EXTREME M’llRh Mountain biker* are just part of a new breed of students striving to push their limits. SPORTS By John Bwk, The Clarion Call, Clarion U. To the uninitiat ed, these ath letes seem crazy. The risk factor is high, the excite ment level feverish. Poor judgment can mean injury — or worse I Ih*\ s|n-.ik 111.1 language- .ill Inn iinhui-l ligihit' in tin- laypeivin Suiiris "gel li.11 n li il sksilisci s make I I.M.t) (imps, c-xtu-inr skii-is state h Ini "ili'i .mug i Nine thinugh inoNii s Itkr K Jaml (hr miniMW. fotth< ntnmg Nvlvrxtri Stallone IIIIIMC, ( Uffluingn lodrrd the rhtltr cMirmr xjuntx nimr mrnt troni i«h k t limbing to xkvdtvmg to in line xkatiug i> moving out ot dir fralm of the M*ln ( few and hrgnmiiig to gam Irgitiuiat n i' MinniNl xpoitx. I mdrmuth \av x. air .1 hralthv and mmi.iIIn 1 rxjMiiixihie wav of grttmg high \ glowing ihiiiiIm i of urn nci x 1111 x thioughout thr l mlc d Si.itrx (uni xt.ulril adventut e-haxed t 111 fax anil orgatn/atioiix IViinxvKama Stair l * mu II ig < lub %|>onvoi\ ti ipx xpr Inn king KJir rxpioi atiom). xk> diving and mm k 1 limb mg in nr.11 b\ Hrllefontr, Pa ( laiion l |)io1ovm Hnan Dunn trfe*ix in mm k < limiting ami oihri rxfirmr x|m>i(x ax (rating (hr hunt* ol mottahtv I lr vim hr i an undrixtaiid thr apfiral vmtr of lux xtndrutx trrl tow aid thr extreme I fan xoit of a< (in tfv. m a nc iv iral m nv givex xt»im Hiir inrmlxixhip in a tonimu nilN in mm fa the xamr wav that joining a liatcinilv «»1 xoimiiN dor* \rid 11 ix a hralihv < nmniumlv vxiih |M»*itnr energy and t omtuit metit in living \itei all. whrn von air |»ht tint ti<- al I I* »i it la Slate l . »x a t avr rnthuMaxl r\tia« ntiinaiit Hr xa\x xpehmking, tnoir xn than am oihri rxtreituxt 1 et 1 rational at tiv itv. ix a “leal ximlv in paint managrmrnl lb gim x on in warn dial dux »> not a xjnm loi (lit inrxpri irut rd to nv alotir I oxing vt tin vxav ami xiaivitlg to dradi in thr pm h blat k depth* ttf dtt rat(h ix a vriv iral dan gri unie xx ,1 girat itral t»f t .union and loir th011 have to In; willing i*t t iaxh and hum a whole lot Indeed, thr rxtirmixt xjMtitx air 11«>t a realm when* thr imut) 01 irt klrxx xafrlv vrntuir II ix all haxit alh a xrai 1 h to lit id thr |m*i ft t f tide- xavx xrninf Dan Xtlotto, an rxtirtnr skin limn l mneil l k\rn jmpuiai I S iuliuir ii beginning I(»irfln I tins firm! In liirui s a generation with a death wish? Has gitingr music gonr to out head'.' Of do out ki( ks just c omeat a htghn pine*' As 1st \ ( ravn sa\s, "K«h k (litiihing. mountain hiking, land luge, lapelling rxtirmr spent* — thrv'ir almost as gem xl as sex and vifrt thrv da\s ** U U Capture the Nike Spirit Contest Win $1,000 AND have your entry published with a national NIKE ad! ii ■ tm i«ai m tumri mm Grab your camera and capture those outstanding NIKf moments in sports and everyday life Maybe you and your NiKes won the match hiked to the most awesome piai e on Earth set a personal best in the marathon or 5K saw a champion performance at school or the Special Olympics set a new school record or leaped the tallest building Or maybe you own or can find the World s Oldest Living (jutr of Nikes or the most battered pan of Nikes still in existence How many pairs of Nike s can you get into one photo (people attached') You decide and JUST LX) If Each month, the best entry will be published in U. with your name and campus credited. The winner of the month will win $50 cash All ‘Capture the Nike Spirit" photos will be entered in the judging for the Grand Prize Award U. will pay the Grand Prize win ner $1,000 PIUS your winning entry will be published as part of a national NIKE ad in the December issue ot U. Runnei up prizes will lx- awarded too Send your entries on color print or slide film, labeled with your name, school, address and phone (school and home), along with a brief description of the Nike spirit you've captured who. when, whetu. doing what, etc Mail to U Magazine CAPTURE THE NIKE SPIRIT CONTEST, 1800 Century Park Last, Suite 820, Los Angeles CA 90067 Entries cannot be returned and become the property of U. Deadline for entries is Oct. 15 No limit on the nunv ber of entries you can submit.