u The Natic Q)llc Magazine >nal I is ihr onK nution.il monthly pubJn utton drvotrd solely to (ollrgr siudrtiLs ll»c rt It tonal iimirtit mu rofA » ollr^r lilr. Kt\int{ u national {wisjiri l|vr to In* ul » jinnui iuun. u« tivmo awl inirtcyts I n hitltrn I* student* for nudents I * editors on fellowship, srlrt tr«l from top KivuiiMin 41 tlw «non tr y. < om imvunn urtu Irs. pliol(Wi4ph> aim! fttaphu s I* tlw Iwsi journalist* Irotn m«*rr tiiun 400 rollryr^ that are mrm I* rsof / \ Anton un ( oll« ^tut* \rtwoii. Publisher and Mitimil linn tot ( .AVI f \l« »KKIS Ssyt I 11 AMI Min* IaWim.ik Auntuirhlitiu |S N twins Advisory l/ittut J v Kt Hamki* is KoitorsOn FiutmAitip |a« Ktr Snssm Southern Illinois l Khjh It mui I olNotiritumr Moil * Will I Wts l <»l |>rl.iH.iir l.ixroRiAi Aimvim Oh nui I)K I > W ll» I \U\MS llllildlM l R< >Ki K i tw 1JAJU> Mu luK-iii St4»«* t V\ H i .w> i of Iiimj )\\ I ( 1(11 J>Kt SA Irui Irth t \|» IS S ( H AS » S' l !«( Viudirfftf -ilil ShRkUinliUiS Student f’ir%% I jm ( ti Dm D'lhufk Vuilhrrtt Mrtln«ti»t l Kmm I of I'riiimlunu kum I awm s** I MjUiiu Ki« mpi»( 1 vii » IjM M M\Kn | DavihRih* ^ 4itrtn Illinois l II >si RlM.SK AI \vmm Mir C jiilrj(mr hrw Rk makm Si iu » r it M*i* « Sullliiirsl MkmhiiiV I *lu< turn Sk Qtukh < Ihire tot < jMlivr lHir« u« « Ihir< Jm ( ittuUlMMi M*na#rt Mai krtmg t>lir« (Of Maikrim^ SrivK r\ M#r Sj»r« lal t U VUfUtirt I H< WklVS J Mill HI 1 1 Am< hi mis Assaiii Rvvn (.uttm Hwwvw/ I.Hii'l* l l In MSI»N liv* Pakm Jv mi HaWTTmm ( HK At A > Am UTun.Ni. Sun Orruu lot (.1 I Mill* 1*1 !»»<.» IN tlti* Miu SMtiliis till ».l I V?m* ( l*MI*ANV (112 i A70****' IA X (*11 i 67IWJUV. Il\|J ah Mu J4UJJ /1M4JL*. S< V4N I IIHMU UtUPANV FAX(4t1> M7 74‘l? lin AM4Uft (#ts» Mmumi is Inlritiinihriil \dtriUUl)| llimM 410) AM 14*1 lAXiMOiSM ItoW 11vi M< t *(S!14 * l»tt. M.MIMLM 1 . V# I4SII4 A (flS) AW4.44*. >AX*?I4< 4*2 1 I OB N.tv* Yo«fc Ri* A»i»nv»n SttMiivil VitmtatQ| tHmhM (217) WD-9M0 fAXtflYi ’**•>-*811 V(N (lAMJMii PlIIJStiin.pAfWllRrtU m nr?. MAIMiAl 1. MiliMJ) k l*mi (4IM 421 MO rAX(4lA *M-4IV* ( 1 AV-4MII* I.MUO k hi* All XI (AH 1411 js (410) AM 14*1 I AX.4I0.SM l*rV* Amuiuan (kiiULUTi Nirwou, Is*. V P Ailmmuti «l»uhli%hrd nmr limn a vrai b» Amen* an ( JitirfftAtr Nrt*»Uft. Iftt IHOO( ruliu' l**li l** ViHr^l Lu»An«rln.<.A?0(*7 Tri ($10)361 1W1 fra* i« lined a woman in a college graduation 1 .in and gown, snorting « tat ol it * )n the othei side, thrtr is a lw mg anil a bag of mat 1 juana I not feel that marijuana and ((Maine should Ik* placed 111 the same category Scniety must stop ((Miking at marijuana as an evil I he pic tine von tan trillion e* the steirotvpe ol mart juana as an evil and makes the j«>b ol the projxinent.s tot the cic*( rtiiunaii/iug ol marijuana even haidet Shannon O’Reilly, sophomore. State l . <»f New York, College at (Portland Not all gays are radical in regards to ( I he I ast < i\il Rights f tghn) attic le in vuui (anuaiv lebruan issue Your teadets may be shoc ked t( icali/e that the untjont) 4»f g,iv jK*ople let 1 the same wav al*»ut a “Sue k lh« k iKt i as nongaYs Most convidei it vulgar. c hiid isb and offensive lortuualelY, most gavY irali/r that being gay is not about dtag leather or wearing rude shuts It is alwmi tailing in love I he majority of the gaY community is trying hard to legitimize itself m the public eve and is getting litre! of basing to (lean up uiiei the ac lions of . fringe few Dennis K. Partington, senior, C '.aliform* State UC Jiieo I felt deepl> toin|K*lled to write regard mg the article. ** I he ! ast Civil Right' fight-'" I think the pritnt should