FOOTBALL Continued from Page 10 was not as consistent ns I would have liked for him to tie He placed well in the Arizona State and Cal ifornia ({allies, but struggled against teams like t < il«A and Oregon State, () Neil w ill lie i ha I lunged b\ sophomore Clay ton Nil 11 is. who is listed as the Nio 2 qimrlerhat k on the depth chart, and mdshirt freshntwn Tony Gruzaam and Ryan Perry-Smith I am looking forward to seeing all four quar terbacks this spring," Brooks said "Millis has the must experience, but Groztani and Perry-Smith both throw the hall well." The Ducks will see the return of the strong duo of Sean Burwoiliind Ru kv Whittle, who combined to rush fur more than 1 yards in 1992 at running hack Fullbacks )uan Shedric k and Dwayne (ones also return in the backfield. The Dm ks need to replace receivers Ronnie Har ris and Anthony (ones, who completed their eli gibility last season, and there are many candidates fur the jot) Senior Derrick I)eadwiler was Oregon's third leading rei eiver with 29 ( niches last season and is expei ted to lead a young cure of receivers Senior James Jessie will return at receiver along with sophomores Grist in Mcl.emore and Kory Mur phy and highly touted redshirt freshman Dameron Ricketts "Wide receiver is a tug question mark," Brooks said "Mi l.emore made some nil e call.lies last sea sun. and Murphy had a mi e catch. Ricketts is a new face, and he will he given an opportunity to play as well." Willy Tate is the lone returnee at tight end. but he came oil strong in 1992 to linisli with 20 catch es and two touchdowns, including the only score in Oregon's 7-0 victory over Oregon State Steve Hardin, Tom Curran and Mike DiFonzu all return alter starting at least eight games each on the offensive line last year, but the Ducks will have to replat e Dnv id Collinsworth and (on Tnttersall ort the left -nit* of the lin** Justin Stan k and Eru Barnes i>,i( h started at least uni* game hist season and are listed as the lop players on the depth i hart, luit depth on the left side niov !>*' a problem The Du* ks lost four top players on defense from the 1902 team, but their depth should make up for the losses |i»* Kanvell. Jeff Cummin* and Kri* ('-as tie all depart after being named to either the All Pontfii 10 Conferem e se< uiul team or honorable mention in 19'i2 tnd linebai ker Terrell Edwards tsas dismissed from th«* leant last month Sililn Malepeai is ex pet te<1 to h** ready for the beginning of the season, and he will be flanked In Romeo Bandison and Gary Williams on the defen sne line Bandison was named All-Pat -10 second team, and Williams had a solid season after return ing from an injury Ernest Jones, David Massey. Jeremy Asher. John Taumoepeau and Tony Kokerall return in l‘t Continental Cuisine Live Jazz 7 \ights a Week ~i\o Cover 259 East Fifth Avenue • 343-848H Back-to-School Special at Michael's Futons & Frames HARDW(K)I) GLIDER FRAMES FROM $207 TRI-FOLI) STUDIOS FROM $HlJ Plus Special Package Pricing! • See Glider Frame on display at U of 0 Bookstore Call or (top la for detail*. 345-7391 741 Li nr ol a St, Eugene tlw. b«n(iri tfood When you’re ready I to apply for that great job, I your resume will get noticed if it looks something like this.... Available 2 Yr- Term Board Positions; • 1 Freshman • 2 Sophomore • 1 Graduate Student • 1 Teaching Faculty Available I vr-Term Board Position: I Studentat-Large Run for the Board! Nominations taken at the Bookstore Annual Meeting. _ You may nominate yourself! I () BOOkSIOUl A\M AL Mi l l IV Tuesday, April 13th, 3:30 pm, 133 Gilbert Hall For information, contact General Manager. Jim Williams in person or at 346-4331