Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1993, Image 38

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    There are plenty of reasons
to fight underage drinking.
Here’s how we’re doing it.
At Anhcwser Busch we re committal
to putting an etui hi underage drinking
That s win we have
drinking and promotes education de
signt'd in enable the students to make
informed choices atioul their livens.
♦ fkirfxmi Babb I/xtuw Series.
Some young people may believe
that the consequences of underage or
(jeveiojK'd, ur neip
In Mipjxirt. rompre
liciisivf programs in
tackle I hr problem
They're all Iwiscd on
providing the
education and
awareness t hat
young jHxiple need
for res|)onsi[il(*
Udiavior and
decision making.
will occur to some
body else, never to
them. Barbara
Babb. K.N. and
former critical care
flight nurse, dispels
that myth in her
provocative presen
tation entitled
“Tying One On."
She has marie a
♦ Fannin talk ah ml drinking.
K\|>«*rts agree
that it is impor
taut fur parents to
discuss drinking with their children at
a young age to help prevent underage
drinking Our Family Talk brochures,
prepared with tlic help of professionals
in alcohol education, child psychofog\
and family counseling, provide parents
with useful discussion guides to help
them answer questions and cover
important (Kiints with their children
For copies, just t all 1-K00 dab TALK
♦ Sat u null ('oUeguUf’ Athltiic
Ash kiatii m Fbundatum.
Along with the National
Collegiate Athletic
Association Foundation,
we pm\ ide alcohol
education grants
through their
"Choices" Program
It encourages NCAA
colleges, universities and
conference to develop,
implement and evaluate campus
wide alcohol education programs that
work toward theeliminationofunderage
♦ MY//S
Established on over 500 college and
iiniversit\ campuses throughout
North America,
RAH'HI 'S is an
international student
organization devoted
to providing proactive
alcohol education
programming at a |xvr
to |xvr level Through the
development of year round
education initiatives. HAt'('Ill'S
students promote n*sponsible decision
making, healthy lifestyles and
encour.iges respect for the law and
campus drinking policies.
♦ /Yixfnim II).
We sponsored this Ixxiklet to help
retailers enforce drinking age laws. It
provides prototypes of drivers' licenses
from aJI 50 states to help verify the
authenticity of ID’s when presented
lasting impression on over a quarter of
a million high school students across
the country. Her
program gets
underage kids to
think tuini about
what they could be
doing to themselves
and their loved ones
if they drink
Programs likt* these are working.
Underage drinking is on the decline.
According to a study Ijv the University
of Michigan Institute for Social
Research, drinking among high school
seniors lias dropped 25% since 1978,
and is now at its lowest level since tin
study In-gan in 1975. Since 1982, tin*
number of drivers killed in teenage
drunk driving accidents lias decreased
Ijv 48% as reported by the US.
Department of Transportation. Itk
progress, but therek a k< more
work to (k>.
At Anheuser-Busch, we f«*el that
education and awareness an- the best
tools to Tight underage drinking. We
will continue to support these
programs and develop new ones to
help make underage drinking a thing
of the past
. r/j/iAeu<k i 3$//Jc A., %nc
It, ntnU i/m to •Juirr i/ntr thn\u)tUs <m Ifu issues mrntunHxi tun tt, utiuldalso tr happy to smd ym ii\f<mruitum rxyintnu) <wr ftoivvx amt programs dsupuxi
h' itmtufaiy rrsjxmsM' dnnJartg Hhi -Iiju-user Busch, hu Cansumr Aunntuxs and Kdumtum. One Busch Plane, St Lima. M06311S
t MM? K.*rt> mr ^ I mMO