New round of students signs on for exchange By Heatherle Himes f or the Oregon rWy f-mm&ct Some 50 University students hunt hed over bright green cards and signed away up to a year of their lives Wednesday. They have officially become the 1993-94 University represents lives in the National Student Exchange program The National Student Exchange program, started 25 years ago. gives students the opportunity to attend different schools through out the nation. -v "I think, the program is absolutely essential b«cause it expands the curriculum available to students across the almost 110 institutes involved." said Joe Wade. University National Student Exchange Coordinator. Students also participate in the program for the travel experience. Wade said He said some students enjoy the opportunity to attend a college with a predominantly African-American. Hispanic or Native American student body. "Almost everyone has a story to tell about the reasons that they exchange." Wade said. "Sharing those stories is a big part of this pro gram. They're fascinating." Amy Davis, an undeclared freshman, will be exchanging to the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa to return to her roots Her father's family has traced its lineage bock to antebellum Alabama Freshman Gina De Santis is exchanging to the University of Delaware to study Film and partake in an adventure. "I figure if the opportunity is there you might ns well lake advan tage of it.” she said. "You won't he in college forever." On the receiving side of the exchange, various students from oth er schools have come to Oregon tbexperience life in the northwest. Adam Mertz., a pre-business major from the University of South Dakota, came to Oregon for the mountains, the beach and the natur al beauty of the Pacific Northwest. "Oregon seemed like the place to be. he said "South Dakota s really rural — lots of cornfields and stuff like that." Despite the rain and the native Oregonians' humorous reactions to a meager four inches of snow. Mertz said his exchange has been one of the liest experiences he has ever had. H ade said interviews will tiegin next October for candidates in the 1094-95 round of exchanges Students must have a 2.5 GPA to be eligible for the program and must Ix-gin the application process the fall prior to the year that they plan to exchange. More than 30.000 students have exchanged in the past 10 years ET ALS MKI riNC .S |*h{ Alpha I'hrlti will iiufl! I'*h»v .%» ! iO |) III ill RlKillt 34 H I'l l t of tltori* information, call 340 4HIA MIMi I.I.ANU U S VidMincM SI mini I A%*«m ml ion will )\aw ilt tamping f**tr**«! I'litiav Satttf* tl«»v aih! SutuUv <»i Suini’! I'*n Im morn inluniuiikrti. tali J4f* ) ui^nvr Pub In I ibr«r> will Sluiimafl AppU^l* % pr****mt«ti«rtt Making Iki Ho Good through May 2. 1993. Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth. •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All made with organically grown tomatoes & beans 1% tale* for Ecology ft Hunger Projects Jyifchcn AVAILABLE IN THE EMU MUSIC FOR EVERYONE AW SCHOOL OF FISH HUMAN CANNON BALL UVE IN CONCERT AT THE MILL CAMP ANNEX SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1993 SIGN-UP TO WIN FREE TICKETS AT CD WORLD