Frank Black on His Own ’Perry Farrell Fires Up New Band JndyBatsEam Wings • Soundgarden —Don't Call it Grunge U. College Radio Chart 1 My SlsniStw Rrprer) 2. Unouur Jr., t \ hm ) 'ou Ikn) ?iSiic) '(Superchunk. < hi Iht'Wiulh i M.iI.kIi k l i> Ween /Wr^wwna (Elckira) 7 The Jesus lizard Nirvana l Ti/llitlt I 11 MR Ii.UhK «>) 8. Battle Serveoct IhLmuttr (M-lLtlk h ) I Dlgabie Planets muht»' (Heitr.i) .'> Pavement Wainx(Lmtntu(Urlurat Shomn KnMo. lst\Kiufr(Sugin) Id KkigMtoaie. Unftfn Ihmr (AiLuitx i I Kart mWk AwW .-t. nrnU mrife •bate*** KAMI \fU«*w* N>tr t KH * . * -»!**• * mi %U*r t V. kM\l jM«iiu hrtirir* M.\ l «4 I abt «uu U« \ugHr* kl < J\ 1 .4 I .*««*.• W V] Ht l ,4 (trim.** Itiruil V%1 i*. I 4 (*■> «)(u Wl V Imhiiu ( W\|VI |«nr* M*Ux! l WKfl I «4Rrrm»l* V%\ l M l \M KM l -4 VI* h%. j- M » H l .4 Mwwi WMl Sr. Y -fc l WXYl l M- kl«l K», < V.iihnti IlimxMt MMl l <4 1 • v** WTl l luWnrl ^ Ikl M*krl<«r«it k< Ml l 4H«lun({Mi f V% VIM .4 Murm I WHIR World Party Bang! (EMI) ★ ★ ★ ★ l)nnul ii*» iniuiK to the* latent Wot Id f\ut\. Httngft\ «>u, too, m.i\ Irlinr and tie healed In \\ .itliugri 's vn» *i Ui. then's nothing fuikn\ about prate. love .mil undeistanding M»n gt.iiulltm’ vision In) him au.iv from the WalnlmN'* eight \ eai s ago, (our giandiosr mmoii .1 hand. please > .uul he (iowned him sell .iiIntel ol IjIKuIc.iIimii, /IKioihciI. SOs new age .uul lHhriolog\ forttinatrh (hr temids air not .in mI1\ .in (hat sounds I le's getting tVJIIt .il as h«* gn »ws old (m Mill mg out hi (»i\e h \II .Was," Kings, tjucrns and presidents vouilgei than the Stones" and wondering throughout the record how we've come to this Wallmgri s musn is an alios strongrt and more stain resistant than its «niit|>onrnt I mi ts liang! heralds influence* from IK lan to Stevie Wondet to llavdn to the teccnt Main hostel slmtlle. hut. like pi envious effort*. Wallinget still chilis gear* I** tween songs a.% il hr }ii%i bought .1 standard transmission Hue klr ii|> lot safrtv • I hnnus Conner, Okiah*tmti I kills. I . of ( )klahonu» Romo for Pyros Ponutfitr l\nts (Warner) iriti lVir\ kauri! has a tough at I to follow himsrlt With fane's \ddi< lion. I anrll was our <>1 ihe* mam purveyors t»l "alternative fix k hrlotr the* trim t>eiante corporate i hrlout I hr hand was not onh unashamed h erotic and t ontio\« t sial. hut also liatl in kauri! a Icail singer with thr uw> to bring the band’s It mgr srnsihihtirs into the main Mirant With Porno For Pvros. his new band. Farrell has v»mr sumlat aspirations On its self-titled debut. PH* alternates between songs about |x »st 11« >t I 4»s \ngeles and mildly explic it sexual situations PFP, however, fat ks the bravado fane's had In Jane s Addic lion. I anell's ptoud v-xu ahtv bad a kind of legttiinacv against the huge, unharnessed hatkdiopol the band 1 bis tune around, (be* band has less talent and Farrell's conttoversv seems tired and moronic < >n “( uisrd Male" kaircll waxes non |hk-i u alxuit old men not bring able to drive last t ars, while during "Orgasm* he ego tups a Unit giving a woman hei fust I be resulting album seems burned and unpolished; the hand |UM is not reads to li\e up to the hvpe f at tell culm a ted during last su miner's> m i/a (init I his is not to sav t’KI’ is devoid ol reward Both vile’s alxiul the I os \ngeles riots, the self t it led * I’or no tor l’\ ros“ and " Blai k (ill Iti lend" are powerful in then I lankness t Itiiuatelv, though, the problem with I’urmihn /Vim is its la/mess I Ins material would have lieen Ivettet seised with a tightei hand a bin lewiite (Farrell's vagueness is his downhill) and mote (.ireful