Michigan, Kentucky can’t touch UCSB The host record ihis season in college basketball doesn t belong to any of the Final Four teams. Or any Division I program At 33*0. Cal State Bakersfield is the first college team on am lev el to finish a perfect season with that many v ictories Three thousand fans c hanting '33 and O' lammed the i ity s small airport Sunday night to greet the Div ision II national c (tampions I he Roadrunners defeated Troy State (Ala.) H5-72 Saturday in the title game at Springfield. Moss A national title is big nows in Bakersfield, a c ity of 250.000 lies! known ns the hometown of four-lime Indianapolis 500 winner Kit k Mears. "It's pretty impressive to hove a team from Bakersfield because the people on the Fast Coast don’t give the teams in Division II on the West Coast much credit." Mayor Bob Pric e said Price is planning a Wednesday rally at City Mall He s got a hand signed up and will present a proclamation honoring the team "We re gonna whoop and holler and yell, he said The Roadrunners are the biggest game in this farming town about 100 miles north of I .os Angeles The Dodgers (.lass A team plavs in Bakersfield, but the university doesn't have a football team, "Bakersfield is different from anywhere in the state as far as the support." coach Pat Douglass said Monday by telephone We were selling out our games. It was an incredible experience The Roadrunners play in a 3- year-old gym that seats 4.000 lust like big-time i ouiiterpart Boh Knight of Indiana. Douglass has his own TV show And three loc al TV stations regularly cover the team. The local newspaper plans a 14-page spread this week on Bak ersfield's championship season. "We get more attention than UCLA does." Douglass said I mean, in I.os Angeles there’s the Lakers and other teams 1 think we gel too much attention sometimes However, it helps Douglass recruit players who otherwise believe a Division II program is beneath their talents "We gel good players because of that." lie said "I ve had some Division I offers, but 1 do have a good job It would have to be some thing equally as good for me to leave." Tyrone Davis sc ored 27 points against Troy State and was named the most valuable player of the Division II tournament Troy State scored an NCAA single-game record 25H points this season. "The team had scored 12B points the* night before, and there was a lot of talk they were going to run ns out of the gym." Douglass said. "We pretty much controlled the game from start to finish " Bakersfield shut down Troy State s 3-point shooting The Trojans set a tournament record for 3-pointers with 23 of 44 in the semifi nals Against Bakersfield, they were 5 for 23 The Division II tournament is more grueling than the Division I tournament. Bakersfield played two games in two days to qualify for the eight-team competition this past weekend. This week s Luncheon Special Chicken w/Rice Say Twon Style $4.50 Sweet and sour Pork $4.25 CHINA BLUE RESTAUANT Tty our amen, too1 S 179 I. 1Itfl • utnt*n nmt to uo Hxxstoft • S4S-2932 • Ta*e out | V’JH / w SWEATSHIRTS, SWEATPANTS, T SHIRTS, HATS. JACKETS, BACKPACKS, DUCK STUFF & MORE! EWIDE portsivear 10 00 6 00 Mon Fn 10 00 5 30 Sol 12 00 5 30 Sun 343 S6M 720 Eatf 13th Av«„ in lh« Univ^nlty C*nf»{ Building Mil i MM 3 *0 »»Ofm am niMO Pick up your fret* copy of the bulletin at the Summer Session Office, 333 Oregon Hall, or call (503) 346-3475 1993 UO Summer Session Bulletins with schedule of classes are now available!