Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! C LASSII II I) POUCHES Placement Ads nuy he placed at R<**m V)0. f'MI (nwm office) or IX) li* - *k v!» *cr. Mam Rtnif Headlines Line Ads: 1 pm . «mc business das pfhw i** insertion Display Ad«: I p ni. tw.> hviincit days poor to ifnctiMti Errors/Kefunds Please check your ad* TV ODI will run a i Used red ad <*k addit»on*rd&y as • moH of my typographical emir dun changes the meaning id ihc ad. if reported by 1 PM Refunds us rII he limited to credits unh No cadi refunds will he issued after the at! deadline Lrcdtl* must he used within 6 ntrmlhi of issue Cop* Acceptance Hie ODI reserve* ihc righi to revise, reclassify, reject «*r cancel any ad at arty time too BIRTHDAY GREETINGS lit Conn*'* 2ter< Forget the guidelines or limits Happy Birthday' * Cos U of O Mother* v- f - ; ttfvp app* ■» boos now as Studon! A Haws oft«« end Deans ofere appheant* bnancus ' <- Af ' ' t 4 ASUO HEALTH INSURANCE Remember to rtMMtrotl to continue ; your Student Health Insurance it | you purchased coverage tor Win ter Term only Spring Term premt urn coverage until S TO S3 COST $186 00 WHERE Student Health Center Rm toi Lest dey to enroll is FRI | OAV APRIL 9TK _ j no LOST & FOUND FOUND IU y. -170. r*# ampu* Ca* 66310 76 mth desertion Ic clarm H5 TYPING SERVICES At $44-073* ROOtN % GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED X> >r»ar the*i&dH bat* ground Term paper vf uH resume wv vee Edfuig lau« p» ON CAMPUS' i03 GREEK HAPPENINGS m TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PftO Wort] Ptocnipr^f (Mviq/Tv(k>9 Thaaa* Ottaartationt on Lmuk C*t MU-6066 »*yt*"w TYPING UNLIMITED Ba/t>a>a Land — **13M3 V- , -v; IX) *»ubf«ct i? (X3 p» caga Can !m *' | to l j£l fVaaa 3*3 *yo*_ | Typing wxi^proSaaino^aMjo? bta-tpacad lau« paga ?* tu turn around traa campua pKfc-updat 344-4510 yUAliTYWOKUPKOO SSIWi *jii« Kn Vi it* * « owujvvtj* t rtnr fcjJTi.-fc.ii ;.i am.Uutti 605 E. 13th 125 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP j For ail you papa** projact*. Me Writing, wd*t»ny. proofing AH *ut> j jact* and %tyfe« Affo»ci*b4* and I con wan* ant PRO/EDIT 343-2747 no FOR SALE MISC Dorm fridga 1. *e nm. $>40 OtJO __343 3776__ GUITARS GAIORC M v ■ w'- kmd* Also v,4rf»wi» and a Boy and Se* Card** 16l W ! GOING TO JAll must sat metai off ice dcs*. uo c* j** «4*4* 13_ h The ClotNt More*. the Kentucky Derby ol re ft*M 720 C 13th MVSOM 145 CARSTRUCKS GOVERNMENT SEIZED #<»» S’00 f 0*ds Mr*•. r' 4 u 1 » cli’O (U C#*» W»mir*u lint mu > . •/* - 'v * ? t ‘ ' A • -, l ! «M* AvM&M "if ^ft**1* ,AC> H* * -' J ) So you 901 * C on your f»rv»4 Get «n A for having a clean cat Windy City Wa*h 4*4 31«^_J 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 78 Vem*hi 630 Maroon? helmet* $S50ot>O 454-318* 155 BICYCLES 40* N*<*s S^OSZOO' At* v- tear’ no JUie gioat used crut*e?s A commute t>*i**- pfuft A tew MTB * Most are twnml up and utadv to *0*: many nvheees and party too (XX l INS CYCLE SHOT 60 f 1 Uht th<* F»», & Sun* 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GREEKS earn 530 in just a few hours ^1 Study subjects wanted from the Greek System for preliminary study to test survey instruments Subjects must be t ) at least 18 years old ?) a member of a fraternity or sorority You will be asked to complete a social networks interview and fill out three questionnaires Approximate time required. 