W Toil know who V Denis Leary is. JL Even if you don’t think you know him — have faith. You know him. You know him lx*« auv* foi the last srvrt al months Ins Marlboro smokm last talkin', in voiii l.in jumpin' attitude has he rn plastered .n low vmu I \ se tern tidin M I \ to David I etteitnan to Nike eommrreials to we ll. Irt s just sas hr s lx*en buss \nd if you want to know whs this olde«HlU*f two IS getting all of this atte ntion, wt got tWl» we HI Is I Ol va " 1 WO WS *11 Is It s a e ate h iihl asr that has made* the native llostoman one ol thr most sought aftn ( om< els spin dwing down “I don t think v»»ui e arm « an move te*> last otur it ge ts going,** viss la*at\. sitting 111 an retiring liMtm at MIN stuehos "Non |iist si* »w it e|* »wn te» the* i ight pae r I ran has found that a whitlwmd pae «• suits his eaten Ve» ( urr tor ( arurt the' Itnok. the- she»w and thr < l > air piosieimg a swe ll feu lean to ride as he* attempt* to i is4 • alxisr thr n tie* as ge >ldrti t bile I of M I \ to thr < te st ot popularity as a pop it on "It might lx* a pe ill tie alls i oil re t bat k Lull." br savs. “It mas lx* a stroke of bn k that jx-oplr are* finalls getting ste k of tfie same shit I've been sic k and tired of all along " Hut people airn’l Me k ol 1 Veins lean — at least tie it vet lake most overnight wits.* lions, the gap-toothed. tousled towhead with a Mai 11 m u o etei nails dene bed m bis AU I want is CINDY CRAWFORD, okay? House of Style 24 hours a day. Ho MTV News unless It's news about CINDY.” lell hand has tx-rn honing his st hti« k for mini’ than 15 years Hut things didn't get intrresting until M 1 V . the spawning ground ill I .> minute i clehrilrrs, liist aireti his anti polltu al i orret mess fun I hesr tiO-sri onii monologues, duelled by cohort led Demme. ate filled \siih attai ks mi |etn l ewis and a sisieral lunging hu (andv < ’.rawfnrd. Hut it is not a longing that leary wuriKs will dampen his careri ilmih "Being so i loseIy eon net led to the (indy thing hasn't been a problem vet." he sa\s "I think one of the reasons it broke so big was because she liked it Soon after that i ante out. she did a pal mb of it One thing kind ol led the i ithei I hese things aie all leeding an exiep tional career lor an intensely private man l ears, despite his meteoric rise, shows signs ol the talent needed to pull olf entet K\ liill Hm k t. //irO/ninri. Northern hssrv (i an MI\ nightman* \n apiuli/r Mtnplv on his i iy.lictlr miiiAmy i austn ssitiu ism I hr last thing hr wants is In lircomr the next Dennis tlir Mrnatr "I didn't do a tnovir in i hat at trihr sass * 1 ti.it (an idtrn hr a big mistake, doing your hist mnsir in charat trr 1 was an at tot Indore doing comedy, so I was aware of that jjotholr All that i an ha|>|>rn is that sou yrt stui k in that one ^ harai trr. and that's all people want to see * As a smarmy Harry (lontutk, )t kinnalirr in l.oadrd W'rapon I, a 1)1-A a^ent rx maiinc in (iuimirn, a former Iii.ij'ti it ti^uv |mh m i lii the Sandltil .uni jii ill .1 in.ii.tl |m•lit r < aplam in l\mi i IhrMan'. Iran i\ latiru hing .111 uwiull mi Aim-m an audirntrs dial Mill lour dirm lo Mand up and yr morr dun dial i ra/v smoking guv "Ac ling iv nnn ti moir diiik nit than the loinrdv," hr vivs "Whrli you’re not play ing vourwll. it's not yout own wordy; il doesn't c omr is easily ’ (iiinrdv tainr *> easily that whllr studv ini' theater .11 hmrivin ( ollegr ill Boston in tin- mill '70s I ran helped found the ( omeils Woikxhop (Ileal ly, ihr i lass loom exprrirnecs didn’t form 1 eats A i arm path "What did 1 dn in 11illrgr in prrpater" hr mulls iivri ihr (pirsiion. " \ lot ■ if din*; abuse. It was a ihllrirni time." And when his high wore off. I ran, along will) ihr lest id Ins generation, found himself in a time when realm was v ailei than am illuginthu rd trip His ha/s collegiate years did provide hiin with a great deal of fodder for his pre sent endeavors Hr sass hr sjirni a lot ol time messing around lire i its and v tewing around in bands Mush is a talent lie sa\s served him well duting his in rut Iotas into thr Vf /Vf nf>Ju^f(nl aieua "I ’seulwuss Ix-rti in hands.' lie suss, "When wr taped the f 'npluggrd thing, I plaved with the rxai t same guvs I used to plus with " < H i nurse, with tills plethora of ping-i Ls. there is a danger ol Dents overdose, and thr trstlrss iomit is tr< oru iling that with the |xttenlialls latal unit ept ol o\errx|x istirr 'It s clinic nit: I II tell sou that muc h.” I ran admits. "I think that’s whs the tour is olds two weeks ' More drugs... and then just a bit off rock n roll before we pass out and wake up to find Reagan Is president” Soft-spoken ami intelligent, l.eary in person is little of his caustii (lalholn stage [h ivim.i He savs people often exjici t him constantly to he pissed off in maniac sjiced-lalket mode “Some people ex|H-c I it,” he saw 'Hut that’s because it’s easiet lot them to understand. I he irony is that some only concentrate on the smoking as|H-c t. vs hen its ac mails only a small pan ol the character.” I can admits to manulat turing au-cfulh parts ol his on-stage peisnna 'I’ve orga nized it. exaggerated and tweaked it a bit," he says. “It is me, but it’s not me.” Still, at Ins mrr Icatv n the archetype Bostonian: bitter, caustic and critical and bustling with a full sc hedule. And we gut two words for him physical exhaustion. “What I need is test. Hut I’m not going to gel any lot about loui to live months ot so.” 0