Alleged Bengals rape victim may be unable to sue SEATTUi (AP) — A woman who says she was gang-raped by Cine innati Bt-ngals players conceded Tuesdav that she did not read the release document she signed for $30.1)00, whit h may bar her from suing over the alleged assault •'! didn't think I needed to." the woman, identified in court records as Victoria C , said Tuesday under t ross-exnmination by team lawyer Robert Stachler of C.incmnnti. "You didn't look at the title'" Stachler said Victoria C. reiterated that she believes the document was titled "Agreement In fact, it is titled "Release of All Claims." Victoria C. said she simply glanced through the document and "looked at what ever caught my eye," she said An exasperated Stachler asked whether she had glanced at the second paragraph, or the third clause. "It doesn't look familiar." the plaintiff said, perusing the document. "I just saw $30,000.' and I knew what it was about." she offered. Victoria C. said she also did not read the cover letter from Cincinnati attorney James Perry, who prepared the release she signed Oct. 5. 1991 — about a year after the alleged assault at a Seattle-area hotel. "I just glanced through it. I didn't read it. I already knew what to do" from tele phone conversations with Perry, the plain tiff said. Victoria C. said she trusted Perry be< auso fie was an attorney and "seemed like a nice man." Stachler did not complete his cross examination Tuesday, the seventh day of the trial and the plaintiffs third day on the stand. Ho will wrap up his questions Mon day, when the trial resumes. U S District Judge Walter McGovern had a prior com mitment. Attorneys Peter Byrnes and *I just saw *$30,000,' and I knew what it was about.' Victoria C . alleged rape victim Silencer Hall, each representing a group of players, then will question the plaintiff. Victoria C. is asking pirors to throw out the release document so she i an proc eed with her lawsuit against the team and 19 current and former players — 12 accused of raping her and seven of standing by while it happened. Her lawyers contend she did not have legal counsel at the time and signed under duress, and that the document provides inadequate compensation Defense lawyers contend the release is a binding contract "Did the word forfeit jump out at you'" Stachler asked Tuesday, going over the dot ument with her "Yes. I saw that word," Victoria C said Stachler asked if she understood that the (locument said she would have to give hai k the $30,000 if she publicized terms of the agreement Victoria C. said Ferry had told her "the players i otdd sue me if 1 went puhlU with her allegations, hut that she did not rei all the provision Stachler was citing. Stachler suggested that while she had questioned last May whether the document she signed was. in fat t, a release, "you now know it was.” "I’m not sure whether 1 do or not. \ ic toria C. said. "Absolutely absurd." is how Byrnes i bar acterizod her testimony luesdov Com menting after the morning session, he not ed the word "release" is used twice in the paragraph an inch or so above her signa ture. "She knew what that watt," ho st of fed As for her contention that she trusted p»rry. Byrnes said 'Would you trust a group of people who you claim had raped you?" Stm hler also went over the plaintiff’s use of the $.10,000, noting she had sjienl $0. ’11 on a used convertible, paid si\ months' rent — Sti.HSO — on a house repaid a $0,000 personal loan and spent the balam e of more than $7,000 on living expenses for herself, her boyfriend C.reg Gamin and her four i hildren. one of whom got hrai es In less than a month. Stachler said, she had "completely exhausted the $10,000 Stachler suggested she misused the funds, noting she had told Perry and the players she needed money to pav for med ical treatment and i ounseliug lor problems related to the alleged assault Victoria (" said she also told Perrv and the plovers about general finam ml diffit id ties and that she needed a car ”1 don't spe« ideally remember saving I was going to use it for all medical to lames Perrv or the plovers." the plaintiff said And while she agreed the players had not threatened or insulted her when they pressed her to sign the agreement, she said she had felt i oert ml The release dm umenl. whu h released all parties from liability, was prepared In Per ry for "certain players The court on Mon day released the list ot the players hddie Brown, lames Brooks. Rodney Holman, Mitt hell Price. Harold Green, James I ran cis. David Grant. Kevin Walker. Reggie Remlwrt. Kris Thomas, l< key Woods. Stan ford fennings. Curl (airier and l.yiin lames Attorney Spent er Hall, who represents six players who i ontentl they had i tinsen stidi sex with the plaintiff, said the list names all of those who came in cuntat t with Vit toria (' on the night in question The plaintiff told (tirors Monday she had consensual sex with lames Youth slams truck into Helix church MKUX (AH - A nine-year-old hoy Inking a |ov ride in a stolen pic kup true k slammed into the side of the Helix Community Bap tist ( hurt h on Sunday, narrow ly missing the OO-vonr-old build mg's stained glass windows There were no injuries among the id members of the congrega tion . hut one woman was shak en up when the pew in which she was sitting was shoved about a foot by the impact, said the Ke\ Christine Prescott. Nil one was hurt, and we attribute that to the l.ords pro let lion," Prest ott said Some congregation members believed d w as a bomb, and oth ers thought it was a t rash outside III the street, she said "We all went out. and I don't think anyone espei ted to see a truck against the building." Prescott said The pit kup t rushed into a sup port |hist. wlm h kept it from coin ing right through the wall, she said "IF it hadn't hit it would have come through the wall and hit who knows how many peo ple." Prest oil said The Ihiv was gone when parish ioners reat hod the trui k. hut Ins younger brother apparently told the hoy's parents, who brought him hat k to the t hurt h 1 here, he confessed to Umatilla (Utility Sheriff’s Deputy (.Ion Diehl bicycle SERVICE CENTER L£%£°r' 345-6952 30 East I 3th At The High Wheeler • Great Food • Relaxing Atmosphere • Attordable Prices 19th & Agate • 683-6661 How do YOU feel about Measure 9? 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