a REWARD Y OURSELF! Join GM's Gradua tion Celebration! Shown alrove (from tin- bottom moving counter-clot kwive) are tlif 1993 Chevrolet ('..imam, Chevrolet S-10 Pit k-up, Geo Storm and the t.MC Jimmy (2-Door S|»oti Itilitv). For more* product information please contact vour participating Chevrolet. Chevrolet Ittuk, Geo 01 CMC lruck Dealer Congratulations Graduates! You’ve* worked hard, .it complishrei voui goals and rai ned votu diploma. Now it s time to gel reach lor the (»M ( ollege (.rad 1’iogiam It's a great time to "(0d certifieate good toward am new < hcviolet, ( hew 1 r u< f (ieo ot (1M(. I ruck purr based r>t leased horn a pat tic ipaling dealer, il von cpialih and finance through Best ol all, this s|k c i.tl disc mint is available in utitltlion to most othei i ehates and me entives _ A II \ hiu I » 1 H Take A Test Drive! Get A Free Gift! If you arc eligible t<> pat lii ipate in the (.M (iollege (.1 ad I’togt am, i* , you < an test di ivc am (ihevrolet, (ihew Tt u< k, (,co ot (.Vl( 11 n< k You'll love the ex|H*rieiH'e an//receive* voui choice of a leadiei portfolio, elet tronit data bank or < ompat i tlist with out compliments, while supplies last Financing Options That Are Right For You! Once vou've selected voui tarot truck, (At-\(! makes it eas\ to find the f inane ing option that's tight tot \ou...trnm n at It t tonal putt base* to S\l \K 11 I ASI h\ (■ M A( in out newest option, ( At \( , S\t \K i Bl A Participate Today! Id receive vout $.”»