210 HELP WANTED PLAVGROUNO LEADERS suiaAE^POsmows f^ayground leader* *t* assigned to various pars* tooted throughout tN? OW of t ugen* Mu sa n«ve «*p *wdr*ng mtih cftfdren m fcMKJN'10 upon*., gamea drama. mupc. and arts A ccaft* Satary f& ?6$« ?£*? tor 20 26 hr%*** Brfing^ w».4* despots* OWa* acc^ Catton yto suj£»*m#otat qu«*torvt*.‘» at Oty o? Eugene Human Resources sm<} Rp Service*. Rm to*. 777 Pear? St Eugene. OR 9740? lot#rv*wwg to begin after Apr.; *.9, ?99-.> _ POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE* Man-, pO**t*ont. great OeneMa Catf ? 600 436 4166 . P3309 POSTAL JOBS $?8.392 S67.»2&yr. now hinryg CaB ? 60S 962 6000 ejt P 9642 Recreation W'ttamian* Parti and R** reabon D*str*ct «*►*» Summ**' Day Camp Outdoor Counselors. 62? -BO. some trauung poor to 6#? Apple* {tons at Memorial Btdo. 765 No**1 A St. Spnogftoto. 6 5pm. Mon fn Appbca ton deadtm# 4/6. 1993 EQfc STUDENT WORKS PAINTING Pamt cVmng the summe* »n Eugene' No e*p necessary Cad Jason at 346-9969 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Camp counselor* needed tor the MJCC Summer day camp *n Portland Season dates &'2? W27 PT and FT Contact Student Employment 12 Hendnc*S Nafl tor information SUMMER JOBS TO SAVE THE ENVtftOWMEM* EARN S2S00- JX>0 AN0 MAKE A DfFFEREMCE Matronal campaign portions to -ir-m* the Clean Water Act promote . ompr* hensive recycimg and stop of? shore 0*-1 dr.iii'hg Available n 22 states and D C Campo* inter v*rw*> 4/7 and 4 8 CM Jam* toll tree ? 600 /5 E AR Th The deadline lor ASUO , Election Candidate and Pollworker applications has been extended to April 2. Applications are available in Suite 4, ev eryone is encouraged to apply! ASUO is an 1EO/AAE. _ graphic artist Th# Oregon Deity Emerald >» ac cepting applications for an imagi native student with Macintosh ei penance to create informational graphics and other design ele ments Pics up application and submit clips of work to Graphics Editor. ODE, Suite XX). EMU Deadline 4 2. 5pm STAFF PHOTOOAAPHER The Oregon Daily Emerald is accept >ng appications to* a siah phofogra pher Students must own a 36mm camera and have working Knowledge of camera operation Previous e*pe nence *s hetpfu! P«cfc up appscafcon and awOrriil portfolio to (jraphips Ed* tor. ODE . Suite 300 EMU Deadbne *&.SK!»_ T he ASUO -s hm«g an events coord naior Applications are aviMaWe m Suite 4 EMU Everyone *s encour aged to apply1 De*s^*ne t» Apr if 8»h ASUO >s gQAAf _ 215 WORK STUDY Computer Lab Monitor 10 IS Mrvw* 0 SSTi mki study students only urn PC eiperence 'squired spring w Can C*mm i sue at 3«t»1«J Apply yound ttoo. t MU 346 4361 On-Ccmpuc OnngualimufllCultu'al program now nemg 3 work study po Mans Must DC tkkngual (Eng i-sh/Spanishi a metute individual possessing good oommumealion sCAs Must newt strong word pro cessing slutts Good money for the light people 1 trot hours C0 Ah g»3«H)89i ._ SAFER** IS MIRING' Work-Study Dispatch A Admmmr stive Assistant Ape m Suite 3 EMU causing Ode Mon April 5th. 9am Work-Study poet Don as reception isl'ieterrkl parson et Academe Adtns mg S Student Services, starting urn* £kata»y. S-IO hrsryak See Anne cr Mm garat in tea Oegpn Mat Work-Study RoatUon avanaCM. the UO Upward Bound MSWC currantty noa poerhoni open tor otkee assistants Applicants must posses a basic know! edge ol computers and oltice equip merit, piawar phonos and be able to work mornings To apply CaS 346-350' Work study ponton avaaatke as othce assistant m Sociology Duties art ear wd. hours teiM Contact Ann at 6-n Worm nSPt-C Work-fttudv M|Mon for meroiuc eelWR MsWy kem ponon In Mofocutar UoloQy’i re March graanhowMi outside f»Md work Position can continue thru Sum mpr, vanod reaponabWbee t>om water mg to Custoduk Cal Marcia at 346 4550 or leave message :is WORK STUDY UO FOUNDATION Needs Work-Study Students to assist with clerical du ties, 10-12 hours per week, $5.50/hr. Call Carolyn at 346-3006 to sched ule an interview. 