THE PARTY’S OVER FOR PL4YBOrS LIST "MV sort oj laughed it off five years ago and we shouldn't hair." Playboy ( ailed it an honor of soi is. and in some wavs, ii prnbabh v\.iv ()f the buntlreds ol (olleges and universities across the rountrv, onl\ Id made the magazine's ldH7 list of top pai t\ s< bools. 1 his was to lx* the* for the* updated list, thr new vt • it honors, to hung uillcgr student* up to date* on tin* top pain s< hooh, pu tot tal inhiilr not to lx* <*\t hide d 1 licit* will lx* ik » he>n«»rs this vrai “I was undrt the* impression we* writ killing the* ton e e*pt savs a some r in fHtnboy s l os \ngrlcs office* "Ms iinde istanding was that Hr! lexikrd it «»\ri and saiel thr |M»int is that relut anon is thr thrust in the* nine tie s It s tun to sav vou ie* a palls m hool. hut thrtr s mote* to it than that \\ e de i i do with {cainpiis] administration, shr savs \ m.i|'.i/ine that s hrrn sut e rsslul loi P* vears deK-sn t get mptxd m thr hud socasrlv What il t amr down lu, though. ioi siucUuis anti atiinin istratms .il ilir newlv honored "good lime si hools" was i r* ogm/.iiion 111mi lhr i i> pu bln at ion linin'! quite lit min u i hanging i .uii|>tis i Innate-. wheie he.ilth oilti la Is continue thru h.iille against .ill nhol abuse .mil women on i am pus light Ini lights "We suit ul laughed it nil live veals ago and we shouldn't have," Mooie savs "I not aware id the in11>di t it would have on out Jiuhlii image |ml>1 ii image, allei all. has lirtomr veis iui|jurlaill In i olleges and umvelMlles It a v hool develops a tcput.e lion that it isn't ilmiig enough in lake a stand nn liehall oi vsiunen til that it siqqxuts the |xIpul.u ullage nl excessive til inking, then it lai rs a lough tune atti at ting potential students and lai uliv and suppressing publii nun iv "It dors give us a skewed repulaiion. saw 11VIIV krulik, a si-nint at the l ul Miami, named the No. ‘J pattv m linol in 1987. "Ill ihr Sou ill Florida .lira, I'M is a lughlv iesp«-i table uiuveisilv In olhei pails nl the countrv. a lot ul |>eoplr have that vievs that l M is Suntan l It at11a* ts a Ini nl high si hi Mil students who want logo to a pat tv '< hool Mill that, saw Rae (addsmith. dim lot ul puhlit tela lions at (initial Mu higan I . is ihr ptuhlrm ’Wr don't think it represents us at i utatelv. savs (•uldsnuth. whose umveisitv was rankeit No. lt> in *7 "Me leel that it exploits the lauipux. but we know who wr air and will continue to protnntr the image we know just makes more «!itti< ult Hut thru again. IHdiybtn makes n<»e\< uses “Wr will i ontinuc to Ik the hw us ol intellr* tual drlwtr on campuses. sass l*Unhir\ s Rakowit/ It s a kes to out sellahiltts Haybtff earrlulh avoids am tomial affiliation with a t ol lege and keeps i ampus t otitat t d<»wn to Users and nrwspa jx*i advertisements \nd alter all. sass Hol> l’eni/et. a s|*»krstnan lot public relations at ( alilorma State I t hito. the No I parts s< 11l image -It s an image that’s lx*en .tiuuiul lor awhile, IVnt/ei sass «i| < hi( n’s reputation "I don't think thrv slat ted it all. M >ut t vs SH\ When IUayheople to know that the women who did t hoove to pose don t net essaiilv represent l \ M, sa\s juiuoi Mexandet Wilt ox. vn e president of the Student (»o\ei nine nt \vmm lation “ I hex tan t sjnak ft w all of us l AM students piotestetl with an elaboiate the.Kitt al presentation featuring a group of hare « hesietf women with gi04 eiv hags on then heads Vftei thethiee houi i ally, neat Iv a hunched people matt her l to the lot a I B\ Marshall I’iri'i v, Irniiont ( . <>l \ rnnont Student demonstrator* at the U. of Vermont protect Playboy’* upcoming pictorial tribute featuring college women. it’s .1 (mits limn Students wlu» rrali/r have less of problem with l'hnhtr,\ miv.lii uni .ivuk i.iii! 1‘iaybay* most nintro srisial nature using partiallv nude or nude female stu dents who supposedly represent the top pans schools Ihat pail of the April issue won't 1m- snapped. Playboy llnlul.iv Inn to disrupt ihr iwmirw l.i/ Kuhen. .1 sennit at Mount Holyoke College in Mavui liturttv. vaw I’laybuy tan avoid ihrw protest* liv making sure die i olk'ges dies t hoove wall! to In-1 lioven "II lliev asked us tl we wanted [them 1 tor ome and even one said no.’ then we wouldn’t have to go through 1111%," KuIk-ii vivs But that doesn't netrssartlv mean universities should stop 1‘1/nlxrt horn r outing on r ampus. savv 1 erlrlv Ket/er, a Blown l junior. “No matter hi>w thev go alxnit r outing to Blown, lliev te going to misrepresent the university." he *avs 'But thev i an do whatever thev want.” U magazine that's been successful for 40 years doesn't get nipped in the hud so easily.’'