Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1993, Image 28

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    Get ahead on your studies!
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FSj«f {Hnari _ Kuikyl_
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► Caught in
the political
In ;m average Student (.ovemmeni
Association elec linn .H the l ol
him. students spend iimhc than
$10.1100 on then campaigns, candi
date' (all in tim 10 violence and a
m < let |MilitHal i oalilion. known as the
Mat hmc, usual!' wins cat h seal.
I Ins year, hirnwr, somronr went
It M ) I.II
< »iit- ol ihc candidates loi student
gmeinment president was allat ked In
an unknown assailant in |anuarv. Ii
wasn'i ihc fust modem, bin it prompt
ed university President Koget Sayers
to halt student government elections
and strip the St . A of its powers.
Minda Riles. one of three St. \ piev
idential t andidales, had a cross
tunned in hei yard Iasi fail after she
announced tiei intentions to run lot
St .A president On |an $1. a week
Itefore ttie elei (ions weie w heduled. a
man wearing hose over his head and
gloves alleged!' broke into Riles s
home and assaulted her.
"I was pulling on m\ shoes Ms
roommates had just left, and less ih.m
a minute lain the doot oju-ned,' she
says "I mined around and dine he
I hr assailant thirw hri against thr
wall, hitting hri ill tlir la< r and < titling
hi i with a small |hh kel kmlr, shr sas-s
I It- iltrn grabbed tin t Inn and pushed
lic-i tan- against the wall “Hr told mi
ll you link with (hr wrong people,
sou gel linked. " Riles sass Nlic
it anight Imi k and the .iss.iil.tnl fled.
Rilrs's campaign m.iuagris blamed
(he attai ks on the Mai hinr, an all
white underground political group
made up o! 7 sororities and Ilateini
nes lhal has doininalrd student gos
eminent sun r the V.A s uurption
lints srsrii non Mai lime endorsed
i andldalrs have hern elected S(.A
piesKlenl in unite than 70 sears. Riles
who is a mrmhri ol a sorority in the
Machine, was running without ns
endorsement, although she previously
had tiern endorsed hy the Machine
for lower St.A position* No memliei
ol the Mac hine would comment.
I he (lay .diet Riles s attai k, Sascis
and the sue president hu Student
Allans released statements promising
"reform of student government on
this rampus' and a $5,000 rewatd lot
informaiion leading to the conviction
ol anyone involved in the mt idem.
Rilev, and hei supjKiners, mi lulling
two past inde|>endent St .A presiden
tial candidates, pleaded to no avail
with Savers to let the elec non contin
ue. "It seems hidit rous to me to pun
ish the entire student bods liei ause ol
what happened to me." Riles sass "I
think it’s a total threat to student
autonomy." ■ Sean Kelley. Crimutn if
While, U. of Alabama