225 APTS DUPLEXES CEDARWOOD QUADS 441E 17W Pr>v«t« room*. All UTlUTIfS PAID on *40 iaundry (Viral '-*(«» horn S23S1 CM Brran at tM Jennings y Co Campus Apartment» Furnished 112 Bedrooms Winter retes W7SW25 4B&-2B23 Pre-Lease lot lumirw 3 bedrm $360 P»e tease or f»* t mo free' 3 bedrm $660 Both less than 1 btoc* cam pus w coveel parking £4 £9 or 4f>i 0199 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apar*m«nt ava** n Si •IH4 7 44! Ev«*yt*»ng $4S& On# Biocfc lo campus terge 2 bedroom, great location 12 E l9th$WOmo. furnished 11 desired >0-6000 _ REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Close To Campus N«;e 2 bedrm house wvaried ce** >og§ mctudes garde*1 space S&2S* dep 741 2604 Redwood Park Apts. 0ui*f. Country L4viny With City fraimlau* IMumliM 1 Mm MS (tuning No* 1) Low Uttmiot-On ButJina Egutppad WMgM Room. Spa Wood Pork * Playground Laundry Factlniat Also Furnlalwd IuIIm Studio. 1 t J B R S400 to M7S Individually Oacoratad Complaiaty Fumitftod Everything From Cat*# TV lo Llnana For Bad. Bath 4 Kite Kan On Sda Managamonl Team 4103 W. 18th 484-0778 RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 597 Country Out) Road 2 Doom, lovrohout# bom SSOSrrno Pool and laundry 465 142? Walking Diatanca to Cam put Sparkling cloan bngpt.larg* ttuko Covarad pari ng Laundry lacriitiat Graai location S365 484 5633 Eugana Manor M^i nta Irving vntn plenty ot cnarm Largo i tx*m SaSi. met at ub* • am afta raai fOBtST VILIAO] P4 Eatoy Ito beauty of tmodi mi 0 M wIMIKe la tuprr Dor* pita H 2 DDRM. 1'/.OATII H '4B5 St 'SlS/tuonlh • WtiptUfimttt Room 111 lagm. (BtaaM * rt.M«a.» 1 687-1318 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 and 2 badroom apt avaitatabte laundry, parking. aacurfty clota to campw» 4S4-WJ2 1 badroom 6irm.*r»*d apt na«/ mu** Mq, «x*ud*d Cas aft#* RUdOftwoOd Apts. 601478$ 240 QUADS Available now tomtanad. afeiiAaa pad. h* to campoa, $?£<* ’360 Akj#f Strata 346 V»t-> t 750 H& Y A RO Work to campu* hw gtata ^ewr* '•tortnihed qwadi Pnvttfa £ ntrance # C «ea#*nt location SNira &etfk*4cton 1309 ♦ dap fie# £ atata Nortnyet* 74 ? 2604 245 rooms Nica furniahad room a*Mia& laundry non-*moh »ng. S250 • dtp ’ore*gn student* welcome 461 4673 Vary nica room *»« path par* A mve* Qu c* waBi/nda to Uo*C hona.ua a:‘nan Quat, no prop ;i head* rmnded, 'ton &ma*«r. $250 ptoB '00 dep 746- 7l?Q SI76mo p«U» M room ftouin on 22ry) and HUyartt No vr>o*Ca Car’ Sukman 4*4 4676 _ Roommate wanted xv» ,*• 2 bat nr ■••'■» ' $260-rnC' A** ' Adam. Yu*aa. Andy at 666 9223 270 CHilO CARE EVENING CLASSES? NEED additional stlioy hours? C« i - ■ A., £» W »■ T l ■ 1 W >•' •• DnwNOOrtw’l Gayiia* 34C> 4.i4m 275 ELECTIONS Extended Deadline ASUO •■ - anodata f .*■•• - j T y** r.)»n 5 00pm Appacabona avifciAat ASUQ .". a. ► ..,*«» 4 A$UO EO&AA ampler 280 MEETINGS ; There will be an ASUO Election* Candidate mealing on Tue* April 6 th at 6 30pm in lha Fir Room | ALL Candida!** who war® not a! ! the Mon March ?9th meeting mu*! j [ attend.....J 290 CAMPUS EVENTS DANCE" DANCE" DANCE" i ea&an Gay B* Sa*uai A.«anc* $ponsors tn« f>/*t dance ai the term. S*it Apr > d Spm t MU D*n -g Hm Ffi 3*63360 OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SWAP Mon April Jth. 7 30pm EMU Ballroom UO Outdoor Program. 