m TYPING SERVICES At MAOfM. MOWN • a*AO SCMOOi AWM*OV«0 20 yum ••«»*« back (JtoutyS Tarn paparVf w*'Muir* »» OMCAMPUS! JO TMC TYMNQ PftO Ww«B>nn«i KuttfulLaJJ Jartuftai 605 E. 13lh 125 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For •» you paparv profoct*. ate Writing, editing, proofing AM *ut> fact* and Aftordabt# and con van tan ( PRO/EDIT 343*2747 no FOR SALE MlSC Contact lanaaa By Mari Saw 50% to 70%. Opfcc'-ar Sut*K***ad i <*»64;> i1 MS OUtTABS GAlORf ' W atf fc.fv,}» Also cameras and *t«rao* Buy and Se* Cant**' 161 W Mh leather Jackal • *«y M t angfct/ Can r.'kie Mack $300. com p*eto. 5 4 othor* «*«*» yr#a4 Mam erAran**t*on 4A4Q394 Sola 2 place targe 9004 shape a *t«Ai at >50 4ft4 U61 7 wave message it nacesaary W*»her and Dtya SBC 4#u 1360 Paul GOVERNMENT SEIZED ^«:*aa from $tQ0 Turd* MacMn (^arvrfte*. Cbavy*. SofpA/8 buyer* gu*de ' 6CCV962 6000 e*1 S‘3642 SEIZED CARS, trucks boats 4 **<*«< »mv mo4or home* by FBI. IWS. Dt A A»aAab (lee. tic condition, 24", IB speed 5*74 6B7 21 TO a 3461142 40. Sm Co S.*« 1 *••* w . garage tale, great used CREtera 5 commute* Dares pkr* a *ee MTBt Mow are luned up and ready to roe many yyfieets and paris loo COtLtNS CYCLE SHOW. 60 E nib. IWt Erl, Sat 1 Sun! 542-46 7B iss COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS 586-SX 40MbHd modem VGA Mon. lot and more SBOOobo C4W Joe <83*710 205 OPPORTUNITIES 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS ImapalMrttp t pint*' pptaei CO«* bon. $245 GMhkco* X6 9190 _ Mignavna 12~ Catcx IV w’lprxal* $150 obo >44 5CX9 Uu*l MM my Mar. II* ■'•oof's*** p<» CM lWa to> i*0*» * *64 947? TRMO 24h prtp and gr*a< Ip pibng papp 'Tiaba ObP ImMJMU ito SOUND SYSTEMS CABMI'f Wa buy «M and *pvea VMS VC«"» 4rO Moot Thpnppjn n*a 34^?9<» i55 BOOKS BE 220 book and MuOy >.«>■ a «*ai Ip way $50 a bun* Mr*n0i out* fxiptlfy* py* Ca* Una J40 9327 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Raich* F*«pi Come •»/» « Satomor <967 Ftacmy DIN 9 16. both 10 rjdCWKS Mart 4M5 7219 195 TRAVEL ¥ FREE SEMINAR* If«•« ixi aAtxft or iumft IRtfltiM A WO RTOWR'RRO >W IIOM »Wf tlMfU Friday, April 2 Wort AbfORdStnww 17 00 noon - 1:00 pm Ert> Memorial Union Ben Under Room Budget Travel Senwar liOO pen - #:30 pm Eft) Memorial Union Ben Linder Room ; \eOKtMNO *» '■* tWWEH > Mil UtoAtKMM. LMKAI tUftfth. UUtf*H I MiMurw-imtuiMj 205 OPPORTUNITIES Put ATttT on your resume before you graduate | 1N3 Fall Maritltnf ^ O^ortunltloi AvaNaM* AJ&l « Mmfcmg %*** ****** 1 Uuctoma to pan* ipato cw* ' (toy on rampui m*ikeUng program »«** t ? •*«** % pray to Win of eta**#* Vto* n#*o ATAT tTUOf NT CAMPUS MANAGER V> It# iDAponvbtf* kw rMiw*a evwrvj anjito ttarfy rn*ru*q»w-**r«i 4 u**rw»y ol student group tWjuaas wtrong toad rwship Cutely FN«v manag»mon4y»aiiw* rotated of student* on a rtarfy bawt and atvml wr1h ivwc A# r-vent mentation ?