Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1993, Page 22, Image 32

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    Movie Previews • Leary '.Smokin' on the Screen, Stage and
Page • Bogdanovichs Next Picture Show • Video Releases
b% marc: mason
StiiU/Vr\%. Suir l
Hollywood \mU 11\ (<> r.i\r our (roul)ir(i
blows h> (hoc beauties onto out
lota I Mirrnv hoping Hr’ll par t w ith om
diilton mono \pnl showers do bring Mas
llowrix. so thcv air the wi uji tor
!>|o< khusirt v .ivm next month
I i«>( Shot* l*«rf Ikm (I wmtirdi ( ntfun lot)
Srtjurl v.twm lings in with (hr follow up
.uKcniuir uf lopjH i (< .bar hr Mimi t lug
Hrnmid (l lovtl Bridges) is now president.
> I .iv mating i oint idem r Were hr and Hill
separated .n birth- Maslx Sfr, knows I .tnd
In nrrds lo sc*fid 1 opjH i .dirt (hr mrn who
wrn( in to get (hr mrn wh<' wrni in to get
(hr mrn 1 hr Ills! ti.nlo s .i vir.un and
part one was a high glossing film Sheen
and Bridges serin lo have thru nn hr in
< ottiedv and titrei (oi |tin Abrahams is a vet
rian of (his stsle of htiinoi \ alma (»olinn is
hat k. and (his one has Rit haul < irnna No
ScalUnie. though I hank ( a hI.
metre nit rnipoMl < runutHHUti»
Robert Kcdlofd, Drini M»oic and
W«mh!\ H.iiirKoir 1 hr produt (mil train
I nun fatal Attraction ( pf odtit rr Shots
I .unking anil dure leu \drian l viic) rnimin
lo (rll (hr slon of a young t nuplr
(! larrrlson, Mooted who is oflrinl .1 million
in cash if Moore will spend |ti\( one night
with wraith* finamiri Re*dfoid (.in mono
hui love? Brito vet, can audlriun bus
I laiTelsoii ill a srim-eliamain iolr r II not, It s
going to turn into Wtuu Sim (<j#i'! f* 's** ' It
so. thru it should lx- fatal Addition as the*
mono |h»u 1 s in \n\wa\ you tall it. it s the
mo\t antic ipatrd movie c»l the* spring
Who’fi Ilir Man? (No% line Cinema)
)<>. Mf\ Hap\* arrive* on the big sc rren
Rappers i>i Dir and Id I o\rt make thru
ccdluloid smash 111 (his film bv MIX Rafi\
| > it nine <*t I rd Drmmr l hr Imw pla* two
misfits who disc ovn that thru m ighhot
flood is tfuratrnrd In sc andal ( ait (firs
handle* sue ft a piohlem all b\ themselves
Camroi bs Kiis hioss hr 1 . It r ( ubr.
Sistri Vouljah and (I \r got two wolds foi
\ou > Dents I ears (among oiIioa) should
sa\r the* das ll not. thru at le ast it should Ik*
fun to danc r to
A mMoiMloaw puMcfty Mar** ovsrahadoiM B MwtocM^ km(« produetton buifcat
Mr. Join-* (TriStar I
Ima (Mill |>U\> a sliiink who »Ulb ««• frrl
the hral fen patient Rif haul <»rrr Wasn't
(.etr on ihr op|>osilr end of this plot in Lot
srai i Final Anahus' Mashrnot I lirir
should Ik- vimr strain rising from this our
( >hn has In it nprsrrs time- shrs grat rd ihr
silvri. and this nine shouldn't 1 k am fhlln
rill ll |nsl mas lie ( .fir's st ar, though I Irs
inanird to < mils ( , and hr allrads paiird
oil with |iMhr fosiri rarllrl tills veal
I "his Bus's life iWuwr Bros. I
I his is thr adaptation ot I ohias Wold's
aitlauurd autohiogiaphs Set in thr 'ids
mom Him lUikm is teaseling tmvi country
ssith hrt son to hnd thru Hois (.tail I hrs
make thru ssas to Washington stair sshrir
shr mrrls and (alls in lose ssith Dssighl
Hansen (HotKit 1 V Suoi Ihsight ollrts to
take lohs ill, and they flash ill rsns ssas
imagmahlr It s invI'rnt t liilil v*. tyrant str|>
pal rut Mnliarl ( atoll |onrs steps lirhinfl
thr tamria lirsh Ironi Dim Hulbtwimm/ and
Mrmfihn ItrlU It's gonna hr powerful,
humorous and ptohahh a litiU- gut wirtu h
mg With l)r Sito involved, it's piohahls an
rails ( Ki ai conlrlldri
IVOiBh I Warner Brim. I
Chalk it ii|> aiimhri entry into (hr |>%\
thowunun drfln Following (ilrnn ( Iont.