2 hours Subjects will be paid $30 Please call: Social Networks Project Oregon Research Institute 484-2123 (M-F 8.30-4 30) for further information about this study. 145 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS lmagaW' » pactao c«nd ton Si‘4S C«# Moot* «ISO 170 SOUND SYSTEMS UW"! Wa buy. M« and yamt* VMS VCRi and ***ci Thompson Eucuonea. 11»Oa* 343-0773 200 RIDES 4 RIDERS From Corv*W»» to UO carpoo? mambar* ««N«Nd wr**fr*J*yK «apftn«lrt)rMn£, *0* %r*ok*% 7&M91? 205 OPPORTUNITIES E*m CAth bMIm «ftv«topto lit homo AJB rnprim prcivOod S#*cJ SASf 10 PQ ftp* AM 3 Spwqfowd. MO ftSSO t Now Mtrvrvg Wort Study Qu*Hh«d •tud«nt» At o*<* MMtantS to typo. Ms. «tkJ porto^m (jtwt! an >magi j win Uudyoi adth Macmioati a*- j paoanca to craala inlwmattonal grapnica and othac dayign ata man t» Ptck up application and 1 auburn copy ot wort to GrapMca i j f rttov OD€ Suita 300. EMU i I Oaadhny A J. 5pm .J A La aka Sum mar Empkrymant Uananaa fain UsOBvnvaoa m aonny'-yy ot V40OG*'month on hatting txuUa * rim tranypunaaonl Room ana DoanT Ova* 8 000 <*wn,ng* Male o' f emiya I oi ampioyman! program ca*t I .on MS 41S* «.t A6069 Apartmant ftAanagar naadad ’00% flint cjw>! yand imi.ffni !c B I* M ’430 Vr-.jr-nna Nc l« (ugen.1 OR 97401 _ __ C'uiaa Una I Mfy i-n* on boonJUandurta Pwuuoni avia lumna 'yna found 714 MSIMi9 DCSKTOP PUBt rSHlWO fa* t«rr»« povl-on m busy m-lxxi** home improvement m3 ttof* pn>tho*Q QuAMy r*W»papar art* Strong DTP M<* compute* **4* <%■?*> Adobe HujSitmo/ Pnatoahap &«>ijJte5n. W* rneMPK! yC*j Good b<>--'•'**& Send a r#*i#me o^id * stmpHtt •* your • y ;>>*!*• **•.'* K A0V (HPT Pi' 80* 3611 f og*«*, Oregon 9?4Q? GREEKS AND CLUBS RAISE A COOL $1000 00 $1,000 *w lb* «*#mtim* **no c&6%* A*x3 a i «f t mi aophohe: radio fwM k* LAW ENfORCEWENT X>BS fflMMP’y Pc,,: <- $h*nlt Slat* Patrol. Co^dcticnAf Ott 301 Monro* Si £ug*n* OR Ml t 5pm No phone ca»t__ POSTAL JOBS available* Many pcwm*onft. great benefet* Ca* i 600 4364366 » P3309 Looting ». •-•• n\, le-f t <• ’• Vi** or campu« A to man .»9« local conc#d »*r>e* Wa ftnanc* *t*1 up coet* Earn top income i$6 $30^w) A g*n v*ivab»a eip. great »<* Marketing or adverting major C*P 706^73 3456 __ Notetaker* needed *cv Hi *03 Hi 720. JPN 307. and GCOUHO Prefer upper dvvSaon or grad Student who waft taken the clan.* before Start at S?Vafc Apply at f cotnotes. Rm B34 EMU 1 Of >__ 2ic HELP WANTED Graphic Amu Atuatani Cify o* Eugm >7M-M7ihf Tamporary »«monlh part-hma po »««n ■ .r a»ft**ls p imf**manWig puMc MhahonaV'tormawm ard mar MMng program* lor m* Put* 9»or*» R*qu»»» gradoahon Item A 7 fm graph* All program (o< A*arahi) p*j» AIT or haBniAg •" OmUnoo puOMhmg OoW) Dai* Ap« 9, 1993 OWsm apphcafton and quMaormar'* l1 »*.. man Raaou'c* and Hi** Sarv***. 