look (or the College in Review Photo Section in U/s May issue — On campuses April 26 U s May rssue will include o special four page section featuring the lour Grand Prize winners photos plus many of the neorly 2 000 entries in U s 1992 93 student Photo Contest The four Grand Prize winners will each receive SI 000 from U for the best photo contest entry submitted in four categories news spoils campus life,lifestyles ond entertoinment CaKUratt M*t* U S*CfMiUt cm i a private stall Is cram Ur NgiaMring final r S 3 s 1 2 1 The Photo Contest isn't over - So keep 'em coming! U needs lots of killer photos of the fores ami focets of everyday college life on and off campus, from the notmol to the outrogeous from funny to serious U s 1993 94 Photo Contest starts May 1 and continues through the summer until April 30. 1994 We II poy you S?5 for eoch photo published in U and your name and campus will be credited — Plus we II give another four Grand Pure winners SI 000 for the best entries submitted Photos con be of almost anylhmg or anyone — graduation AIL sports activities (team, mdivid uol intercollegiate or intramural) lost freshmen moving doy orientation dorm life all night crom mmg bed heads campus protests political ond pep rallies winds, spring break activities, partying, concerts and entertainment shopping cooking working out pegging out laying out, latest campus foshions and fods - you name it Send youi entries on color print or slide film labeled on the back (gently) with your name school address phone number (home ond school) ond detailed info on who what why when ond where the photo was token Include nomes ond phone numbers of the people in the picture if possible [nines cannot be returned ond become the property of U Mail to U The National College Mogaime Photo Contest. 1800 Century Pork Cost Suite 820 Los Angeles CA 90047 1S03 I Nin «>\ Ml N I I CRUISE JOBS Snufonta \wl«l' l am fe2.00CW month • worfei trawl (thrC anWvan Ilawau. Mi-ako I uni> * wtvlanftfew »TUiM*shlfW.v>r u »ur i»wn|vuiH*s I MkLin Summit. anti KiU Kmr empfe»vtm*ttt .iv.itbNr Kir en^feiynviii program call Crut*f I mploymcnt Sm nr* (2061 blMHofe l\\. C 1272 • INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • Make money leashing hade convereatissnal I ngliehabncul lapan and Taiw an (amSiOOO yt.lHHW |wr month Many proy-tdc mom it hoard » other henehtn' f inancially and cullur ally rewarding! Few employment program, sail International Implmracnl 4.roup I 24M. 6.42 1146 EM. J.4R7I • ALASKA SUMMER JOBS • Students Seeded' l am Sl»01>»/sHV HI IS M IK M Ml Mllkll > Ml‘l t >VM» S'I llIKHIom MAH III ISSIH \tdStA Semi $500 In Vtaskan kmpkismrm. Ik>c 4MW Slink Ink Ah >M*>A*I RESORTS THEME PARKS I || III $1*4111 Ssrrkls Her mom hoard Suss hlllUK Men sstsmrn year-round pocillonc 4 ollrgr i irdll asailahlr So re pet tern e net reals 4 all I 'an f>kt> 4M»S*T7?lO. 25 hr* SI MM IK IIOl SIM. Summer Housing in New York City at New York University • Apartment style and traditional residences, single and double occupancy ♦ Housing available May 23 August H For information, call toll free 1-800-282-4NYU ext. 782 IK \Y II STt'DY ABROAD m Viulhcm Fratuc Summer. Semr»lrr. Year pr«HC^*n»* C onUt I FAF SM < Sum Nfr . Wtthmgton 1* TRAVKI. (OliK.t ( MKOII IlllNSl MM IK IN ROME, ITAIA hiii IS huUM. wrrkt, 40 «ouim*» a» < fedtlril AmftK4it iMuifwiii. 