COMMUNITY UPDATE City seeks performers The Kugone Parks. Recreation ami Cultural Serv i< es Iiepartment is encouraging artists to apply fur entertainment bookings for a number ol summer spw ini events About 50 entertainers in* needed for two major outdoor vomit's Summer Parks Coot erts. which will run from July 7 through An gust 1H and the l.ugene Celebration, whir li vs ill take place Septem tier 17-1‘). Audition video or <,*»ssoUe lijjws and pivss kits should h«* inaih’iri*er opportunities in the field will la* the subje* t of an upcoming visit to campus hv t lie hnvironmentnl Careers Organization early next week IX () members v i olieges and universities ill the Paciflt North west oni e *i year to talk to students ami re< ent graduates and what kinds ol |ol>s are available in the env tronmentnl field In addition. I.(,() offers ntlvit e on how those seeking j«)bs i an make themselves marketable to environmental employees l.iam kernell. HIX) program coordinator for tin* Pat ifit North West, will be at the University Monday. April 5 and Tuesday April h Three worksho(is vv ill lie condm ted Vfonday in I Ntt ( edar Rooms C anihD from 11 a in to noon, from t to J p m and from 4 to 5 p m Tuesday's workshops will U* offered in the KMl (kik Room from noon to 1 p m and 1 to t p m The workshops are free AIDS quilt to be displayed in Salem Willamette University will host n display of 528 individual panels ol tin* AIDS Memorial Quill in the ( one Field House Sparks Center from April 7-10 . c Hai h panel commemorates the life of someone who died or AIDS The panels an* just a portion of the more than 20,000 panels make up the entire quilt Opening < crtMiionii's will hi* .it 7 p in April . «inu tin* <*isp1.1 \ will let Open April «• JO front JO a m to‘1 p m each da\ QUESTION: Would you pose nude for $500? "No. I wouldn't do it lor any amount of money.” JAMES COOPER senior, psychology "No. That's an L awfully low price. | If the 4 price was I higher I “ might do it." SIMONA LAMORTICELLA sophomore, ini. studies "Hell, yeah, I'd take the money.” BOB HAYES sophomore, bio-chemistry "I would- I n't pose nude for I one mil lion dol lars. It'S jj complete-! ly degrading and demeaning towards women.” CRYSTAL DARR junior, psychology "No way. It would have to be sub stancially higher than S500. My dignity is worth more than that." DAVE LEDBETTER junior, sociology "No. I would not do it for any amount. It's just exploiting college students to sen magazines." ANDREA SAAL freshman, biology POWI Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. SPRING TERM SPECIAL Oregon West Fitness is the place to work outl Oregon West fitness _i_ I 1 TANNINC packages AVAILABLE: You Don't Need To Be A Member! J Best Hours Best Prices ★ 7 Days a week 6am-11pm ★ 485-1624 SC SB SPRING TERM SPECIAL • $99 For Spring Term • NO Initiation Fee Oregon West FITNESS L Expires 4/15/93 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across from Campus 485-1624 Whole Bean Coffee « « o a • 0 • Distinyive coffees from around the world, by the pound. A wide variety to choose from including: organic, blended, and dccafTinated coffees, with each pound of coffee, get a free cup of our house coffee! SAM’S ON CAMPUS sandwiches Where a Sandwich is A Complete Meal! We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily FREE DELIVERY 75'OFF med. sandwich 3'4 toot exp. *12/33 804 E. 12th comer of 12th & Alder 343-1141