777 Piai< Si Room iOl. I »gana atm INTERHSMIP OPPORTUNITIES WILLAMETTE INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER Now accept*ng mumM and inter vWwi tor Spring. Sum mt end Felt terms Two form commitment Student *nt«m§ w*» «*X* On project teem* designed lo faDt.-tiate interne ton* trod* «n lane County Pee***) ^*u erect* s jMtfafcie Siudenf* w*th major* Of aft»®» m PPPM grant wrn> 5pm Ap«2»<3 to Oefa* Stoftl c/o WITC. t40t Wftamen* Si 0« 9/401 P*on« Eapect m tW^viNcrwA April Sth. OnentetKJft ’ 4pm jteu^__-_ staff photographer The 0«9>n 0**y Emerald i» accept ■fig apt**..«*4.jcr\t for a photogra ph*r Students must on a 36mm camwa and have wortunQ knowledge o< camera operation Prev*ous e*P* nonce t* hmpfui Pea up appteatev' and submit porttofcc to Graphics ft* lev. OOt Su-fe 300. EMU Ocadme 4/?. Spm____ TNf FAMILY CENTER tnen<9y toungs and resource center rf ROOM 23. EMU «* totwmg Vx er'thufcaeu and dependable VOLUNTEERS to hetp star the far. Center SPRING TERM Mo>vj<» end duties are h#»,-t4e ESCAPE tniernuh^s a/e ava'tate* tor fhterested volunteers FOR MORE tNFO 340-0057 or 345 59*4 *jt\k »or Het^a o» Ange:.>) Worfc Study Poeitto** For !**chw Axtot PACE Yc»un\J Ghti&W' % f tftft&i tcheduM* «n diHwyaflwO classroom aeth C*Hk»*o age* one y*ar to Sw©* year* start $6 OS1*"* Oil >&*'«• c* BeHy s»1 346 264.? Youth Director ?->aftfem*» to OvSvmms mmrstry IKKJ arJu<1 vO*W«t«©r* $fr<0«JO"X3 jofc dSY irKf m. Fell ljr»tt*0 Metfyx>®i uv67W EARN MONEY CHILD-SirnNG UO CMd and family St^vCM ts ] putting together a Ch*}-*ifttftg j CJ«s*se r,&ir«c .«< ivKlSd 1*1 th« j Victory **<*> by *** I amtfy C©r>Hr» • . » f Ml M » w 4 In©** ■«*- • ;»»*© tM» il saw*1, %r* up M.i •• ?• 30.31# •'■ the t MU iotOy *Om t ? 1pm. *?v*6-296?.... WANT TO EARN MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE UO SUMME H OES* ASSISTANT Anoounong $ TVs* Nintani pe» !miTs«frHVd fo» mor# .n»arm*t*on can 546-4277 Poafton Description and Appfecabon a eaaatwr at Un«v©r vty HOuSmg WaKon Compl**, toe# ew3 at T 5*h Awe and Agate Si Apt* CStion deadbne tt noon. Aprs J 1993 EARN VALUABLE JOB EXPERIENCE EOE AA employer committed to cultural tBvectlty 210 HELP WANTED EARN $1500 WEEKLY ^.v-og our cwcutar*' NOW FRI E p«;*«r?’ SEYS Dept ?49. Br:» 400C CordOv® TN 300 '• 3-4000 FAMILY HELPER * * 3 att*mn» par «•**. atari $6 Wv muff have car ch*J cw» tor 11 & )3 y* Old A hOUt+WO* 404 240 V Woman • Studtet Program at tha U ol O MMki 50 83 «n»ar*m director lor 1993-04 ha«Pd 9 month po *t»on mcitidM a# admmtetr af -m arxj w3wng (tot** related to program AppAcant mi? a*so teacn n*> sections Crf Intro »* Women's Studies Ph 0 *• quoad, rank open Preference given to cand«da!es urth pr<* mvofvem#nt •n teaching and/ty aOnm in Wom an s Stu op my son tf f'. 2 30pm otto* acfvooi, notp otlvomowor* and !■**« to tow" *»ton» ~**d ;» CO 3*2 T830 two* STUDS NT WORKS PAINTING P*r>! (Swung tn» twmmw « Fugena’ No s«p neco»sa*> Call Jaoor 1 3*6-9969 SUMMER employment Camp counsekys needed for the MJCC tvmmtf day camp ^ Portland Staton data* 6/21 «/?7. PT and F T Cornacl Soudan! Employment. 12 Men