or^D«//yEmerald Sports Battered Ducks to start practice By Steve Mims C>€»vc « ikuty A battered Or«g«n footlwll team will return to th« ploying field this afternoon to begin four weeks of Spring drills Six plovers. in< ludmg top defensive lw< k&Chad Cota and Alex Molden. vvili not Im> participating in i ontact drills Itecauso of injuries Offensive line men I asi Malepeui and Willy Rife, wide rei eiver (Irion Brown and nose tackle Si 11 In Malopeni will join Cota and Molden on the sidelines, at least at the tiegmning of the drills Molden is still suffering from a severe knee injury he received in the Independence Bowl last season, and Cota will Ik? limited by tendinitis Brown and both Mnlepenis are also recovering from injuries suffered last season, and Kife dislocated his kneecap during tile off-season. "We would like to identify our personnel and m*c who is ready to contribute next season." Oregon head coach Rich Brooks said "I want to take a long look at our players who redshirted last season and also the junior college transfers." Oregon’s top returnee will In* all-conference punter/kicker Tommy Thompson, who had one ‘We would like to identify our personnel and see who is ready to contribute next season.’ - Rich Brooks, Oregon head coach of (fit* best kicking years in Oregon hislorv Inst year when he* con net ted on 21 of 14 field goals and si ored H,r) points for the Docks Thompson also aver age is attending both the women and men's Final Fours, and it seems an announcement of a new head coach will not occur until she returns to Eugene. Oregon athletic dins tor Rich Hrooks is also expei ted to attend the men's Final Four, Oregon assistant s|xirts information director Dave Williford said "We would like to name a coach as soon as possible,".he said "We hoped to have the search over by the Final Four, tint now it appears it ma\ last Ix-yond that " \V till ford said Oregon is looking fora personable coach with a strong recruiting background to Till the job that Heiny held for 17 seasons "Playing experience is not really a fac tor in the job," Williford said "Recruiting is premium; the number one ( riteriu is proven experiem e recruiting on the Divi sion 1 level We are also looking at some one with a pleasant personalits to go out into the community." Williford soid the Ducks have received a number of applicants for the job, and they are pleased with the quality of appli cants. Williford would not confirm or deny who has applied for the job. but pub lished reports have indicated that Boise State head coach June Daugherty and Missouri assistant coach Jody Runge have come to Eugene for interviews. Schedule of Activities-Spring 1993 LLALtULS Softtxjll* Tennis* Soccer* UlttfTvale F raOeo Gross \to«eytx3« DtV M'WC' m wc M W -C MWC c MIN * BAYtfiS 10 3 9 7 6 ENTRY ULA12LM. ■'April 5 Aprs 8 —Apr* 1? Apm 22 April 26 • SOFTBALL INSTANT SCHEDULING - APRIL S. 2 30pm. FIR ROOM. EMU —SOCCER INSTANT SCHEDULING - APRIL 12. 2 30pm. RIM OFFICE PNL LAY LYittlS SIAKT PAIL April 8 April 12 Apftl 17 Apfii 26 April 28 MANAGERS MLLUiL’ Apis 1 4prn A;wil 8. 4pm Ap»H 8 4 30pm Apfii 22. 4pm Apfii 26 4pm LLi S35 SS/person $40 $30 $30 Soccer Scramble Track Meet Swim Meet open international AefoPics Gdf Tourn IWO/THRti. DAY LYLNIS Spring tennis Class*: 3x3 Baskettxj* M W MW M WC M W M WC April 6 May S Apfii 22. .3pm May 10 Apfii 7 May 7 Apm 23 April 29 May 16 NC $15/teom Sl6/team NC I 1-2 3 April 20 May 6 M W-C MW ’ Mb Men, W-Women. C-Coed ♦ Intramural iport-under IM regulation* (See Handbook) 1 Co*t lor Activity-check RIM office lor exact amount April 23 May 8 4 9 NEW PROCEDURE: Mandatory Managers’ Meetings prior to scheduling Spring term. The meeting dates are: Snort Pc— Tlnw Location SortboH April! 4pm 242 GerSnger leans April 8 4pm 242 GerSnger Soccer April 8 4 30pm 242 GerSnger Ultimate f rupee April 22 4pm 246 GerSnger Grass VoSeyOaH Aprs 26 4pm 248 GerSnger For more information call x4113 or drop by 103 Gerlinger Hall. Women & Employment Making your life work! • Re-visioning • Re-focusing • Re-tooling Saturday, April 3 9:00am to 5:00pm EMU Register at Woatea's Crater, Saite 3, EMI • 346-4095 f ^ p> CREATIVE WRITERS 4 The University of Oregon Creative Writing Program is seeking applications for the 199.1-94 Waller Kidd Tutorials Program. Established in 1991. the program offers to qualified undergraduates intensive small group study in the craft of creative writing with an emphasis on fiction andJor poetry. Students register under CRWR 410 and receive four (4) credits per term for the year. REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION: Writing sample of 1-2 short stones or 4-7 poems Letter of recommendation from one wnting teacher One page statement of interest Undergraduate transcnpt(s) (unofficial okay) SUBMIT ALL APPLICATIONS. INCLUDING PHONE NUMBER AND MAILING ADDRESS, TO DWAYNE THOMAS OR CHANG-R AE LEE IN PLC 239 BY FRIDAY, APRIL 9,1993. ft