1* >iuM.it 1.4 I n li I iiivtiuu. 1 Him 440*AIM FINANCIAL All) FRFF MONEY FOR COLLKGF. (.1 \RAN It U) l p in $’24,(HH) Im.u'iur | paving no tuition' \*»v» i* thr ttinr i«> think j alxmt nr\t year lot mloi tnatton. send a | lrg.tl-M/c}«• I vcigtrm Publicatinti* N iUmiiu-d MA 01982 ROOKS C Al l A I.O(»S Iter ( t> ( ^VM-Ilr < atalogur Ham |*uMm4U«»n» 47?MVmlV Hnmihn. NY IlfcW *ANAR( IIIN I COOKBOOK* \va»l*bU .gam $.' » |Ki»t}uul IlltlUidr li*N»ks H»*\ I 0*1 < . Sri jut m N J <)70**t '< ,,.»!« a white A MIRK-AN man- $‘» WHAM’ Hm'MI \tlkm* lrka%?*lOl H(H)K(.\TAI(K. nm tmamiai Aid Making III *'rll linpimcmrni KiMinir Mining lnim»n*iiig. toablidung t (edit amt innir t*-ncl Pubiualiom. H«»\ 401*44 Mc*j Arizona HM*? -4 TMOI A.HTM ARI I lothr* that tuakr a «ialrmrni t.irai thought* on girat ihirti Her ( -atalog 607 *77 1 Srnd * hc« k «>* MO to At tiding knurltammrtu. N (a*Urgr Air •‘i!V HloominiiHi, IN 47404 SOI I \\ A K I 5S0 FONTS FOR MACS! Plus othei low pruetl wilivou Iter i atalo# \« hum# l* mertainniem S ( ollr^** Asr *2lr» IN I MM cari.fr tips "llfe**i«Rial material* vou will nrril to stall Mutt t 4rrci ( all I * m mSu \K I S $ 1 pet mimifi 'ft add t SI MMKK < AMP IMP. (AMI* I AKA JO !..I IV .1» • >11 I oiig 1 akr Naples Mailtr Pit tin rwjur iakHtoni lot 4iion, riueptsouaj lii tlltio I Kn )4N) 1 mmwrktt po»iU«'ifk% phi* set n tatial 4iid kiti hrn June T* thru Vu^mi T1 Wtttr .all < \MP I \h \J< >. V_‘S hu! 7?imI St 1 ret -Ath Hiwit Nrw Yixk NY 10031. ‘il*.# (-AMP C Ol NS FI ORS M AS 111! Hmnm air j t up living 1 oiidillom 4Im1 j*4* C all 1**11 firr I IMA 4'**, NOR IIUKN M IMOSMN RF-SOK I Nerd* waiutaf! kilt lien stall. houtrkreprt* Salats loom hunt Ruyd't Hfirlti. Vl'i’.M (!()( NSHDRS fm Jrwi*h » ultuial irsidrnt t amps in M \ and Ml June Ti \ugu«t Ti Curat summrt op|w»rt units VVnir (olirn FiiuixiiliotiCimpti k> Mam St \thl«nd. MAU173I (MW)IWI loinf NANNY SI. R V I ( IS NANNIES Kr%t 4grnn l>r%i taiiuhr* in seaside OtimrtiiaJi I t*p ulittn. benefit*, loom, board, attlaie fit# Sitter Progum YEARLY piulton* ( air lo* Kill* I RdO-KF \ N AM HF A BOSTON NANNY Excellent talaiv benefit* airtaie Extensive lunm support Full teat commit meiu I-ROO-.1MMRS6 I, TMt KA Ik-Mi COLL CM UAC.A.'M loa. -wi acrapl LuuM «kl»w papa- uua* acttng aaraaa .aaaucO aaatolanca wvt« raaaarcn PMO I D W» o. XU promott^ cJtoattng dnjga including dnjg raclad pJ*c*oon. ~i Knpmi,] mMVi and am produce and im« avrOaMa tWy to «**• ova. «a aga oi ?i W. >Mm •»"#»» -atoda ac*art®ng inm n*» «*n«in o' ">anag*nani otpoauttor mUTw™ *• >iwh to* _ur, mown and atwi product* and aannca* avaaataa only to UM M.laag.0< Wa wm to* ngnt to rotoa* *>**™*-ng mat m to* apron a. managanan. » m poo. laaw « * com to aarrnal* ianooaoa .4w »*<*«. riaamad napproenat* tor M pctoacaBon Wa alac rotoa*. alia. mvaaogabor advamarog toat a anopuaD o. dacaptnaly a»d*d « portiayad to aa to mat* to* pro*** o. aannca tomw4(*add«aa»to 0 rtoat not aocapi adyamyng to. wganaaaooa « acavrnaa mat maagn .arraa o. -aagrona • not tmtum trototr* o. . otoanroa* datammad unaccaplatx* t>v manaflamani Accaptanc* ol daaadiad ad* fight to «ctt I *^!rt**c^*>lu». a^anknaffWM. axaaaaad o> anpaad'e, u ot toa'producia and lanval ottarod ftooaafta. m noi tat** to. arm n **y nomoar.