Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
One on one
WkXO t>» Jw" Pftfrttly
Sophomore economics major Michihiko Ogawa (left) shoots tor two
while sophomore fine arts major Ken Wu gives his best Michael Jordan
impersonation at the basketball courts near Carson Hall Both try to
play as often as possible between classes, they said
H. Ross Perot coming
to Eugene on Sunday
j me lexas billionaire will
speak at the Hilton at 4 p.m.,
and the public is invited
By Daralyn Trappe
Now InTi's ihf deal II Koss IVrol is
i timing lo f.ugene Sunil.iv to thank Ins
supporters .mil tot us uttimtion on Ins new
organ izal ion, I anted We Stand It's .is sim
ple as that.
Perot w ill speak at the I.ugeue Hilton at
a p in There is no*admission charge and
no tickets will lie av a liable, said dele I lal I
chairwoman of the Oregon chapter of
I in led We Stand Doors a! the Hilton will
open at - 15 p m , and people will he
admitted on a first-come, first-served
basis, she said About 1.000 seals w ill hi’
Perot has been sweeping through the
country the past several weeks on a speak
ing tour and w ill svvmg through V\ ashing
ton and Oregon tins weekend.
Hall said Perot is not making the effort
to drum up support for another personal
|>omiIt t ompoign
Koss is going around thet ounlrv In gfl
in toin h vs tilt people who helped him lost
visit ' II.ill soul Ho's not mil to promote
himsi'lf Ho iloi'sn l vv.int to run for presi
dent .ig.nn Ho's s.iid hr d rather liovr
surgerv with no anesthetic thou tlo th.it
ogiim ”
Perot dors, however plan to rrmoill a
thorn.in I'rrsidrnt Hill ( linton s sulr I loll
sold 1‘rrot w,oils to keep attention on .ill
sorts ot government issues. espet inllv
drln it rmiui tion and ethit.al ndurm I nit
nl VVr Stand lormrtl out td I’rrol s ilrsirr
to formalize tllosr rfforts
Alter hr got ohoiil .’.(I million volrs m
November. those proplr wrrr anxious to
keep him out 111 trout w itli lus agenda and
Ins i hiirisma lloll said Hr wauled to
ligure out how to keep us together. so hr
i ante up w ith this organi/.ation
I hull'd Wr Stand ollit i.illv organized oil
|on I 1 and state i huptrrs have lorined. or
an- in thr proi rss ol forming, throughout
thr stole. Hall said I'lie i hoplers are
tm rising on hotli national atitl lot ol ivsnes
slu’ said
Lonsdale files suit against
‘Chieftain’ for nudity claims
j Newspaper claims
Lonsdale took part in a
river party involving nudity
imssniaa who lost two W S Sen.it>>
races has tiled u $500,000 lawsuit
against an I.astern Oregon weekly
newspaper, claiming liis reputation
was damaged bv a story about nudity
on a riser trip.
Harry Lonsdale filed the lihul suit
against the Wallowa County Chieftain
last week m Wallowa County I ircuil
Court in laiterprise. contending In' was
defamed bv articles written bv «'iiitor
Rick Swart and published last spring.
The weekly claimed l.onsdale liad
falseh i lunmid ht< did nut take part m n
tddl llidls Canyon flout trip, where
environmental at tivists wore video
taped iri the mule <m a sandhnr and tin
nation in the Snake Kiver
I tie videotape by Boise businessman
Dennis (ballon laiused a stir around the
Northwest tiei ause the HI member float
Turn to NUDITY. Page 3
Forest conference will give all sides opportunity to be heard
j University faculty members say there
can be no quick solution to timber crisis
By Rebecca Merritt
O«oon CWy F mnak)
Those Imping for a quick-fix solution to the limber cri
sis will more than likely be disappointed by the outcome
of Friday's forest conference, according to University fac
ulty members.
But those who view Friday's meeting in Portland us a
chance for all sides to openly voice their opinions and to
place the Pacific Northwest's timber troubles in the nation
al spotlight will probably tie satisfied with the one-day
conferenc e with President Bill Clinton and Vice Presi
dent Al Gore.
Mary Wood, assistant professor of law. said she believes
the forest conference itself will provide a "healthy forum"
for the national airing of views.
"But the real work will liegin after the conference," she
said "It's just too far c omplex of a problem to solve m
one day."
Friday's summit at the Portland Convention Outer will
be organized in a panel format, assistant Professor Ann
Hawkins said Morn than 40 invitations have been for
mally extended by Clinton to environmentalists. Umber
industry officials and others concerned nltout the future
of the region's forests, Hawkins said. ,
University economic s Professor Kd Whitehiw. who has
lieen i ritn.ized for downplaying the role of timlmr in On?
gun's economy, is planning to attend
l! S Interior Secretary Hruce Hahhitt. who recently
toured area tiinherland. will play a key role in the sum
mit. Hawkins said. Mike Kspy. U S secretary ofagncul
Turn to TIMBER, Page 4
Belter keep your umbrellas
oul todav because the storm
that moved into the Pacific
Northwest Wednesday after
noon should provide consider
able cloudiness and continued
rain throughout most of the
the best chance for sunshine
will be Fndav
PORTLAND (AP) - Portland General Kit* trie Co bade farewell In about
2’5 Troian nuclear plant employee* with a barbe< ue at the plant a* the first
of several rounds of layoffs took effts t Wednesday.
'It was a day of saying goodbyes for people out here said PGE
spokesman Steve Sautter There were 'a lot of tears and a lot of expei ta
lions for the future The mood ran the gamut from sadness to antiupation
In lanuary. -114 layoff noth es were issued that took effei t Wednesday
More than a hundred of those employees have already left for other jobs
The remainder are now out of work looking for other tobv new careers or
are going back to school. Sautter said
PORTLAND (AP) - Clvdt Drexler is available lo join vou
for break las!
The all star guard o( the Portland Trail Blazers is being
featured on 24-ouik.i; boxes ol Wheat ie* as a mem tier of the
cereal's i mis* of t hamuions
The Drexler box will tie on supermarket shelves in
Oregon and southwest Washington
It features two action pictures of Drexler on the front
alongside a red banner prw laiming. Wbeaties salutes
Civde Drexler The back depicts him in a pensive moment
atop written tribute