>a*avtoa<»«w *fn> ri|*m nx* « AT&T STUDENT REP/ CAMPUS GROUP lo act a* os* oncimpu* r •*>»«**•"! a iiv«t Must t>«> outgoing and tatot *•» Saa Jao<« EMERALD I CLASSIFIEDS | Call 346-4343 I 210 HELP WANTEO Alatfca Summw Emptoymant L*n«na4 Far'’ SK30>A»W* * tanner**^ or $4000Wmonfr> on ***n*ng boat* l*aa toanaportabon’ Room anc! Br>a/”f Owk ft 000 0p*n*«ig6 M«# o* f imti I o» amptoyrnont prop'*™ cat i 206 MS 4ifi6a*i A60M ANTARTIC JOBS**! 1963 Antarctic Joi> GokS# hat into on world * moil unutual piaca to wort S6 95*S.i SAM V*«*V« ! 600 133 4;»96 Apartmant Manage* needed ' QOS f»'t C?adM send <«r*-to BPM ' 430 W*uvne^l0 166 f.upana 0M 9/40'. FAMILY HELPER • *mr* Part $6 SOIh* ba*** tar care *o» n A 13 y» old A IgM houttaKy* 4H4 ?40‘ Fun in tha Sun i carbon* are «rMM at m«* I Ml ) 0*3 Cara and Davatap mant Cantor* Wtv* Study prawned tXit not »«K|u«r* *n pe*aor’ m 0u» otic* upatam '6” Mc-w Mr M> 12 A 15 Cniita ttna Entry *rvt* on t*oarcy'K Wa tta* Suxx«a«iu*) acnAcani* w*£ tm Mgftty mobvMwa to «on wrt* taanaQ* yOuBi. *»v* NNMlarVHp **p. and a background i20 f »an**n fkvrj 7A f ■.sjor* 0« 97403 (903) 74*4663 GRADUATING? E tp*ci*rv« MwWT1' A Ntftr**y> Co a «nta* vWNrtng to* aav*1 madtateng powt*on% mu* ***• «ac oomm a«t A poMaaa po* arWuda Mo pf>ona »nia*viawa 6B7 6B36 LAW ENFORCEMENT JO*8 |l/ M2 I8A.082V Pofaca Sh*rtf!, SiaM P» »t> Cor* actional O*io**» Ca» i 605 992-0000 lit K-9W omca Alastani'Sacratary pad tmi 10-15 M>urV** «-t*«* ftcftaOo* M f mm fyp*ng 66 «pm g*n**al (MncM. maH hava vN*d dnvW*» »cant« a randt «n company *wn«cM PVwwm D**ng f«bmr to X’ Monro# Si Eugan* Oft M f 1 5cm No fAona caAt POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE* Mr, pr>«Aon« g**a« b#n#At» CaA l_«00436:436& « P3309_ POSTAL JOBS $* »? 5V ' now M**ng CM i AOS 962 6000 «*«l P 9642 __ ___ STUDENT WOfWS PAINTING Mail dur«*vg lh* an/m.-n#* »n (. ugane* No «Mp fpt r\*u* , CM Javr a* 346-9969 r Gamp cxxmMHO*& naadad lo* the | MJCC lumma day tamp *n Portland j $#a#on d#t#« 61?! €L'?7 PT and FT I I Contact Studant f mploymant. 12 j [ H# Ip* mfo*n-:-«f*on_j SUN«A JOBS TO SAVE TH| fWVtaONMENT i ARM S.*» >S0C AMO MAKE A Wf Ft At MCI NgbOftM c#rrt>agn poMions to *#n«w ft*# Oaan Wiite* Act prompt** rompe Nr'Vrt rwcycAmg ano atop uW »no*« oA anting AvMAbt# m 77 at#!#* and 0 C CampuA 4 7 and 4/B Can J*m*H*i**e. i «00 7SEARTH The deadline tor ASUO Election Candidate and PollworVer applications has been extended to April 2. Applications are available in Suite 4, ev eryone is encouraged to apply! ASUO is an EO/AAE. 210 HELP WANTED GET A GOOD JOB! Gain valuable experience for your future by running for the UO Bookstore Board of Directors YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! THE UO BOOKSTORE is searchingfor members to serve on the Bookstore Board of Directors. These 2-year positions are avail able: • 1 Freshman • 2 Sophomore • 1 Graduate Student • 1 Teaching Faculty • 1 Student -at-Large (1 year term) THE UO BOOKSTORE board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the UO Bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings and receive a $30 monthly stipend. Nominations for available positions will be taken at the: UO BOOKSTORE ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, April 13th at 3:30 p.m. 133 Gilbert Hall For information, contact Bookstore General Manager, Jim Williams either in person or at 346-4331. THE UO BOOKSTORE • 13TH ft KINCAID Since 1920 1C HELP W4NTED UntwrUty Housing 4 no* hiring »0 ^ogr*m k*&uart* k* m# 1993 may te obtained of the area de«k* n Carver. HamAon Un» variety inn and the Houamg Ghee m Waken Hak Program Assistants (PA) muai be M bm# students aitha U of O and naad to fcve n a re**ienee ha# where they ara employed Compensa tion to* the poeton «» room and board «n a angle room The dtedUne lor com piotod appkeafeon* 4 Monday Apr* 1?*V 1993 m 5pm »C me University Homing Office 0 Wartem Ka#i An «f fvmabvO acfconfeQuaf OppOdunrty am pioyer comrrwttad to cultural drvervty r ""'ORAPHIC ARmf The Oregon Dally Emerald la ac cepting applications tor an Imagi native atudant with Macintosh ex perience to craata informational graph tea and other design ete mentt Pick up application and submit dipt of wort to Graphic a Editor. OOf Suite 300. EMU DeadHne Aft, Spm_ Looting tor atudant to put- the if* »«dar Magazine on campus A ?o man age weal conced ***■«•* We finance start up costs tarn top ncome ($6 S3CVN) A gam valuable eap great «or Marketing or adverting mayor Ca»« 706-673 345ft Notetakers noeded *or Bl tt» Hi WO. JPN 30/. aid GIQL310 Pretei upper dvwjon or grad student who was taken the class before Start at SSf&ftMi Apply at Footnote*. Rm B.>4 f MU (EOC)_ STaTf PHOTOGRAPHER The Oegon Da»iy Emerald « accept •ng appkeafeont tor a staM photogr.i pher Student* mujl own a 35mm cantor a and have working knowteoge ot camera operator Previous oape nonce ‘S hatful Pick up appkeahon and submit podtoJie to Graphics Ed* tor QOf . Su'te 300. f MU OeadCne A?. 5pm 215 WORK STUDY On-Campus biWyw h*/>ng 3 work study po ttfiont Musi be bAnguM {Eng kaMSpant*b). a mature mdrviOuai possessing good communication sk4ls Must have strong word pro ce Stung skill* Good money tor the ngM people f ie»Oe hours Cal Al* ga34»0B6i_ Compute Lab Monitor 10 15 MrVwk a* $Wn. work study students only, some PC **{xwt#nce required. sprung term CaW Cathleen leue at 346 -4642 EMU CRAFT CENTER Wort-Study ponutcm* avertable e*p in jewelry. photography. woorwodung. ce i«bws etc preferred Apply ground floo*, EMU 346 4361 SAFE RIDE IS HIRING' Work Study D Sen Anna or Mar gtt-'et m 164 Oregon Haft Work-Study Position avertable the UO Upward Bound MSftC currant^ n-as povtv>ns open *or oh«c* assistant* Appfacants mvsl posses a baa*c know* edge of computer* and oW«ce equip men* an»«mr phone* and be iit*e to worn mornark & river gu>ck wafk.^«de to UefO. honest, clear. qu«t. no prop 9. health minded, non smoker. $250 plus iQO dep 746 7120 $ 17Vmo plus vMibes for room m house on 22n