lx* made that not all gays lesbians 1 ondorte «»i even feel eoiuiortablr with such radic al. mill (ant actions As a lesbian myself, I feel thru* tat fit s to Ik* <|Ultr nffriiMvr I hi* drl milrlv tl(tr> not i c*|ii r*r ill tlir «■ lit 11 «• g«i\ Irshun innumuiuv I just h<»}«' mm i rtv < an ir< ogm/r ihr l.u ( ffi.it a j4tr.1l deal of (iiw iMtv <\hts among homuwxiyU as writ .is hrtnosr totals \nd fchtlr sot nr of us would 1 otidonc (fir (lungs found in 1 fir I .tsf (.tv 11 Rights f- »gfi(' .11 ii« lr sornr of us would not Kimberly ( )iimfx‘r\ irnior, U. of South Alalwinia It’s not nice to pee on Mother Nature Mv 1 r. 11 non uImioi vmit i ohm in “Ihr perfect ipniif; break lor per nut." (January h r liman 1J t. that von air not mlrirstrtl ill rt oloj*. at all Ihraiti ( lr had no new. valur at all "No, ihr lK-aiit\ ol tlir beat h I. that \ou ran pi., in (hr ih ran Vtlirnr.ri mu Irrl like it Nur line Mr Ip ti. Ik- brltrt t in/rn. in out wot Id Don't cm us to elo what is wteittg toi otn riivtiotimciit oi out MMjc t\ Wh.it it nnvonr mutated on the h«a* h (inufv IVtrrs, junior, l of Phish a fine catch 1 in rntl\ >rad your mnsii tevievs of the nmsit gte»up. J’hish, in thr January February IW A issue and vsas hoinhh appalh'd 1 hr ir\n wri has ! totally i in stint thr vrr\ rssrmt* o! P hlvh Mi l irvirw se e ins to me like a I i ii lav at in noon “In at thr i U k Hllsh inosh of i oinj*.msons anil « 1111< isms Stir i otn pa i r s I * 111 sh to thr hk< s of Olivia Nr vs ton John. Sun on ami ( *ai tufik-rI anil Srsaillt Stirrt I iv< Nothing i ouhl hr tai thei flolll thr truth' I vsoulei not In suipnsrd it shr had not leotheied to hstrli to am otliri «»l IMmh s imiM< It's line that i’tusli is unlike am othri hanel tins is the- \e-iy ixnnt Miry « m alatr I a//, hlurs and dm k to a nrv% innovative Irvrl It provides thru phans" vsilh nnicfue sound and stvle- I hrv air no douht. thr most « native hand mik r I hr Kr a ths I tiopr leaelels I r evaluate- am opinions yotil eiapshoot lllUMe te*vie*we|s v^ive NUson (.. Johnson, junior, (.eeirgia TrrhU. U. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR \elelirss yeHII e ol 1 rsjHUie Irlie e to I < fie is Kditof. ( //w Satwruil ( olltfcr A I HIM) < entuiv I’aik Fast, Suilr H*«?fl. I os \ngeles, ( A. t le ngth ane11 lai its Do you believe drugs are a problem on your campus? THIS MONTHS QUESTION Do you think environmental concents me blown out of proportion? Ted r, MW ('X #>ir» (-Mi cm toll ft* rmvtm 6 U-VIEWS ( M tin fust 211 (.ills in rived from Feb 1 1 through Man li ' hum murr than 22 (.imposes. I 11 < allrissaid dings writ- a |>1 n their i ampus anti 1 SO did not sre drug use a\ a |im>hlrin Main Undent* said alroht>1 abuse the biggest drug problem, while virnr let rrational user* lamented that illu it drug* wne not.«i evahle enough "Dmgs aie detmiteh a problem on m\ iampus \\hen 1 fitst m |>er< ent of the people |nst on m> floor Here doing drugs I'm from New York< its. and I've nesei seen snt h widespread ding use as on this i am pits " —Oiria Solari, •enior. State U. of New York, Buffalo " \ ie illegal dings a problem on campus' No Is alt ohol a problem' I><-(iitite 1% —Jay Bowen, graduate student, < khio State U. "No I tlon t think, drugs are a problem I think drugs should lie legalized, esjret tally marijuana " —Steven Becker, srnior, Iowa Slate IJ. efhr 1 Slmtrnl ( Hmiiw.i: Pt4) 1% a uiuphltK i4 ntnitnenu linen , oitntr MudmuMtta>ihf roUMn the t.41 lire nulnhrf atcrptonlvHurs l» < iiuntlon parti In ttu (Irnurwti liv mill in lhcM|e, . i I /W SoDntvu I iJlfp Uv-mt IV |»4I » i>< o»lA . anil |