production. Inteiested Uliinitiales should seatt h out |ane s \ddti non albums in trout ot this inionsisifiil offering ■ John Colpitis. Middlrbury (ximftu», SIiddlehurv College The Judy Bats Pain Makes You Beautiful (Sire) ★ ★★★ I mm flu* thr.uiMmgrd vmiiulnrv* <»f 'All Da\ \!tri noon," thr opming i ut on I he* (utivHats latrM alhiiin, it is obvious llie* Know ill< 1 rim . gi ouj> ha* rai nr cl its wings VItri two iiuomistrnt ofirnng*. I "hr |ud\Hals ha\r irtuiilcd with a polished, moir mature st*de i nr11 nr# /‘am \takrs You Hrauti/ul, Ir.null's mrlixiii songs laveiril guil.ii s .mil Is i u s that .lie [hirlu . 1ml unpie ilii i.iltlr 1 hr hand s hi si single from the allium, 'Being 'simple JltflBAISi i\ |mi that, a > lean, at oust it ballad unit licit i ate elei tl u lead dulling thtnugh the lia> k ground \nd ttails like "I glv on the Outside'tombinc nth hannoim lextuies unit jangls lot a toilet tutu you tan l refuse. I he album s 12 tuts ate si in pit of die sintlc produi lllg genie, ami even songs sstilt lilting hut s ai e
  • tuuge this is not /Vmi Mohr* leu lifuuliful is not a ground in taking album IVtit U s not the latest alter native giinnnt k either Its si in pis honest inusit ■ Deborah Malarek. Moiilami Kaimin. U. of Montana in the studio The Melvins ate carrying on the punk-metal torch with their first album for Atlantic This is Ihe group to which Nirvana's Kurt Cobain owes his sound To repay the debt Cobain has Don't cal them grung* stepped into the group's production chair Should be a wild marriage Sound-"please don t call us grunge'-garden will send lis teners straight tor the closest pit with its upcoming work Word has it that the group will team with producer extraor dinaire Rick Rubin Expect to hear something noisy in July The funky folk rap ot Arrested Development touts a back to-basics sound March 23 The Unplugged album which stems from the group s MTV special, coincides with a home video AD hopes to bnng its next offering to listeners next tall Heretics of rock. Faith No More, are releasing a five-song EP this sormo This jewel includes covers of the Commodore's "Easy" and The Dead Kennedy s "Let's Lynch The Land Lord' Those peppy little Brits Teenage Fan Club are popping out some even peppier tunes The Club's follow-up is due to hit the racks in June The album was recorded in the group’s studio m Glasgow, Scotland Although TFC had enough material for two albums, the group chose not to try the G'N R double whammy ■ Christina Plront, Foghorn, U. of San Francisco on the road A bne! look at March/April concert listings Belly: Hoboken NJ, 3/28 Woodstock NY 3/29, Boston MA. 3/31: Toronto ON 4/1: Detroit. Ml 4/2, Chicago. IL. 4/3, Minneapolis. MN 4,4 Seattle, WA 4.10, Portland. OR 4/11, San Francisco. CA. 4/13, Hollywood. CA. 4 15. Los Angeles CA, 4 16, Austin. TX. 4,23. Houston TX, 4/24 Dinosaur Jr.: Chapel Hill NC 3,28 Atlanta. GA, 3/29. Philadelphia PA. 4/1, New York, NY. 4/2. Buffalo. NY, 4/5, Detroit Ml, 4/7: Columbus OH. 4,9, Chicago, IL, 4/10 Minneapolis. MN 4/11, St Louis. MO, 4/13, Lawrence. KS. 4/14. Austin. TX. 4/16 The JudyBats: Dallas TX. 3.30. Phoenix. A2.4/3. Los Angeles CA, 4/6, San Francrsco, CA 4/7, Santa Clara, CA 4/8; Sacramento, CA. 49, Berkeley. CA 410, Portland, OR. 412. Seattle, WA. 413 Rage Against the Machine: Chicago. IL. 4/3: Minneapolis. MN. 45 Denver. CO. 4/7. Sait Lake City. UT, 4/8: Portland. OR 410. Seattle. WA 412. San Francisco. CA 414: Santa Monica. CA 416 quotable “There was a lot of screaming and tattoos. I was the only one who sang on key.” —Jeff Heteketl, of The JudyBats, on the U. of Tennessee music scene