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Dairy Queen Timber translations needed WASHINGTON (AP) — When lenders of foreign countries meet, much < are is taken to ai cnrately translate terms and phrases that carry a loaded meaning for one side or the other Likewise, when President Clinton convenes a conference on the use of federal forests Friday in Portland, he'll hear what may sound like a foreign language There'll be talk of the God Squad, the Gang of Four, indit-ntor sp* ies. critical habitat and stumpers like sufficient y language That's the language that has evolved in the long simmering dispute over ysliether loggers should lie allowed to cut trees in federal forests where north ern spotted owls live Perhaps most importantly, sprinkled throughout the testimony will lie countless references to "cer tainty The problem? Nobody agrees on what that means "When you talk in generalities, everyone agrees It's different when you jjart putting lines on paper." said Rep It nice VenloTU-Minn.. chairman of the House Natural Resources subcommittee on forests and public lands. To environmentalists, certainty means assurances that the old-growth forests will la* p rot is ted against logging To the timber industry, it means they'll lie allowed to cut enough trees to meet demands for lumber and wood products. And to workers, it means a promise they still will have a job in the forest or the sayv mills. During a briefing for about ;tu members of Con gress earlier this month. Vice President Al Gore said that the Clinton administration advocates "cer tainty." Hut is he talking the same language as lawmak ers from the Northwest? "I'm not sure that they are." said Sen Slade Gor ton. R-Wash. "By the time they are finished, I hop* they mean the same thing by Certainty as we do." For Northwest lawmakers, talk about "certainty" means that any legislation regulating use of the region's forests must include sulfi! ieni y language" — another Ini/./, phrase Such language in a hill would have the effect of When you talk in generalities, everyone agrees. It’s different when you start putting lines on paper.9 Rep Bruce Vento, D-Minn insulating the legislation from certain court chal lenges. an idea vigorously opposed by environ mentalists. For example, any bill to resolve the dispute will likely divide the region, allowing logging in some areas and Itauning it in others Timlier industry lead ers are most concerned that even in the areas approved for logging, environmentalists would file lawsuits to block the activits Soffit iency language would say the bill's pro tections are soffit tent to meet all other existing laws If outsiders can master multiple views on "cer tainty'' and jargon like "sufficiency language," stuff like the God Squad, the Gang of Four and the critical habitat of indicator species ought to he easy. Here's some help. The God Squad is really the Endangered Species Committee, nicknamed because it can exempt a creature from the Endangered Sptx.ies Ad and allow it to become extinct if the cost of saving it is too great The Gang of Four is a committee of four scien tists who gave Congress the most recent data on the condition of old-growth forests, home to the spot ted owl. Critical habitat is the area designated essential to the existence ol a creature, in this case the spot ted owl Anyone who wants to conduct commer i ial activity, including logging, on land declared a critical habitat must first get permission from the Fish and Wildlife Service. And an indicator species, like the spotted owl, is kind of like a canary in the i oal mine. Because it's at the top of the food chain, its health is an early warning of the overall health of other life in the for est. 3 DAY CALCULATOR COMPUTER EXPO m SALE MON, TUES, WEDS, ONLY! APRIL 5, 6, 7 -AT THE UO BOOKSTORE H Great Savings on: CALCULATORS. COMPUTERS. ACCESSORIES. DISKS. WORD PROCESSORS. PRINTERS. SOFTWARE Reps from: H. HP. and Sharp. Packard Bell. Microsoft. Supra FREE STUFF! WIN GREAT PRIZES! FREE LUNCH! 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