215 WORK STUD* UO FOUNDATION j Needs Work-Study! Students to assist with clerical du ties, 10-12 hours per week, $5.50/hr. Call Carolyn at 346-3006 to sched ule an interview. LOST S FOUND ITEMS FREE AD FOR 2 DAYS! 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartment* Furnished. 1*2 Bedrooms Winter rate*. S37S1525 48^2623 Pre-Lease lor Summer 3 bedrm, $350 Pre lease or taR i mo tree' 3 bedrm $660 Both less than t Woe* trom cam pus w/covered parking 686 9499 or 461 0199 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avaH now. qu*et country atmosphere w/conven*ent city location, other *eatu'»s include pool, tenmsfoasketbafl cts rec room and piayground. right past ?5th and Cham hers 484-6663 STOP AND READ FIVE BILLS YOU'LL NEVER HAVE TO PAY! ♦CABLE ♦ ELECTRICITY ♦ HOT A COLD WATER ♦ SEWER ♦ TRASH SERVICE Large i bedroom new apartments. Eu gene Manor tD40 5C Ferry Si 464 7441 Everything $455 Unique apartment ifttn and K.«ca*L One bedrm. furnished $36GS2/0 Sum m©r Caii Heather 666-044;’_ 1 and 2 bedroom apt available, laundry, parking, security, close to campus 464-9922 1 bedroom furnished apt near music bldg. S380k'mo. neat included Caff alter 2pm Ridgewood Affa 686 5/69 2 bedroom. $46S'mo w $300 dep no pets, references required, west side Cali 344 0920 4 bedrm apt near campus $7?5»mo. avail Spring break, dishwasher Call 603 1095 fm msg CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Pnvate rooms. AIL UTILITIES PAID, on site laundry Great 'ales from $236' Cali Brum at 6060691 1SR On* Block lo campus 2 bedroom, great loceeon, mo 34x000. REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Clot* To Campus N«* 2 berkm house «»-»auiwtt#«) 687-1318 awrmriTmyiTiTlH 240 QUADS 1750 Mil. YARD Wan to campus from these n*wt» i* turtashed quads Private Entrance EicaSom location Sotwa tiatMntchen $209 . dap Hew t State htorthwest rat 2^04 2*5 ROOMS Slum J tMdroom Nsm* «rth J otum no* *mok>ng 'NdM a«w» T m4M «* M M.' J?c=_ ONLY $175/MONTH! Smart room «n ftottwe **ar«d «**•« arxj twt* 5 t*M *o c*r*pu». art wW #* ctudotl. «* 90 »a*r _345-4155 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT r 4 »tut r 10 I UAWtfV 4WAID NUMIN4TMW* ■AJIYMCOOMtfU AlFRf VOOOAAO PASSION HSH 2ii ROOMMATES WANTED >9 ioolM^VQ ky '0 '*«**•*-» ‘ *u* 4*U 4*75 Spring Wwm fiy*tAi V\ar® *«*9cwj non militant tai«i to* t$(k? j 5u*an (tof t a* Afl©rn*y SpontiortKl fc*y th* cvfl&ca O* ln?#rna honaf EcAciicn and ( •» hang* Gractatta Sdviw* and Qradoaia ? »A:h*ng f tfkvw f n.h“ i|6on For mpng >ntp !VU) 3306 Heating Jnto*«r*nca A ChrttUan Soane• l actor* How to h#*|i ^ community Cainr«! try Tti« COntfOV*f»y ova* Maaaure 9 Thu'fday A^nt * *f 1 30|pm Ban U-.kw ftm t MU 320 SERVICES Concerned «6out pregnant * ’ We can Mp f pregrvjwv t«*H f.»»y c*e h -^ "'/••• M7-«esi Fast fundraiser $tOOO ■• » (Vn»>**i Out**. anyone no nafc * 600 fK> 36$ t «»t 50 _ FfUsI PWfONANCY TCST fugene Pregnancy Support Center TWfn ttV4 • J4V0400 • XMf HP *** -m m*h one MOUSf CltANlNO Year* of e spenence. esceltent ref NMTIt Planned Parenthood V* Pa< Vveers ntactefl Chet** twrth control pragrum O h»*t* and unbiased counseling 344 $4! t If yew bee# i»m«thbf U sell... Yeti Ke«# i«melhin| It ODE CLASSIFIEDS fe- 346-4343 Ks^roai&^ueiuttisiubi Doonesbury by garry trudeau LAY IT a/TKK Mt.CU*' TAU IV fW»9P>, l VI AUUMS I nnm our a my I l AtVHKffT CMY* ‘iO HAtblHt hon I START AN A\tUANCMt 1 AM’t**> TNf flACC t Vf A> I ONfi th/ws I've are* tutm^ I Aim 'OC tZ w- Kf'VXWti PKr H \f >V*V« y TVATACH Mt I s^rV f at neutsnmm. i a JIM THHltjH Hit llttHti m rue uxvrwu Siam* me cemtm xv stu »t n WW IVK*J MtUJON'M U AU INI HAfVU YinjtAfTtA' 1 & » SUHATf n\ IVH't itu^m | 90 i CROSSWORD liy Eugene She/fer ACROSS 1 Make Hi* ■ Ink SOridfaefc ocwipomfl SOSanarira 11 End of lh* tong 1llNac*t*d 14 Shalatad llWSl rival 1# VIP 15 Pnurf lh* baton 20 Mali vat 11 Yaa cancalat 22ara* Mving ’ 23 Whf # • coalar M 1S4S Eddy Arnold M 10*Sar**t at cSk*9«I 11 Poataaa 12 24 hotat 13 B*aH*t' M Amid 14 Kantian ISSha* game not 40 Prapara lot UOtw Slona tut^ad 47 Tha human raca 4* VarfUMa 50 Spanish artist 51 Calandai afata $2 Dama- ol lal thoa lama SI Skunk• iJaJanta MIH Abnai'k (on SSAnU kjpa't play mala DOWN 1 Hauls mama nlo 2 Woffcsd on • loom JPodoolot occupant «P«W Loo ung I Batman? • 'And gMng —. upttw cntmnoy TEdgo • Natan cr • F'Otama! haUot 10 Boalty and BuntOno 11 Aclat — LiAa mOacMcM It Hon up tho pOono bm Solution Ibno. 14 mini 22 Abtoy » w 23 Salmon »utMd 24 Bothai 23 MwM 2«Havaian Halfaar 27 — Am* 24 Famad roaboy »ta* 2tNoth 31 Mw itxk 14 KwMt I 33 Wt.«K«x>l Mfmgw 37 SmglHtiy Iba (ntr.t 33 Annoy anca 40 Wood p>«< 41 IMmor phowt* poal 42 Ha plana* and nidi 43 Hand* 44 UaN« i DhIw) 43 F rank Haitian booh 40 Sopfio moia, a g 40 — »hoa tiling ■—r.r-rr.—i