johnson will launch an “Adopt a Light Post" campaign. Local businesses, greet, houses and community groups i an contribute money for new posts and have their names imprinted on them Warren, a psychology major, is the to director of Black Women Of Achievement, co-founder and coordinator of Students of Color Building Bridges and chair woman of the Affirmative Action Advisory Board's sub committee for student concerns. Johnson, an economics and anthropology double major, is the coordinator of the Dorothy Project, a program d' signed to assist children in llg... da with their medical and educational needs. He is also a founding memher of the Tanzanian Asso ciation of Anthropologists and Archaeologists Warren and lohnson now join lire Bowen. ASL'O programs coordinator, and Diana Collins Puente. ASUO multicultural advcx ate. who annoum ed tiles were running lor ASCO presi dent and vice president, pespec tiveh, lust month HILLEL SEDER Tuesday Night, April 6 at 6:00 pm 1236 Kincaid St. (Behind UO Bookstore) We will provide Mat/oh and Seder Plate Fixings. All who attend are requested to bring their own beverages and a dish to share. We suggest the follow ing: If your last name begins w ith A through M. please bring fruit or a salad. If your last name begins with N through /.. please bring a potato, rice. egg. dairy and or veggie main dish. Please note that in order to be Kosher for Passover, dishes may not contain leavening agents, w heat (except for mat/oh meal), oats, barley, rye, spell, or noodles. Thank You! For more information call llillel, 343-8920 INTERESTED IN LAW SCHOOL? The West Coast Consortium ot Private Law Schools it sponsoring a senes ot Law School recruitment lairs in the Pacific Northwest Prospective and current applicants are encouraged to attend Time Friday April 2 11 00 am to 2:00 pm Place Ur uversity of Oregon Student Union. Fir Room Eugene OR Time: Saturday. April 3 10:00 am to 2 00 pm Place: Benson Hotel. Crystal Room 309 S W Broadway Portland. OR PARTICIPATING LAW SCHOOLS California Western Golden Gate University Gonzaga University Lewis and Clark College Pepperdine University Santa Clara University University of Puget Sound University of San Diego University of San Francisco Whittier College Willamette University All participating law schools are accredited by the ABA