Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1993, Page 1, Image 41

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    Yol. I So. 7
Published by
Tomorrow \ I'omuj » is a publication of
Kntertammcnt. Inc Copyright I1*** I Ml nght*
reserved Tomorrow s Lomu s ' is a registered
trademark of Argonaut Kntertaminent Inc No
part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of Argonjut h ntertam ment liu
Names places and institutions are fictitious and am
similarity to anything real without sattru intent 0 .»
coinc idenc e
Submissions: ! -in*-r r- • * s 1 * 1 u r 1 shes and
carefully reviews ail standard submission pac Rages
IMease send 1M> 2r» examples tno originals pleas. >f
your comic strip or panel as it would appear m a d.i s
format, a 1 page .over letter describing the strip panel
and its central characters and j seif addressed
stamped ellveh»pe !V\M i 1! sou would like your .s^.rk
Letters to the Editor m- ... > no Pu-as.
your name address and telephone number Letters
selected lor publication mas be edited for pur pen. 1
clarity or space
Tomorrow's Comics®
cVo CrgoMul EntrrtftlaaMnl, Inc.
4f>5 IH*ltj Wnm Suite -’•‘•I
Cincinnati Ohm l
Telephone <5IT» -H71 \ki.» > CJ74hi
President • fcditor-in-Ctiicf
Harold Tieger
Vice President - Creative Director
Lenny i)jvt
Vice President - Marketing
liurr\ Klkus
National Hales Director
Menry Hnghtweil
Director - College Advisory Board
\nn Issuer
Ad minis trail vc/Prod action Assistant
Sue Scnrtrld
Thoms* V Jackson. Kvj
Jim Karlin DesignMark Inc
Steve Imbolt Mu hart s Color service
David Schanihrrg Corporate Press Service
K K Donnelley Si Sons Company
t Printed in l S AJ
Tomorrow’s Comics®
is printed entirely on
recyclable groundwood paper.
Save the environment.
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What can we say to you, the loyal readers of Tomorrow's
Comics, but Thank You" for all of your interest and
enthusiasm during the past year. You have made our inaugural
season an exciting success story! These two letters which
recently crossed our desk tell the whole story:
Tomorrow s ('until s is great! / uail with nervous ant it tpatmn tor evert/
issue. I lik,' blowing that college students acruss the country,ire
reading this same publication, be, ause everybody look, at it' )ou hare
a very serious tool tor comrnunii atmy with us through this magazine
Jim G Umv of Virginia
Ml hail ( hn ken Bird! ft>' need wore We just can t get enough ot the
I'rince ot h/ultry lit’ could be looking at the nest Lite in Hell
Please include l hicken Bird as much ,is possible, maybe even devote
an entire future issue to him '
Ted B President - Chicken Bud fan Club
Emory Umv
And now, a few words of thanks from a few of your favorite
comic strip creators:
Ron DICesare ■ Chicken Bird
Thank* to the reader* u ho took the tune to write in about I'hii ken
Had ( H has left me a message to an a you some adrice about
college He said, and l quote. Most ot the bureaucracy related
problems you encounter in colleqe can /v settled with a mid sue
/lame throwing bazooka For other colleqe problems, he
recommends qnawinq on stale black licorice and doing a little dam e
step when alone in a classroom
Steve Klehm - The Brass and Fern
The feeling 1 get from being in Tomorrow 's Comics is like... if I
were one dug told I could tig. And I spread my arms and began
to soar towards the clouds, and the sun warmed mg face, and a
crowd gathered below me and applauded. And 1 was drunk.
It s a special feeling. Thanks for the opportunitg. Mg first bom
son shall be named "Argonaut". Thanks for reading.'
Valeri* Costantino ■ The Art of Living
My Three Thank Yous (no relation to the Non's")
#/: To Tomorrow s Comics:
Thank you for providing a vehicle in which tee cartoonists can
proudly strut our stuff. ’
H2: To the readers of Tomorrow s Comics:
Thank you for reudiny our strips and taking the time to write
encouraging comments. This feedback is very much appreciated.
#J: To the gentleman in last month s issue who called l at t Ha be
\ al thanks you and thinks you re kindu cute, too Her phone number
is .. . Sorry. We’re out of space. _
i Editor § Soft: ( onyratulations to \al (ostantin o uho recently dpjwred on Hill ( os by v
nationally syndicatedshou . You tU’t )our Life1!
ComicSpeak continued on next page...