ft 20 MOVKS/30 BUCKS ft S#Vf CS1AQ VO o hr— ☆ 344-2691 ☆ 1888 Franklin Blvd. (noxt to 7-EIoyoo on VMard) oot • [* *nom Opon 10am to 11pm VIDEO RENTAL of oqoat or IriBir valuo i i i it it i i /ntimate Candlelight Dining in Historic Huilding Fine Italian and Continental Cuisine Live Jazz 7 Sights a Week -So Cover 259 East F ifth Avenue • 343-8488 Featuring Ann & Nancy Wilson * HIliIt Center Monday, April 26TH 8:00 PM Tickets only $16.00 reserved Ticket, available at me Hutt Center Bo« Office and EMU Main Dei. or charge by phone (S03JM7SOOO All tickets subject to agency tees I*ro«lticcd I»y MCA Concerts Heart RU RAYA'S r_rfxcxl £2a.i* inr LUNCH Mon-Sal 11 am-2 30pm OtNMN Mon Thur 5pm-9pm Fri -Sal 5pm- 10pm Son 4 30pm-9pm UK) MoUwL BcmUrmrJ ( >k rnn 7UMI LOWE'S Viurn The Finest Chinese and American Food Open for lunches and dinners until 10:30 p m. Mon. - Thurs. and until midnight Fri and Sat. Restaurant & Lounge 947 Franklin Blvd. 343-4480 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Musi be 21 or Over Friday *p..i 2 $5 Suhp'prctivdtng ant Codeine i>im The Spinaines Ians Saturday a,».i »$5 Marc Ribot and Shrek Kiiormf Simon Cain frum The Rollins Band Sunday Apm 4 $1 An acoustic and blucbrass jam Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sal Music starts al 8pm Sundays By Jake Berg (Vegan rxc'y fm&jkT 1.7 are heavy. Heavier thun all those Guns N' Roses wannabes. Heavier than this new techno crap Heavier than life If all groups rocked as hard .is 1.7. we wouldn't have to call it alternative music, anymore. "Alternative" would no longer mean Imtter-thnn-the-rest-of-thc-e rap-kids* are-buy ing-these-dnys Roc k would once again bo roc k And 1.7 would be queens of this male dominated world. Women Whoa, heavy Girls will Im» girls, and girls will he (letter than hoys, as 1.7 has largely proven with their latest release. Bricks are Heavy. The first ladies of heavy metal, hard rock, alternative music or whatever you want to call it. bring their ac t to the KMU Ballroom Wednesday. April 7, at H p.m. Tickets are still available at $1.1.50 for Uni versity students and $15.50 for the* general public. 1.7 are traveling behind Bricks, the band's big-label debut on Slash Records. The album lives up to its name. Mixed with cynic ism, sarcasm and a dash of humor, the album nevertheless is deadly serious, emphasized In the tight sound of a chorus of guitars The group attacks issues such as war. takes a swipe at the country and throws its list in the air for women's rights, which 1.7 has greatly advocated. Prior to Bricks, the group began in 1985 and. after going through several personnel c hanges, released a well-rec eived album, Smell the Magic, on Seattle's Slch Pop label in 1990. 1.7's two opening ac ts — Love Battery and 7-Year Bitch — are currently on Sub Pop. having both come from Seattle. All three acts are sure to make for a physic al show Wednesday, hut then again, these days even Whitney Houston could get a crowd in this country to slam dance. But what Whitney doesn't have (OK, Bobby Brown doesn't count here) is heavy sound. Heavier than bricks, even. Uxsttof Hholo Taj Mahal (above) and local blues artist Walker T. Ryan bring a double feature of legendary blues to the WOW Hall Sunday. Attention Pre-Elementary Education Students!! i nn—Mmummuii i ■ ir—n ■ ! ■■Mi—iiiiiamninmMi If offered, would you take these courses Summer Session 1993? tC*?" MATH 211 (Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 1) MATH 212 (Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II) (MATH 213 - Fund of Elem Math III to be offered Fall 1993) These three courses are required for admission to most Fifth Year elementary teacher education programs. Courses will be offered only if there is sufficient student demand! Contact Immediately: Nancy Miller. Counselor Office of Academic Advising & Student Services 164 Oregon Hall. 346-1077 please respond no later than April 9 Courtwvy P*0*0 Left to right: Donita Sparks, Dae Plakas, Jennifer Finch and Su/I Gardner of L7, which headlines a show with two other Seattle all-female bands. Love Battery and 7- Year Bitch, Wednesday night. Double Trouble Hines legend Taj-Mnhal and local blues artist Walker T Ryan will appear at the WOW Hall Sunday Two shows art* slated, a matinee and an H. Ill evening show, for what has be< nine on annual hlues event in Eugene Tii kets are avail able at the EMU Main Desk, the House of Records and the door Since first appearing in the nwitts. Taj Mahal has released ’ll albums and has toured continually while promoting his own idiosyncratic blend of blues, jazz. folk, country, gospel, rock and reggae musii Known as one of Americ a s elder blues statesmen. Mahal uses a musical method of per sonalized mutation as he twists the hlues into less fre quently heard forms by slow ing down rotiters. transposing guitar tunes to piano and gen erally remaking the songs in Ins own image ' The only thing that matters is to give the music all of your personality you can nut into it." Mahal said It's got to coma from deep inside you to really mean anything II you try to sing the songs the way everybody else does you may be entertaining, but you're not really sharing yourself or your experiences You have to sing your life if you expect your musii to affei t anybody else s Self-taught master of more tliun a dozen instruments, Taj Mahal is also an accom plished writer, arranger and actor, Kugene's Walker l Ryan is recognized us "one of the finest Country Blues artists this side of the Mississippi." according to BluesNotes His skilled guitar pit king, expres sive singing and dynamic style is heavily influent ed by the great blues players and reflects his desire to absorb the feel of the blues and not merely imitate 3 DAY CALCULATOR COMPUTER EXPO m SALE MON.TUES. WEDS. ONLY! APRIL 5,6,7 ___- AT THE--__ uo BOOKSTORE GwafSo'""f’JccessoM&a&s SS^.^SSOFTWARE • VWN GREAT PRI7ES! Musiqut Gourmet Catering to Nw OtecrttwnatirvqCottectof CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC S CASSETTE CD S FROM SS.95 1 TAPES FROM $3.95 In the Flfthpearl Building ?0/ E bth Avenue OPEN 1 DAYS 343-9000 3 M 'HUlituMl »4 V MAT ■ *M3 H *5 • • i« i. *> • «Tf iWW4»1 li u, \ k. S 49? £ 1 *h aaa 2458 r 4 K <»n ' to Thm moil •ccampltemd movt* of tfw yt«f PASSION FISH L ..-..irtu t *ituia-J me* u# th* Mi« «u