:« ROOMMATES WANTED Mon tmoMng m«v>* 'wnate kwAmg tor roo«nm«i» to ? tan*- «p> t' M3 >«m .nctud** ulAfc** 34VQ75Q Roommate —nod room m Nuh tiocaMM Par*, rani i*e>.rj 2 bamroom*. >*ni %2SC*mo A» lor Adam Yuf*a. And* at 6t» M73 770 CHILD CARE EVENING CLASSES? NEED AOOF TIOMAl STUDY MOONS? Evan.ng 0*W Car* Ayaiiatva. Moo Thu MQpm. EMU CH« Cara A 0*v*tat> mart Cantar 344-4384 ?80 MEETINGS Thar* will b* an ASUO Elacttona Candida* w a* ting on Tua* AprllSth at 8:10pm In tha Fir Hoorn ALL candklata* who war* not at tha Mon March Mth moating moat awand._ 285 CLUB SPORTS Gay. Lesbian. Bi Coffee Hour Thursday's 4 5 30pm Ko*non»a Center Everyone Welcome Lesbian A Biseiuai Women * Drop in Group Monday * 3 30 *> 3Qpm Ko*non*a Center Into A top*cs. 346*1142 DANCE" DANCE?! DANCE!! lesb*an Gay B< Seiual ABance Sponsors the t.fst dance ot the term. Sal Apr*i 3rd, 8pm, EMU Onrng Rm fFI 346-3360 Healing Intolerance: A Christian Science Lecture How to heal nfts w oor community Caused by the controversy over Measure 9 Thursday Apr* 1»t, 7 30pm Ben Linder Rm EMU_ Stop the killing of unwanted pets by vTSittng our bafcesate at the U ol U Bookstore today Sponsored by SPOT (Stop Pet Overpopulation Today) and SETA (Students For Eth .cai Treatment ot Antmas)_ ARTS a ENTERTAINMENT 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS MEMORY SPONGE AprH2J«tpm Pot»« Ttimii Mm 103 VMard H i WOW HALL m o«u HpwhOM • ffc* S<*••* Tv 2$ ***>§ o» (**«*<•** »«d #npe#t c»n* Bud H#nry'« 4 44rr» ftnrw Of* K*f 315 COUNSELING PROBLEMS?CW ffv, UO C«*» l-n* *v ‘tor tronynV)v* emit COu<'»«i«'g *r*I 'otwart ftur" Spri! M t ?4 l>Ou'» waag-xh •'•*** S«« StCTIOM 115 for »ll your typtriq n«*wU 320 SERVICES f»9t tundrm—r $*000 *» ’ «*»«* CM* am yon«. '«** 2 600 r7»366* •»< 90_ B«c«um p*opt« c*r» r •**> (x*orwi cy I nffy Oft'ixx' Cam ngw. 6*/ 666» 320 SERVICES Are yon worried about succeeding In your courses this term? Academe iMrwg Services oners vnal group Mnrurs tar ff* wws MAIN 086 MATH III MATW74I MATH ?«7 Wt'H.'l' MATH 761 MATN75? MAIN 763 lOCpmUM *3tt»nUM 70CpmUM I 30pm UM ?30pmaAN ?3CpmUM I 30pm IAN II 30amMAf 33QpmMW !73CpmUM CH 723 tcx< EC 7® FR 103 FW 700 PM 703 SPAN 103 SPAN 703 330pm MW ?»teeo J60per gnxp 0 you need a&sraance n com** oiher Bven thaw Mad afcove, cm Maul ie»s8> can provide names and Meptane numpera o(tjuaMed Mors For mere ntarmadoi oortad Academic Lawtiing Servieae • 68 PIC J48- 3226 THI FAR SIM By GARY LARSON IT umijir 1 Tapeworms on vocation Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson FV WUGH-' ._ TUt PtAHVJT BuTTtR \S RuiHtD ' M r ",7 1CWRL SyPPCfifcD TD SCCOP ONE HMF STUMOR T DORS M4D rUtN OtO OUT THt ! OTHER S\Dl TCX** Wt 90TTT* I] SO WkBT OF TUF TOP WEMMHS i ohDvvopbed vmnu tue VESN END ' 3 WHfcT OK \ IT's * &'TyM. E*RTU TORr J TOJ MME TO m? nc TOP OF THt PtM'jT pr»itr to Kitten 300. FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large $2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Ottot good Ihfu Sfxing term Doonesbury by garry trudeau HM% THIS 60 N6 TV WORK --v AMN 50?' SMPU I BLOW yp me norm rucoe.. / .K THf ST^at’Nd AVAiAHCHf MY CA&N HF err r/GMT HK A [MrCK WO IHH Aurwnrnee m hnau y Aiixm> err cpNctxNev _rtuMve <> VVUCWT 8 H-M /m out ccuctKNtP /> , cxa***"’. _ rutAj CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtffer ACROSS 1 Garbaga baraa 5 flann k> go • Zodiac CfVl lacaan 12 Wimbla don area 13 8 Actott natghtxv 14 Sunday papa* taction 13 Thought It Paak 17 Court cry 1t*0lo y tlar 20 Oavan port t ptaca 22 tv«y whara 20 "Botaio" tompocai 20 Stdarta. to* ona 30 Mamia t man 31 Phona co amrVar 32 Saianada I ha moon 33 Ona «da ol tha Urals 34 football Id IS Oitovd X Mo.. ado«at>l* 3/ I *K> 40 AJ Hutch tohf* daughlw 41 Ckmng nmiihi 43 Tot* boaid tatty 47 Without d*l*y 4ft 'C.a/y m «nf 50 Ov*( ditut*d. at l*a 51 Hon*st poMcian 57 loung* 33 Co»ln*i portrayal 54 Hound T .»{>ki aridra** 55 Utopia DOWN 1 Fau* pa* 2 Song • tondtrton 3 ‘Awaiting '•P*Y* 4 Nawv.a it faaiura 5 Hip jargon e wo! WtQQimi 7 Fancy gardan faatura • Thraa 4 » *44*5 5 lory 10 Oownad 11 Dickon* solution lima 13 Yultiday'i answer psaod onym 10 f w»ng wa ran 21 lnd»v«*a>t« 23 Hidden »ta»h 24 Mu*ko Q— p«r*ona 25 Sport 26 Hot** ol a diffarant cotoO 27* baKwi 26 Poichat 32 Woody Allan Mm 33 f ar pad 35 Comedian Murray 36 Outdo 36 ImpariH 36 Not as many 42 Burden 43 Causa of N*nj4 Turbos mutation 44 SfflQaf Campbaii 45 Paraonal 46 Sandra or Ruby 46 Kyoto cumm»r bund k——l