Dare Fttoye ■ Igmee The folks at Tomorrow s ( Hnues asked me h> say a few thauls ohm/ myself. Hut instead of telliny non who / am. it would fw more rerealma it I told you who / m ml. I r’> not a flannel shirt on toil ot turtlenei k ireann. leans sayym. light hear sippin. two tone haircut sportm. take /*« Mortem steppin'. ( ohm n tlohfh’s t shirt makm .(•rate/ull had stn her on I Kiddy s IKamer dra in . tolkmo only to sorority tfirts with straight hair scarrmun . tome <> trot boo punk Thanks t just wanted to clear that up Bob Berry ■ Making the Grade Hi then\ First off. IJ like to /think Tomorrou s Comics for giving me a chance to sag a word or two about me and mg cartoon strip I d also like to thank those of you who took the time to write to Tomorrou's Comics about your favorite comics Hut first. I need a little help It s about the \ndy Griffith show Does anybody remember how many woman \ndy seriously dated' I '■ay there uvre only three. 1) Peggy. 2) Pllie W alker, arid 3) Helm ( rump, whom he mded up marrying My wife says there were four, hut she earl t think ot the other unmans name. I Yeah. I m fullin' fur that one.) So if anybody knows for sure, please drop Tomorrow s Comics a line and lemme know. Thanks PS. tile shouldie married I'eggy'i Jag Hosier ■ Spelunker It 'hen I u\is asked to wriU' a tew words lit the readers <>t Tomorrow s ( omics. I was flattered Then I was unnerved. I mean. I m not used to writing anything that doesn t hate silly pictures associated tilth it What if I sound like some sell absorbi’d pretentious hack? Or icorse. a htg. goo/y geek? Of course, before I could worry any more about that. / realised / only had enough room in my allotted space to thank you all tor reading. I n/orrunately. that left me no room to thank you all for the valuable feedback lking. Wagne WIndhaut - Mooseman To the readers ot Tomorrow 's Comics I urge you to litv hy the credo ot the Moose. Xerer think when you can react. To those who hate expressed an appreciation for Mooscman. I would like to extend my gratitude hy ottering this timely suggestion S\k CuumlidiLh'jfcssiunaLIklnl c Thunks a {join tor the iwcouratjement and support. Thomas H. Burton - Leadbellies I would hki • to thank the people at \rgonaut Entertainment tor making it possible tor unsyndicated cartoonists like myself to hare a first class publication to showcase our work nationally. I would especially like to thank the readers of tomorrow s ('omics for taking the time to send in your opinions and comments to all ut the creators. This feedback is rital to us in gauging our work I hare personally been ot eru helmed by the positive feedback that I re received tor Teadbellies. ami a bit humbled by some of the others t \hem '.') It s good to know that there is an audience tor my feature and the tact that Tm not the only one who needs to be locked in a room in front of a stack ot ink blots.' I wish you all the best and hope you continue to read Tomorrow s (dmics and to keep those comments coming in! Kelly Kennedy ■ Dagney Hello In till of you who read and enjoy my strip Haguey In some ways, if you're familiar with the strip, you already know me I'm like a combination of all the characters mixed together one day. I m stuck going to an accordian music testa al. ^ the next. I m trying to get the lore and respect ot the people that hate me / guess I m just one of those people who wish they eould lire in Bedford Balls with Jimmy Stewart But suit e I can't, there s always this little cornu world / can go to wbitterer I feel like it and heliere me. you re a welcome guest anytime you d like to nsit Have a Great Summer! See You Next Year! TC Syllabus: Required Reading The Art of tiring. The Brass & Fern. Making the Grade. Spellinker. Chicken Bird. Dagney . Igmee. Lead bellies. Mooseman. Everything's O K. . 3, 4, & 5 .6&7 .S&9 .10&U .12 & 13 .14 & 15 .16 & 17 .18&19 .20 .21