Rebrita DcMornay ami Sharon Sionr in
newt inner \li» la SilvfiMi >nr as a 14-vrai-okl
gnI who dryrh>ps a (alalh |>n\i1i<>Iii mull on
llir tKtupanl of her patents' guesi home
(.in klvNtN pi.inn tlir tenant |rnnilrt Kuhin
pl.ivN ihr Human hr iralh likt-N li huh l hiii
am .iH.intN lm originality, bm n mav ha\r
r trough juirr to grt llir ulil huiiiiunrN
lulling l ake a date w ho vuii rr twrralxHil
FJ MariarhilColumhia Pklum 1
\l ihr IraNt, ihn should hr ihr miuni
intriguing 111 in o( llir spiiug Made lor
$7,000 by first-time 111 ininakri Robrrl
Rodi igur/. tills at lion adn nliiir Ii.in
drawn raves tor us dun lot s alnlitirN I hr
nioi n tomrtin a inai lathi mush i.ui h ho
anivi-N in a small Mexican town at ihr same
umr .in a hired killer Both are e aming Mini
lai bl.uk guiiai taxes, and tx-toir you know
ii. ihrrr in a big mix-up Ihr inatiai hi iiiunI
thru lunliunl ihr vinlrnt undriHoild and
Iiin oHii evil 1( hmikn like* tun, souttdN hkr
tun and niiicIIn hkr fun And il may kini- you
an idea for a summer nip 11
on the set
Director Peter Bogdanovich doesn t have the word ‘comeback" etched on his agenda But after a
string of less than steilar films — TexasviUe and Noises OH — the man who directed the critically
P«t*r Bogdanovich
acclaimed me Last mure xww is trying to make n t>ac* jusi
don t call it a comeback
“I've been having so many supposed comebacks Clinton s
got nothing on me.’ Bogdanovich says from the set ot his
newest venture The Thing Called Love “I realty think it you're
any good you re not gang to have one hit after another Most
people that are any good have their ups and downs Between
flops I've had a tew hits ’
The Thing Called Love, a Paramount film set for release this
summer, traces the lives and loves ot country singers and song
writers "It's very character-driven This is not a picture like
Fame " Bogdanovich explains The flick, which stars River Phoenix. Samantha Mathis and Dermot
Muironey takes Nashville s legendary Bluebird Cate center stage, where country music hopefuls go m
search of their first big break
"The picture's about people — it happens to be people who are interested m songs m Nashville,"
Bogdanovich says 'It’s an unusual idea that you have going — people auditioning then songs It's a
kind of variety thing that they do in a strangely informal, very unpretentious atmosphere." • Jim
Radon. Tht Graphk. PeppenUne U.
video calendar
A brief look at April releases
Revenge ol the Nerds 3: The Ned Generation. Fox Video 4/7 Love Potion f9, Fox Video 4/7.
Traces ol Red. HBO, 4/7. Consenting Melts, Hollywood 4/7 Hesbands and Wives,
Columbia/TnStar. 4/7, Reservoir Dogs. Live 4/7. Mighty Ducks. Disney. 4/14 Sarafinal.
Touchstone 4/14 The Public Eye, MCA/Umversal. 4/14 Passenger 57, Warner. 4/14. Hera,
Columbia 4/14. The Baby Doll Murders, Republic. 4/14 The Taste lor Killing. MCA/Umversal,
4/14 Lady Killer. MCA/Umversal. 4/14. Liar's Edge. New Line 4/14 A Cry In the Night.
Republic. 4/14. Four Eyes and Sis Guns, Turner, 4/14. Pet Semetary 2. Paramount. 4/21;
Eating, Paramount. 4/21. Robot Wen. Full Moon. 4/21; Night and the City. Fox Video. 4/21;
Bob Roberts. Live. 4/28 Dr. Giggles. MCA/Umversal. 4/28. Trespass. MCA/Umversal. 4/28
“During these scenes, all I was thinking was ‘My God,
what would Bruce think of this?”*
—Woody Harretaon on love scenes with Demi Moore
for the upcoming Paramount relaasa. Indecent Proposal