346-43A3 I17W* SATURDAY* SUNDAY a flank Co**dy 'VJttkjnd a,1 80 PLC umm -featuring The 3 Stooges XeyitOMKops ~- BUNNY ROAD RUNNER — MOVIE — 7:30 ft 9:45 pm i2 students w/10, *3 GP ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT f?ommunily • Mjikdf>l.i< «.• kCcIctwadon a Z y^Satunjjy on the Hirld Stage ^ i-^Rich Glauber J l «vmH* S y,^ Kelly Da Vinci Jueelers f ^ V>wr* faftta s* H0^ ** J ^ wOpening Day Ceremony? y W«fc VViyw Mi Iwum ? J w 17th Ave landyacht Club £ J & jazz Band y J !•«« DtMinai IMl k ! <« Bethel Temple Choir h J V»4M|CV y \ ixShumba J J Vn r (Wi 1 Jual 0* • Gnu faoU • Urn tf.df tetany HOWARDS KND w*« t aoo «wr «*»« a m §f.ST dflktHAl SCmiMPlAY NUtAfttlA ftfe ItANIMIUN WT% MIC H H* A [THE CRYING GAME iKm, u ^ M^r.% 4 K • Mi r *0 ** Mat MA*VtfC00**U him *000*1(0 :ISH » U «*'(0 'It ' * two tnuwi9 u#' ir% <,***» W)M MAH VI v Ml Til BAD LIEUTENANT THl CRYING C.AMl^ BAD LiEUTENANTL *v>* »A «* Mf T*g *Z> ft .1 ****** <*» "*5 P POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS MEMORY SPONGE April 2.) %pn> Pock* Th*at*r. Rm 102 Villa# d I f 1 All Ages Welcome 6H7-27-U* ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 295 ARTS* ENTERTAINMENT Pssst! Hey You!! SILICONE JONES frt>m I'lirthinJ and MULTIPLE SARCASM from I'ugcnt Are playing at MAXS TOMORROW! Tell em Spencer sent ya! ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING 315 COUNSELING PROBLEMS* !*r UO C vs kx *'«•«» .V'-ryi' n.«i euftfftfatftQ .vvj ’Vhsrnut ftGf* *3pr- M t , 24 hOurS WO**MHXl» ’MB 320 SERVICES Fust tundra***' S’OOO On** i CM5S an r r*> t BOO //V iftV eti *>0 r i NiO l m. r.ild • i 4 V 702 I PALM -U SDAY \ PH II 4 VUehemt SI,i » N.hvviuU >.it , S CO p m 1 K' 4k ! A'p m ill the M . ..i - VWA ! <. M, Nhtn hi i lif n. \Xt J Si.t.li iM Mj ** A p m ^ ^ P* P* P* P* P+P+ P* P*P*P* P^* 320 SERVICES 320 SERVICES Parenthood ' Par *'>' c> !i»V^ :v ! unt>a»ed cOunMrtmg V44 941 • Unpiaoned pregnane BlHTM OM>lT A P*AC* ■ • WV*a ff» ;j» ovr 1 Ar*y . tot ret-on Someo -o to taffc to 68 * 86 *-1 "acne” A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today. For free samples, Information on how Clear Care topical medications work, call our Skin Care Information Line, 1 (800) 435-3533. 1 FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PtZyINOS PXZZA Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Speoa1 Introductory Offer S3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Otter good thru Spring term 320 SERVICES Are you worried about succeeding in your courses this term? Academe learwig tjervces otters smal group tutorials My the toft***} MATH 096 MATH III MATH 241 MATH 242 MATH 243 MATH 251 MATH 252 MATH 251 I OOpm UM eiOamUM 20CpmUM 1 3CpmUM 23CpmMW 2 30pm UM I 3Cpm MW II 30am MW 330pm»AV 12 30pm UM CM 223 EC 201 EC2C2 FR 103 FR203 PM 203 SPAN 103 SPAN 203 3 Xpm MW ? OUpm UH 3 30pm UM 1 30pm MW 330pm MW 3 10pm ME 2 YpmMW 20C*>mUH 3 30pm UH 'Act*et»ui graix* wit t» canned as necessary It you are rrterested n prang ore Of mere ot these grout* see Km Utoy a* AquJemc leamng Smen 66 PIC The toe « S60 per group if you need assistance n courses other than those hied about ciur litonJ KyAty can prow* names and tetephone numders ot quailed tutors For more nlormaeon contact Academic Learning Service* • 86 PIC • J44- J226 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU rumu nuo am mmi! _ / • I i 1 I I HftW.AVAlAM.~Ht} err PYf, nrxrt UMT?6tT OJTAHUtB! NO UM IT... o \ rr... j [MW . GO DOffTYOUUONT awwe TOGO IfilfN TOR OiARGCG. fA/NTCneS/at HONtY HUP,