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He said he isn't trying to fori e other people to (relieve in UFOs, he is just offering to educate those y\ho want to knovs more. "We don't try to go out and prove." he said. "People ore going to believe You have to feel it's there in your heart, or not." rretleru ik Atzoton, ysho saiu ho has been studying UFOs lor 25 years, is one of those who believes One of the two fea tured speakers at the meeting. Alzofon outlined on a chalk board the physics of how he believes u typical UFO would propel itself "They are not psychic phe nomena." he said "They are real They must obey the law s of the physical universe." But the physics seemed to fly over the heads of many in the audience as fast as the 24.000 mph that Alzofon believes UFOs can go Many pens and pencils stay frozen over large notepads Pagliaro admitted to getting lost in it himself tint just as many other people faithfully took notes, asked direct questions and nodded their heads at Alzo fon * Alzofon said bis theory of using "quantum electrodynam ics" could lead humans to build ships similar to those of alien UFOs, but governments are not willing to make money ay ailahle for such projei ts In the past, witness ai i ounts have a.ikI people have seen UFOs on Karth surrounded by aliens dressed in aluminum clothing. That makes perfect sense to Alzofon because he said that type of clothing would be needed for the aliens' change in gravitational fields. After more than an hour. Alzofon was replaced at the podium by a woman who claimed to navi been abducted by a UFO nearly a year ago while camping in Gold Hill. On Saving she was lured out of her camper-trailer by an unknown, compelling force last May. the woman has come to believe that she was swallowed into a UFO and examined. She said she awoke the next morn ing with bodily bruises, a metal lic taste in her mouth and a puffy face, vaguely remembering that something strange had hap pened to her the night before. Since then, some of her mem ories from that night have returned. She recalls seeing large faces with big eves that night, and these same figures probed her body She said she believes the aliens were simply examining tier for genetics and biological research "But that didn't make me feel any better at that time,” she said Other experiences the woman has had since that time am easi* er to remember, she said Last July, while camping near the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the same aliens spoke u her tele pathicallv, she said A month later, the woman and her hus band both witnessed the essence of a Native American woman in their bedroom. i lignum soia no nos never seen n UFO ... that he can remember lie said UFO experi ences similar to the woman's first one are common, in that abductees are often “switched off so they don’t remember the experience the next day Forgotten experiences similar to these may trigger a person's subconscious to learn more about UFOs, he said. Pagliaro didn't involve him self in the subject until after talking with people who claimed to he abductees When he met these people at.a Eugene convention a year ago. he (relieved they were telling the truth. “It was tin* kind of emotional reaction they had when I asked questions.” Pagliaro said "I asked what was going on I looked to see if they were jiving me." During the woman speaker's presentation, the i rown of peo ple smiled comfortingly and appreciatively til stories of her experieiu es She said oven tain family members doubted her until she and her daughter saw an unknown, glowing orb that the woman sees frequently in the Eugene sk\ during many nights Pagliaro said he (relieves sim ilar events happen frequently in the area, which is one of the rea sons why he started the contact group “I feel that there are a lot of things that are happening in the local area that no one is talking about." he said “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd. 342-2912 GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon, 97402