Tanzanian student will teach Swahili By Colleen Pohlig OrgQcyi Da>>y fmp'.Hd Two days after ('.levin Mrnari, a Chagga tribal member from Tanzania, was arrested and hent en for protesting his govern ment's monopolistic ruling sys tern last year, he was told he had 15 minutes to leave the univer sity he attended — forever. The government expelled Mrnari. who had one year left in the electrical engineering pro gram. and nine other students from the only university in the East African country after they peacefull> demanded govern ment reform. A University student, Mark Johnson, who studied at the University of Dhar-es Salaam last year and her time close friends with Mrnari, was able to arrange for his friend to study at the University. Mrnari is in his second term at the University and said he wants to share his culture and his language with University students. Beginning Monday. April .r>. Mrnari will offer Swahili lessons to interested students for a min imal fee that will cover the printing costs of teaching mate rials. Although no credit may he received for the lessons, which will he twice a week. Mrnari said there is a lot to gain from learning the language. "By knowing a language, that is a great step in knowing the culture of a society." Mrnari said. "An exercise to your ‘An exercise to your tongue is a strengthening of your mind.' Clevm Mmari, Tamanian student tongue is o strengthening of your mind.” Swahili, the national language of Tanzania, is also spoken in Uganda. Kenya and Somalia Mmari said although he encourages students who don't exper t to go to Africa to take the ( lass, he believes those who do v isil or study there will have an edge if they know the language "It's just like a name — if someone calls you bv your name, there's a great personal feeling." he said "Similarly. the Tanzanian people will be more at ease talking with you. and you will lie much more a part of the society if you know the lan guage " Lessons will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 p m to b p ro The location is not vet cer tain. hut those interested may call Mmari or Johnson at 4H4 4492 for more information The University's Office of International Hour ation and Kxchunge offers a study abroad program to the University of Dhnr-es-Salnam, which is the only African institution Univer sity students can attend at this time. Law school conference to address race issues By Sarah Clark Otnjon Oiiify EmeratO Attorneys, community leaders and students will dis< uss racial issues and tpe legal system during Minority I-aw Day Saturday at the law school. The conference is free and open to the public. Complimentary lunches are available to those w ho pre-register with the law school. Oregon State Treasurer Jim Mill will deliver the keynote address at 1 p.rn. Mill, the first person ol color elet ted to statew ide office in Ore gon, w ill discuss the evolving roles of attorneys of color in Oregon and in the nation. The conference will also feature Elden Rosenthal, who served us co-counsel in the 1M0 case against w hite supremai ist Tom Metzger Metzger was found guilty lor inc iting the fatal treating of Mulugeta Seraw of Portland. Rosenthal will discuss the Metzger < ase. which is currently on appeal A panel disc ussion will look at the way people of color are treat ed in the criminal justice system from the arrest through parole. Pan el members w ill inc lude Leonard Cooke. Lugene s police c hief, and Oregon Supreme Court Justice Kd Peterson. People of c olor make up n majority of people in jail, said Gregory Torrence, c o-director of the Mack laiw Students Association. And although the problem affec ts the entire country, he said, the numbers are especially disproportionate in Oregon. Another panel discussion will look at racial issues in areas of civ il law , sue h as housing, marriage and adoption The panel will also disc uss Native American issues, said law school Assistant Dean lane Gordon Peggy Nagae Lum. a Seattle attorney and consultant, will deliver a motivational speech for lawyers of color, l.uni will talk al>out which battles attorneys of c olor should fight and how they can be most eflec live. Tae Rhec. co-director of the Minority Law Students Association, said the conference is meant to provide answers to rac ial problems "The whole point of this is not to just sit around and discuss and discuss," Rhec said. We want to find solutions and to move on Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus Dy putting tne Oregon Duly (mema pack in its original rack when you ve finished reading ft This will allow another person to read it and/or be easily pecked up for recycling Art riA &£ School Supply 35% OFF! GOING, GOING, GONE... We are getting out of the poster & - fine art prints business to make room for exciting new products. Wc will continue to sell frames & mats. ^ Posters Closeout! s P R 1 N G 1 S SCHEDULE OF CLASSES-bPRING I Wo FITNESS EwfPuywmp Awotxs f MtP Low imp Aerobes EhFP Low imp AwoBes FMfPiowimp A wooes Awotses A*)tCO*C! Aerobes Awubes Awobe* St«p/8encM Aw bes Stop/Bwscn Awobe* fur* Aerobe* AOdommoi workout Abdominal Workout Abdominal Workou! Awo-StteTcn Woman'iw Workout Body SoJpnng Ocut Tiaeing AfiUAUCfUIiiSS WcMk A«jKQCj*CS YOGA Hoffxi Yoga noma vogo naffx) Yoga DANCE S«*g $w«ng int Swmg OmCOORKCttAIlON Pock Ckmbng* kayaking ■ "Outdoor Reoeotion UOMM * class kmrt 16 DAI MW UH MW UH MW UH MW UH UH MW MW UH MW UH UH UH UH MWf UH MW UH UH UH W M TIME 12 30pm 12 30pm 6 15pm 5 15pm 3 35pm 3 36pm 6 35pm 6 35pm 7 35pm ) 36pm 8 36pm 4 35pm 4 36pm 4 35pm 8 35pm 5 30pm 6 30pm 5 6 30pm 5 30pm 4 6pm 7 8 30am 4 30pm 5 30pm 6 30pm 7 30 6pm 3 30^ 5pm 7 30-Rpm LQCAJI GwX 352 GwX 350 Gwx 860 Gw )( 850 GwX 362 Gwx 362 Gw 220 Gw* 362 Get* 352 Gw 720 Gw 220 'Gw 220 GwX 352 '.WX 362 GwX 352 t si 47 (S) tsl 36 I SI 4/ f Si 47 IN) Gw Pool Gw 220 fsi 77 fsl 77 GwX 850 GwX 850 Gw SsPpomn Gw Pool Eli 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 518 526 526 518 520 520 518 SIB 520 574 520 575 574 520 520 $18 524 545 546 id y« weens Or*/ (April 8 May * CIOS) kmif 12 10) CLASS REGISTRATION - 103 G£fillNS£B Registration Mar 31 & Apr 1. 1 30 4pm. Apr 2. 2 30-3 30pm Late Registration Apr 5 9. 8am 4 30pm CLASSES RUN FROM APRIL 5-MAY 24 For more information call x4 H 3 or drop by 103 Gerlinger Hall